Sunday, May 31, 2009

Breaking: Late Term abortionist George Tiller murdered at his church

This post has been updated with many more links to reactions coming in (scroll to bottom).

George Tiller - often dubbed "Tiller the Killer" by pro-life groups for his involvement in late-term abortions, was shot and killed just after 10:00am today at Reformation Lutheran Church where he was an usher. His wife was in the choir loft when it happened.

A suspect was in custody, but no further details have been given.

The Catholic Church teaches that the ends do not justify the means (Veritatis Splendor - 75). Hence, killing someone to end the evil of abortion is not aligned with our faith.

As reprehensible as his work was, this is not how problems are solved. I pray for his soul and for the family.

Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life released a statement, that reflects my thoughts:

“I am saddened to hear of the killing of George Tiller this morning. At this point, we do not know the motives of this act, or who is behind it, whether an angry post-abortive man or woman, or a misguided activist, or an enemy within the abortion industry, or a political enemy frustrated with the way Tiller has escaped prosecution. We should not jump to conclusions or rush to judgment.

“But whatever the motives, we at Priests for Life continue to insist on a culture in which violence is never seen as the solution to any problem. Every life has to be protected, without regard to their age or views or actions.”

Of course, the mainstream media is not bothering to notice what pro-life workers like Fr. Frank Pavone have to say. They are looking for anything they can to exploit the notion that the pro-life movement in general is a radical fringe movement. Read some of the secular media stories and you will notice one pro-life advocate stands out.....because he fed them precisely what they were looking for.

UPDATE: Matthew Archbold at CMR has done some googling of a name thrown out as the possible suspect and turned up some interesting results of what someone by the same name posted online about Tiller and his clinic.

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Pentecost - Veni Creator Spiritus

Today at 9:30am, newly ordained by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron for the Archdiocese of Detroit with 5 other men (1 for Cameroon), Fr. Charles White IV will celebrate his First Mass - a Solemn High Mass using the 1962 Missal. Grotto's pastor, Rev. Eduard Perrone will conduct the orchestra and choir, featuring Mozart's Missa in C Major - the Credo Mass. Please join us. Father Charles will provide "first blessings" following the Mass in the school gym. The Solemn High Mass on Pentecost at Assumption Grotto typically runs about 1:45.

LYRICS (Latin)

Veni, Creator Spiritus,
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gratia
quae tu creasti pectora.

Qui diceris Paraclitus,
altissimi donum Dei,
fons vivus, ignis, caritas,
et spiritalis unctio.

Tu, septiformis munere,
Dextrae Dei tu digitus,
Tu rite promissum Patris,
sermone ditans guttura.

Accende lumen sensibus:
infunde amorem cordibus:
infirma nostri corporis
virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius,
pacemque dones protinus:
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus da Patrem,
noscamus atque Filium;
Teque utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.

(Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio, qui a mortuis
surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula.

Link to Latin-English

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Susan Boyle toppled...

Yep - she was toppled according to news reports. It was a strange week for her with all the negative publicity surrounding her, but I think it is worth listening to the three judges, especially Simon Cowell, who to me, showed some real class in his words for her. Susan Boyle may not have won Britain's Got Talent, but I suspect we have not heard the last of her.

Watch the performance and judges assessment of it...


Here is a blogpost which opines as to why she lost and this part is precisely what my line of thinking was when news broke that she had gone into a tirade this past week:

As the countdown to the BGT finale neared, the seemingly sweet-natured Scot, unaccustomed to living her life in the public eye, began to undergo an unfortunate public meltdown that seemed likely to hurt her chances of pulling off her once-expected landslide victory. She nervously hit some pitchy notes during the BGT semi-finals, and then reportedly freaked out at London's Wembley Plaza Hotel in front of 150 shocked viewing-party guests after watching BGT judge Piers Morgan rave about Shaheen Jafargholi. Rumors soon swirled that Susan might succumb to the pressure and quit the show altogether.

