I have a habit of taking the "day after" off when I photograph any big event so that I can sift through all of the electronic photos. It's one good thing about digital photography - there's no cost associated with taking many redunandant shots. You take the best of one lot and run with it. That having been said, I don't have a final tally, but I know that I took in excess of 400 photos. It could be a far greater number than that and I should know by the end of today.
As you wait for more photos, savor this sweet shot taken after the Grotto was cleared of every last chair and microphone. It all ended about 9:30, but I hung out until 10:30 to get this shot - one I wish I had gotten last year, but didn't forget about this year.
Many thanks to fellow parishioner and photographer Jeff Williams for making this picture possible. While I have a pretty good eye for what makes a nice shot, I'm a real newbie when it comes to the mechanics of picture taking when not flying on auto-pilot. This was taken without flash, at an ISO setting of 800, while mounted on a tripod, and snapped remote switch on a cable (to prevent camera shake when pushing down the button).

This photo make an excellent background on computer. Click on the picture, then right-click and select, "Set as Background" or whichever wording your browser uses, which may be the word "wallpaper".
If I get done later, I may post a few more pics. My plan is to make posts for as many days as it takes to get enough of a sample out there. The first posts will come from the early part of the day and we will work our way up to the grand finale - the evening Mass and candlelight procession.