Today, one can find a Tarot card reader or psychic on many street corners, at fairs, and other venues. Sometimes, entrance into such affairs begins with what seems like harmless fun, or an earth-focused encounter with others with a New Age bent. However one lands into it, whether they were influenced by family, freinds, or curiosity - something Fr. Perrone always warns against, it is something not to be played with.
Only God knows the future and He does not give even Satan such access. The Angel of Darkness can make really good guesses, but he cannot predict the future. This is why prophetic messages are scrutinized so heavily by the Church in private revelations. If something is coming from God, such a prophecy will not fail. But, if it is human or satanic in origin, it may or may not be on target. Evaluating many such prophecies from a single source may rear the ugliness of sinful deception or diabolical involvement if some prove true, and some do not. Scripture clearly warns us against trying to divine what is to come. Therefore, we should not be visiting phychics, Tarot card readers, or anyone else who attempts to do so.
Adoro te Devote, on her blog of the same name, walks us through a bone-chilling story of her past life. She shows how simple play can end up with near devastating consequences. To say that she danced with the devil is hardly an understatement. There are reasons why God has forbidden the very things she engaged in, and thanks be to God, she made the right choice in the end.
Where does God forbid such things?
“When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead" (Deuteronomy 18:9-11).
Go to Adoro te Devote and read why tarot, mediums & pyschics should be avoided out of love and obedience to God.
Related Information:
The History of Tarot Cards by Fr. William Saunders
Q&A on Tarot Cards (EWTN)
Séances and Psychics Increasing, Experts Warn by Una McManus (copyright National Catholic Register)
Reiki and Tantric Magic; Healing or Hell? (Catholic Culture)