A scene from the Noon Mass at the outdoor Grotto, which usually has the second-highest attendance for the day. |
In this post, I am sharing about 50 of the nearly 200 photos taken. At the bottom is a link to my Smugmug page with the full set of photos.
I have opened the photos up for purchase online through Smugmug, which offers a very good online service. I have a modest markup added to the price and anything received from this will go towards my expenses to maintain that site, which is not free, purchase of additional lenses or replacement parts and equpiment maintenance. I do not recommend going beyond 8 x 10 and when you do choose 5 x 7 or 8 x 10, you will want to note how the photo will be cropped. I believe you have some flexibility here. Most pictures are set for 4 x 6 and some are cropped to other sizes.
Bloggers are free to use some pics on their sites. I ask for a courtesy link back to this post (you can click the title or the timestamp at the bottom for the url).
I normally go to one Mass without taking any pictures (usually the 6:30). But I did not make it there early enough so I went to the 9:30. Realizing it was Fr. Ludwig's first Assumption Day with us, I took three photos, one of which is below.
A photo of the Eucharistic Elevation at the 9:30 a.m. Mass (Ordinary Form in Latin)
The old chasuble (date unknown) is worn by the celebrant of each Mass for the day.
The grotto immediately after the 9:30 a.m. Mass |
The Blessed Virgin Mary statue in the grotto, with the glass protector off for the day |
The Noon Mass
Priest and altar boys process at the start of the Noon Mass (1962 Missal) |
The Noon Mass in progress |
The Elevation at the Noon Mass |
Kneelers are placed at stations along the brick path. |
The statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary that will be used in the evening procession
In the mid-afternoon, the Eucharist is taken out to the grotto where Benediction will take place |
Grotto's pastor, Fr. Eduard Perrone carrying the monstrance in the Eucharistic procession to the grotto
There were people hard throughout the day...
The spaghetti and meatball dinner always goes over well |
A few members of the choir rehearsing before the evening Mass
Young people are always eager to help on Assumption Day at Grotto...
Two helpers |
These guys are always doing something just to stay out of trouble |
Some of these men of the altar have volunteered at multiple Masses and other devotions, and all the prep in bewteen |
Some young people help by providing smiles |
The evening Mass begins with the procession in...
Mass begins (Solemn High, 1962 Missal)
The sound had to be managed by someone |
Fr. Perrone during his homily |
After Mass was over, Fr. Perrone consecrated the parish to Mary |
The candlelight procession begins as night falls with everyone singing the Lourdes Hymn, which is printed on the candle shields. On the refrain, all lift their candles for a series of "Ave's"
After the crowd returns to the grotto area, the Blessed Virgin Mary was serenaded in a multitude of languages including Latin, Polish, Italian and German.
To see the full set of nearly 200 photos, go to my
Smugmug gallery for Assumption 2011 at Assumption Grotto
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