Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time for a break.....and, recent posts!

This belongs to the Legion of Mary, one of many apostolates at Assumption Grotto. It was at a table they had set up on Assumption Day. At the bottom of this post is a closer look at the entire figure.

Things have been hectic of late and, as a result, I can't find my kitchen or washing machine, and can barely find my way to the car from the grass length. With rain finally stopping tomorrow, hopefully I can cut grass when I get home. I have a about a 12 x 15 patch at my condo that is cut with a push-mower (we actually have private year, I'm cementing in the yard).

With all of the activity of late, I need to take a break from blogging for a few days. Unless there is some hot breaking news, like the naming of an Archbishop for Detroit, I'm going to try to get caught up on other things.
I have a backlog of many pictures yet to be edited and given to people, and other things that need to be done. The problem is that I have such an endless list of such things that even having dropped out of choir, I still can't seem to catch up. Right now, my house needs attention.....bad.
I'll share a funny story. As bad as my house is, my poor mother lost her power Saturday night. And, just minutes after I dropped her and her groceries off after Mass, I got the call. I didn't get home yet when I had to turn around and go back after her, and the refigerated/frozen groceries. It rapdily got humid and with her condition I was not leaving her there. So....... I brought her back messy house.


Here are some of my recent posts and other posts of interest:

And, while we are at it, lets keep in our prayers those who are suffering from natural disasters and accidents around the country, and the world.

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!