Piers then angrily defended Susan on his blog, ordering Susan's detractors to leave her alone. "She has been in tears many times during the last few days...she's had to read stories and columns, and listen to radio and TV phone-ins, calling her arrogant, insincere, spoiled, fake, mad, and so on," he wrote. "Susan Boyle has never experienced anything like this and is like a frightened rabbit in headlights...Anybody who has gone through that transformation is going to be feeling the most unbelievable pressure. You could see the nerves almost crippling her on the semi-final show and I just think it's time that everyone slightly backed off."
But of course, in this media age of instant celebrity, no one EVER backs off. [snip]

Read the entire blogpost by Lindsey Parker

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Ordinations at 10:00am today!

If you are local in metro Detroit and get CTND, tune in at 10:00 to watch six priests be ordained by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron - 5 for the Archdiocese of Detroit and 1 for Cameroon.

You can watch it live-streaming from anywhere in the world.

See more in last night's post!

Please pray for these men, and all of our priests!

I have a family gathering this afternoon, for which I am making a giant pot of spaghetti, otherwise I would have been there myself.

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Archbishop Nienstedt: "The truths of the faith are not open to debate"

Each year Rainbow Sash goes to the Cathedral of St. Paul (Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis), wearing.....rainbow sashes to protest the Church's teachings on homosexuality. The Mass is often disrupted, especially at Communion.

Archbishop Nienstedt, who originates from Michigan, wrote a letter back to the group after they notified him of their intent again this year (keep in mind, that Nienstedt took the helm of the diocese from Archbishop Harry Flynn in early May 2008 about one year as co-adjutor. Hence, he has had time to warm up the throne).

I write to acknowledge your letter of May 10, 2009, alerting me to the fact that you and some fellow protesters will be wearing rainbow sashes at the noon Mass on Pentecost in the Cathedral of St. Paul. I ask yo to refrain from such a public act of dissent, especially as it so clearly shows disrespect and irreverence for the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

Anyone wearing a “rainbow sash” will not be permitted to receive Holy Communion, since their dissent is a sign that they have publicly broken communion with the Church’s teaching. I also ask that those not wearing the sashes refrain from sharing the Holy Eucharist with those who do. Such an action is unbecoming the dignity of the sacrament.

With regard to the dialogue you request, it would first be essential that you state clearly that you hold with the conviction all that the Church teaches on matters of human sexuality. If you do not believe, then there cannot be dialogue, but only debate. The truths of our faith are not open to debate.

Again, I hope you will see how disruptive your planned protest will be for those who will gather on Pentecost to pray. I ask you to refrain from being the cause of such disruption.

Fr. Z looks closely at the archbishop's letter and comments. Of course, his very lively combox offers more reading.

H/T to Stella Borealis - the originating post.

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Archdiocese of Detroit: Ordinations Saturday

There will be six ordinations tomorrow at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron - one will be for Cameroon, and the other five for the Archdiocese of Detroit, including one of our own. Assumption Grotto will welcome the new Fr. Charles White IV the following day - Pentecost - as he celebrates his first Mass at our parish. He will celebrate according to the 1962 Missal - a Solemn High Mass at 9:30am. This also happens to traditionally be an orchestra Mass at Assumption Grotto. Rev. Eduard Perrone, pastor, will conduct the choir and symphony. See details here: Grotto-goer to be ordained for Archdiocese of Detroit; will celebrate Solemn High on Pentecost for his First Mass!

You can read profiles on each of the men at the Archdiocese of Detroit website.

Please keep all of them in your prayers.

You can watch the ordination on CTND live at 10:00am tomorrow, one of the re-broadcasts. From the AoD's website:

This year, five men will be ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Detroit on Saturday, May 30, at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, 9844 Woodward Ave. in Detroit. The 10 a.m. presbyteral ordination Mass is open to the public. The archdiocese will also be hosting a Webcast of the event at

In addition to the live Webcast, CTND, the Catholic Television Network of Detroit, will show the ordination at:

Monday, June 15, 9 a.m.
Tuesday, June 16, 7 p.m.
Friday, June 19, 4 p.m.
Saturday, June 20, 8 p.m.
Sunday, June 21, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, June 23, 9 a.m.
Wednesday, June 24, 4 p.m.
Friday, June 26, 1 p.m.

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Fr. Alberto Cutie leaves Catholic Church...

Curt Jester has the story in this post: Pelvic theology trumps ecclesiology.

