I was faced with emptying the dishwasher so....... I decided to go take pictures of local flooding before it got too dark (no wonder I don't get anything done at home!!!). I made a post on this earlier, showing evidence that the car above was submerged overnight before the water level went down as rain stopped. But, it started raining again as the remnants of Hurrican Ike reached the area. And it rained, and rained, and rained some more. Viola! The car is now submerged. I am told that the owner could not start the car and was going to donate it. Now, it looks like it might be good for some scrap parts. More pictures of the flooding in Macomb County around 15 Mile Rd. and Schoenherr.
As you can see by the sign above, the veternarian clinic I parked in has a place to run dogs out back and to put their waste. It was interesting to get a pic of that sign and waste receptacle with a partially submerged car in the background. Talk about waste!
The Clinton River at it's best....
The local wildlife was thrilled. I couldn't tell if this was a beaver or a woodchuck. Whatever it was, when my flash went off, it took of fast in the water across the river. It's a grainy photo because I was attempting to protect my camera in the pouring rain by hiding it partially under my hood, only to have the flash obstructed (hence, the grainy, dark pic).

The full set of pics from 11:00am and again at 7:30pm can be found at my smugmug page for the floods of 9-14-2008.
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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!