A truly wonderful watering hole of deep spiritual reading can be found at the site of the apostolate, Opus Angelorum or Work of the Holy Angels.
They offer a good formation program for those considering the apostolate, but much of the spirituality they work to cultivate can be found through their website. For example, they have "Circulars for Laity".
You can explore the list there in that link but I want to call attention to one example. In their section on "Character Traits" in that link, you will find #7 is a call to imitate Mary.
One thing I like about the written work of the priests of OA, and their seminars and retreats is that they reference everything. You will see notations of scripture and other sources throughout each article they have.
Go read, Opus Angelorum on Imitating the Blessed Virgin Mary
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You might also look through the Opus Angelorum online store for some excellent audios and booklets. One of my favorites is "On Holy Silence", which can be found on this page.
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