I have been monitoring it since this all began, but have not wanted to give him any further publicity than he was seeking. His appearance on the Early Morning Show so quickly after a meeting with his bishop was all I needed to see.

Curt Jester makes an important, fundamental catechetical point: True love involves wanting salvation for those you claim to love. Fr. Cutie not only places his own soul at risk with his actions, but he leads this woman down the same path (and only God knows how many people - poorly catechized - will leave the Catholic Church with him).

Concupiscence is always waiting to be fed. That is why we need to pray for our priests. Since discussion of consupiscence has been largely absent from the pulpit, it makes me wonder if it is even taught in certain seminaries. Once it is thoroughly understood, we realize the importance of not putting ourselves at the buffet table of the world and quicky getting out of the "near occasion of sin". We learn that taming the will requires self-denial of small things to conquer the great things. A soldier's combat training, regardless of how rigorous, can never fully prepare him for war, but trying fighting a battle without it! The training makes it easier, and so it is with the spiritual battle we engage in every day because of Original Sin.

We should also consider how fame can provide an added level of difficulty in dealing with concupiscence. It feeds other lower apetites. Some are strong enough to withstand it. I have always been uncomfortable with Cutie's "Fr. Oprah" status. I had a concern for him and how his popularity could be affecting his judgment.

Pray for Fr. Alberto Cutie, and make an act of reparation today.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Links: CUA Symposium on US-Vatican Relations

Tom Peters and Jill Stanek were live-blogging/twittering from the Catholic University of America (CUA) symposium on US-Vatican relations.

One of the things talked up the most in advance, was the debate between dissident Catholic professor Douglas Kmiec, and Dr. Robert George of Princeton.

Tom Peters talked about the event, who was speaking, etc. here - Live Coverage: Doug Kmiec, Abp. Dolan, Robby George, Mary Ann Glendon

See these posts on their respective blogs:

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Video: 50 Year Old Cartoon - Capitalism vs Statism

Twitter proves it's value as you click through people's Tweets.

I clicked on something left by Bob Schaffer - a 9 minute cartoon made some 50 years ago at Harding College to distinguish between statism and capitalism. Do watch this.

Here is the intro at YouTube:

"Make Mine Freedom" delivers a vitally important message. Produced in 1948, at the beginning of the Cold War, it underscores how utopian fantasies can lead to extreme forms of statism. Exposing the poisonous effects of collectivism and its appealing philosophy, this animated short film explains why American free enterprise is the antidote to the tyranny of the government-issued "-ism."

Go watch it:

Watch it and comment!

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Update on Obama's Vatican Ambassador pick of dissident/liberation theologian Miguel Diaz

Last night I blogged about Obama's new pick for Vatican Ambassador. I'm repeating some of the things I put out last night for the sake of compiling them into a single post. Here are some posts made overnight by others that reveals more...

Then there is this piece from Catholic News Agency: Obama picks Cuban Liberation theologian as US Ambassador to the Holy See (my emphases in bold and comments in red)

He is also a theological consultant to the Catholic Association of Teachers of Homiletics and was appointed to the task force overseeing the review and revisions of the accrediting standards for the Association of Theological Schools [what kind of standards?!?!?].

Diaz is author of the book "On Being Human: U.S. Hispanic and Rahnerian Perspectives" (Orbis Books, 2001); Co-Editor of "From the Heart of Our People: Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology" (Orbis Books, 1999;) and author of numerous articles and book chapters inspired in the Latino and Black liberation theology [that explains it], such as the forthcoming “The Life-Giving Reality of God from Black, Latin-American, and U.S. Hispanic Theological Perspectives,” “Otherness in Black Catholic and Latino/a Catholic Theologies and the Otherness of God,” and “Outside the Survival of Community there is no Salvation,” in Building Bridges, Doing Justice: Constructing a Latino/a Ecumenical Theology (Orbis Press, 2009.)

Diaz is currently working on two future books: "Cuban-American Catholics" (Paulist Press) and “Migrating Across Theological Borders: The Essentials of Theology from U.S. Hispanic Theological Perspectives" (Orbis Books.)

