Divine Mercy Sunday is traditionally celebrated with an orchestra Mass at Noon, which we had, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 3:00 at which time we pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, then had Benediction. Father had planned a "Tridentine" for the Noon Mass, but did not mention it in the bulletin or the announcements the previous week so he made a last minute change of keeping the Noon Mass a Latin Novus Ordo.
Confessions are heard throughout the day and I can tell you that all of the confessionals had long lines. It is always a sight to see on Divine Mercy and thanks be to God for the generosity of our priests in this regard. You will see below a photo of some of the Missionaries of Charity that are in Detroit. As I have mentioned before, we see them periodically at Assumption Grotto. It is always a humbling experience.