Archbishop Raymond L. Burke came from St. Louis to Detroit for a daylong event for the Marian Catechists. The organization was founded by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., who spent his final years at Assumption Grotto parish, where the Mass and seminar were held, in his rememberance.
In the picture are:
Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, Msgr Henry J. Breier (Secretary and Master of Ceremonies for the Archbishop), Fr. Eduard Perrone (Pastor of Assumption Grotto), Fr. John Bustamante (Associate Pastor), and Fr. Amah.

In this photo, the thurible is prepared with incense that will be used at the pulpit before the Gospel is read.

What follows is the elevation of the Body, and Blood of Christ. In this Latin Novus Ordo, Archbishop Burke used the ad orientem posture seen often in the Mass of Paul VI at Grotto.

The procession out following holy Mass.

A photo of Archbishop Burke during one of his talks, all of which were held in the church.

This is a common photo to get of anyone at the pulpit as the stained glass is too beautiful to pass up.