His body of work, which includes some controvesial positions related to how to understand “inclusiveness,” has gained him significant apprisal from the Catholic left, and his nomination was immediately hailed by pro-Obama Catholics such as “Catholics United” and “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good,” as well as from Prof. Douglas Kmiec [who is now proposing an end to legally recognized marriage].


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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Website for the Cause of Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ

Check out this new website dedicated to the cause of Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ, who spent his final working years at an office on the grounds of Assumption Grotto in Detroit. Click the pic to visit the site....

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Obama appoints as Vatican Ambassador dissident Catholic - Miguel Diaz who supported Sebelius Nomination

Hot off the Twitter feed an hour ago of Dan Gilgoff, who covers religion in US News and World Report:

Obama appoints Vatican Ambassador: Miguel Diaz, Theology Prof. at St. John's University

What do we know? An article released by Associated Press via the Star Tribune tells us enough...

WASHINGTON - A Hispanic Roman Catholic theologian who advised Barack Obama's presidential campaign is the Obama administration's choice to serve as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.

The White House announced Wednesday it plans to nominate Miguel H. Diaz, an associate professor of theology at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University in Collegeville, Minn., for the post.

Diaz, 45, a Cuban-American, was a member of the Obama campaign's Catholic [in name only] advisory board. Diaz was among 26 Catholics who signed a statement supporting the nomination of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, a Catholic whose support for abortion rights was criticized by conservative Catholics [Hello??? She has close ties with George Tiller - the Butcher of Kansas who delivers babies feet first in the last trimester of pregnancy (that's right - up to the day the baby could be naturally born), then punctures their skull before the head is free of the birth canal (which is why this infanticide is called partial-birth abortion). This is happening in our country today - thanks to Sebelius and Obama who have gone out of their way to protect it against the expressed wishes of voters].

The previous ambassador to the Vatican was Mary Ann Glendon, a Harvard University professor. Glendon turned down the University of Notre Dame's top honor, the Laetare Medal, because of the Catholic school's decision to have Obama speak to graduates earlier this month [not was actually because ND Prez Jenkin's talking points found their way into the public domain and proved she was being used by the University].
Fr. Z is right - Obama is trying to drive a wedge in between Catholics (see his latest post on the topic: Kmiec: Sotomayor’s experience trumps all). Either that, or he is attempting to reshape Catholicism by giving high profile positions to certain kinds of Catholics. That is, he is going out of his way to involve those who do not have the mind of the Church and dissent from her teachings. This isn't just driving a wedge between Catholics - it's attempting to change Catholicism.

When Diaz provided his support to Sebelius for HHS, he created scandal.

Diaz also belongs to Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good - a front group for Catholics who hold a variety of dissenting views which are not aligned with Catholic teaching. They cannot work toward's the common good by means which are at odds with natural law or with truth.

Miguel Diaz will continue to pervert Catholicism much in the same way that Sonia Sotomayer will pervert interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

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First Things Editor weighs in on the Notre Dame scandal

Joseph Bottum, Editor of First Things Magazine has an excellent piece up on the recent scandal at Notre Dame. He looks at Catholicism, politics, and American Catholic education. It is a lengthy article and well worth reading it in it's entirety, so bookmark it and come back to it if you don't have time now.

First Things was founded by Fr. Richard John Neuhaus who passed away earlier this year.

He first recaps Obama's road to Notre Dame and Fr. Jenkin's misguided and disingenuous steps, before diving head-first into the political view and the pro-life culture within the Catholic Church.

Here is one snippet from, At the Gates of Notre Dame, by Joseph Bottum

Still, opposition to abortion is hard and real, the signpost at the intersection of Catholicism and American public life. And those who—by inclination, or politics, or class distinction—fail to grasp this fact will all eventually find themselves in the situation that Fr. Jenkins has now created for himself. Culturally out of touch, they rail that antagonism must derive from politics or the class envy of their lesser-educated social inferiors. But it doesn't. It derives from the sense of the faithful that abortion is important. It derives from the feeling of Catholics that, however far they themselves may have wandered, the Church ought to stand for something in public life—and that something is opposition to abortion.

