The Good Friday service got underway with afternoon Liturgy of the Hours, chanted side to side by hundreds. At the end of each psalm, the Gloria is chanted, and all bow at the three persons in the Trinity

The clergy and altar boys quietly departed out the sacristy following afternoon prayer. The priests vested, then all processed in from the back for the rest of the service.

Silently they processed in, then the priests prostrated themselves for several moments. This was followed by the Passion of Our Lord, chanted entirely, including Narration. The choir sung in Sacred Polyphony, the parts of the crowd.

Fr. Perrone delivers his homily.

The Cross is venerated in the first picture; in the second, the altar boys lined up to kiss Jesus on the Cross.

A small section of the Assumption Grotto Choir singing, "O Sacred Head, Surrounded", up in the choir loft.