I did this last year and it starts out fairly easy. You must set aside some time each day - 10 minutes in the early going, and more like 20 minutes later, plus the Rosary. So many people start, then end up falling off of the path because things come up. I highly recommend setting aside the same time every day - a time when no one can disturb you, such as early morning. In fact, consider getting up 15 minutes early to get it in, and do the Rosary while you commute, if necessary, or get up 30 minutes earlier.
The one pictured at left is only $3.95 and you can likely get one at the Assumption Grotto Giftshop & Cafe. In fact, you can probably find those below in the giftshop, as well.
Here are some links:
Fr. Andrew Bloomfield on the Total Consecration (I'm uncertain about the link to the preparation of the total consecration at Fish Eaterssince so many are to schismatic-traditionalist sites, not in communion with Rome. However, the preparation is accurate, so we can treat it accordingly). I feel similarly about websites which promote apparitions which have not been approved. I prefer to link to neither so if someone has an online resource that they know is fully in Communion with Rome, and does not promote apparitions not yet approved, I would appreciate you adding it to the comment section.
Montfort.org - Surprisingly does not contain the Consecration prep online as far as I can see. You can read much information about St. Louis de Montfort.
Here is a thread in Catholic Online in which someone was kind enough to paste in each day. You can read how others were affected, or how others slipped up in getting the obligation done each day and perhaps avoid some of their mistakes.
Pope John Paul II was consecrated and there is a long list of others who were, as well. Totus Tuus!
Some of the writings may throw you because you wonder, how can you give so much to Mary, without neglecting Jesus. It's as if she becomes the emphasis. St. Louis de Montfort explains something very interesting and I'll convey his point.....
A body needs a head and in the Mystical Body - the Church, Christ is the head and we are the members. Mary gave birth to Jesus and the head cannot be birthed without the members. In this way, Mary is not only the Mother of Jesus - the first tabernacle to hold his body, she is our Mother.
Other excellent books by St. Louis de Montfort, or about him:
As we see at the Wedding of Cana, Jesus responds to Mary's request. We make our petitions to her and she takes them to her son. We can pray for specific things, but they should be placed into her care, where she can apply those prayers to where she needs to apply them. It's called trust - trust in Mother Mary to do what is best.
If you have difficulty with anything in the St. Louis de Monfort prep, please see a priest who can help you. If you don't have access to one that can give you understanding of what is confusing, try using some other resources, such as Ask an Apologist at Catholic.com.
Fr. Titus Kieninger, ORC did a Day of Recollection last year on the Totatl Consecration, and the roll of the holy Angels as seen through Scripture with regards to Mary's life. I'll find out if it is available on CD because I don't see it on the Opus Angelorum website.
One final word and it is a word of warning. Most people who have consecrated themselves can tell you that one of the first things Mary does is to clean "house", and it often happens during the preparation. Have access to a confessor and preferrably one who is Marian. In some cases you may have to look for an elderly gray-haired priest who would probably rejoice that you are interested. Talk to him and lean on him during the prep. I say this as some priests today are simply not into Marian devotion, and a few are actually anti-Marian. If you find a Marian confessor, you will find a good resource to walk through this consecration with. The tide is turning and many young priests are getting back to basics - including a true devotion to Mary.
Please feel free to leave your testimonial in the comment section of this post, if you have been positively affected by the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Let others learn from your experiences. Talk about the challenges with getting all of the prep in and how you succeeded. If you also experienced Mary's effective house-cleaning activity through this preparation, or consecration, share with us what you can, without giving details we shouldn't know about. Feel free to use the Anonymous button (set it first so you don't forget). Give yourself a pseudo-name or nickname of some kind so we know which anonymous you are if there are several.
Have a wonderful day and just do it!!!