"There is a political game going on here, and part of that is that you demonize the people who disagree with you, you question their integrity, you challenge their character, and you brand these people as moral poison," Fr. Kenneth Himes, chairman of the theology department at Boston College, told the Boston Globe about the controversy at Notre Dame. As James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal noted, this was the same Fr. Himes who in 2006 wrote the faculty letter objecting to an honorary degree for Condoleezza Rice—a letter that read, "On the levels of both moral principle and practical moral judgment, Secretary Rice's approach to international affairs is in fundamental conflict with Boston College's commitment to the values of the Catholic and Jesuit traditions and is inconsistent with the humanistic values that inspire the university's work."

The irony is palpable—it's only demonizing when other people do it—but Himes went on to tell the Globe, "Some people have simply reduced Catholicism to the abortion issue, and, consequently, they have simply launched a crusade to bar anything from Catholic institutions that smacks of any sort of open conversation." And in his odd way, he's right. The aspiring professionals who attend and staff elite Catholic universities tend to identify with other upwardly mobile young people, focused on career and lifestyle choices. But the vast majority of Catholics, to whom Catholic universities ultimately must answer, seek in Catholic culture the strength with which to confront the urgent concerns of ordinary life.

The First Things website has undergone a makeover. You might want to check it out.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another long least Twitter feed is updated

I went in to work at 6:00am, and just walked in the door a little after 9:00pm, following some things I needed to get done with my mom. I'm heading off to bed now for another early start at work tomorrow, but not before having gotten my Twitter feed updated with some interesting things out there.

Check it out:

Once again, for those who do not know about Twitter, it is a micro-blogging site. Those twittering (or leaving tweets) are limited to a certain number of characters so there are many abbreviations. RT is a common thing seen in tweets. It means "re-tweet". It's a way of acknowledging the source of the original tweet. Sometimes several people are acknowledged.

Click on some of those names next to RT and view their feeds for interesting new. You don't have to join to read, but if you want to follow certain feeds, you will need to create a free Twitter account.

It helps to truncate long url's using something like You paste in an url and it gives you back a truncated one that uses fewer characters, which helps because you are limited.

Thus far, I think Twitter offers the fastest way to see what news is hot and breaking. Many times, I just cannot get in to blog, like tonight, but it only takes a few minutes to re-tweet what I see in other feeds I'm checking.

Those following on Plurk and Facebook should know that I update Twitter far more often than I get into the other two accounts.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Update on Ss Peter and Paul College in Michigan...

The Saints Peter and Paul Educational Foundation, which is working to found a Catholic college here in southeast Michigan, has the following announcement...

In the Fall of 2009 we will open our doors as the Saints Peter and Paul College Preparatory Year, offering a year of study which will serve two purposes: first, to complete the student’s studies on the high school level with a challenging, devoutly Catholic approach to coursework. Second,students will have the opportunity to sample college-level coursework in a supportive and personally attentive setting with the possibility of gaining elective college credits for the year.... read more
Go to the Ss Peter and Paul Educational Foundation homepage for more info

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Memorial Day

For all those who gave all....

Click here to see pictures from last year's Memorial Day procession and Mass at Assumption Grotto.

I will be heading to Grotto shortly and hope to share some pictures from this year's Mass. It's a beautiful day out there, what better way to start it than to go to Mass?

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February 20, 1999: The Decree "Romanis Pontificibus" Definitively Implemented

The Decree "Romanis Pontificibus"
Definitively Implemented

Mostar - The Vicar General, Br Stefano Ottenbreit and the Diocescan Bishop, Msgr Ratko Peric met in Mostar from 17 to 20 February to definitively implement the prescriptions of the Holy See’s Decree "Romanis Pontificibus". Msgr Mario Cassari, acting Charg_ d’Affaires at the Papal Nunciature in Bosnia Herzegovina represented the Holy See. The General Definitory of the Order and the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, in ecclesial communion with the local Bishop, confirmed their wish for complete agreement and unity of purpose. The 7 parishes indicated in the decree were handed over to the Bishop.

