Thanks to reader, Clare, commenting in the post, "Bishop Robert W. Finn on a Roll - New Benedictine Community", we learn that this new community of habited nuns has a website up and a blog.
I will add this post to my section on vocations, and their blog will be added to the "Blogging Priests and Religious" section of my sidebar.
Just a quick glance at the website and I can see there is much to explore for any young woman considering a vocation. The rest of us can just admire what Holy Mother Church is now giving us through these sisters. Bishop Finn is very fortunate to have this prayer powerhouse in his backyard. While the average Catholic walking the street does not know it, God is working many graces through the prayers and sacrifices of these women.
Just a few examples:
Lectio Divina
Divine Office - in fact, you can see in the horarium how the office is prayed - in full. This is so....Benedictine!
The sisters have a dream of opening a house of rest and retreat for priests. Support them with your donations.