From 22 February the Franciscan Pastors were relieved of their pastoral responsibilities and were assigned to other duties in the Province. Br Stefano and General Definitors Br Kapistran Martzall and Br Peter Schorr concelebrated the Sunday Eucharist with the Bishop in the packed Cathedral of Mostar, in the presence of the national and Croatian media. The actual transfer of the 7 parishes to the diocesan Clergy did not take place on Sunday the 21st as planned, since there was organised physical resistance on the part of the parishioners, as well as serious written and verbal threats, occupation of Churches and Parochial houses and the removal of Parish registers and stamps.

Msgr Ratko Peric, together with the priests and faithful, publicly expressed his deep appreciation to the Order and to the Province of Herzegovina for their untiring work in favour of the local Church. He also reaffirmed the need for their continuing presence and pastoral collaboration for the future.
Following this decree’s implementation, the Province of the Assumption of the BVM in Mostar has pastoral responsibility for 30 parishes and the Diocese is responsible for 52.


Following the joint letter sent by the Minister General of the Friars Minor, Br Giacomo Bini and by the Bishop of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno, Msgr Ratko Peric, of 16 November 1998, and following the Communication issued by Archbishop Marcello Zago, Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, by the Minister General and by the local Bishop on 14 December 1998,

The representative of the Minister General
Br Stephan Ottenbreit, Vicar General of the Order
And the Diocesan Bishop, Msgr Ratko Peric

Met in Mostar from 17 to 20 February 1999 to definitively implement the prescriptions of the Holy See’s Decree "Romanis Pontificibus". Msgr Mario R. Cassari, acting Chargè d’Affaires at the Papal Nunciature in Bosnia Herzegovina represented the Holy See.

The two co-executors affirmed and decided as follows:

1.The General Government of the Order, together with the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, in ecclesial communion with the local Bishop, confirms it desire to carry out what has been decreed by the Holy See and decided by the General Chapter of the Franciscan Order, in complete agreement and unity of purpose.

2.It is painful to note that it has not been possible to transfer the parishes mentioned in the Decree from the Franciscans to the Diocesan Clergy on 21 February 1999, as previously agreed, notwithstanding the good will of the Co-executors, for the following reasons: acts of organised physical resistance, serious written and verbal threats, occupation of parochial Churches and houses, removal of parish registers and stamps

3.As and from 22 February the current Pastors and those with Pastoral responsibility, cited in the Decree are relieved of the above-mentioned pastoral responsibility. They are:
Br Petar Vlasic of Blagaj/Buna,
Br Leonard Hrkac of Crnac,
Br Marko Dragicevic and Br Miro Sego of Grude,
Br Alojzije Bosnjak of Jablanica,
Br Tihomir Kutle of Mostarski Gradac,
Br Oton Bilic of Nevesinje,
Br Drago Skrobo of Ploce-Tepcici.
These friars, who have been appointed by their Minister Provincial with his Definitory to houses of the Province, will have pastoral responsibilities within the Diocese in accordance with the agreement that the Provincial Government will make with the Diocesan Bishop.

4.Until the situation is normalised as soon as possible, i.e. until the Diocesan priests can assume the canonical administration of the above-mentioned parishes, the Bishop of the Diocese, in keeping with his duty, is committed to ensuring the pastoral care of the faithful. These are requested to refer as follows:

- the Parishioners of Blagaj/Buna and of Nevesinje to the Parish Offices of St John the Apostle or to the Cathedral of Mostar;
- the Parishioners of Crnac and of Mostarski Gradac to the Parish Offices of Polog or Jare;
- the Parishioners of Grude to the Parish Offices of Ledinac or Raskrizije;
- the Parishioners of Jablanica to the Parish Offices of St Matthew the Apostle or to the Cathredal of Mostar.
The Bishop and Priests of the Diocesan Curia are also available to any of the faithful who have need of pastoral assistance.

5.In regard to the current situation in Capljina, the Co-executors draw attention, particularly to the Faithful, that the priests Bonifacije Barbaric and Boze Rados, were dismissed from the Order of Friars Minor, on 28 February 1998. The Holy See confirmed their dismissal on 23 March 1998. Consequently, they may no longer use the Franciscan habit. On 17 December 1998 they were suspended "a divinis" by the Holy See, such suspension being applied by the Diocesan Bishop on 30 December 1998; they are thus forbidden to celebrate all the sacraments. The process for the dismissal from the Order of the third disobedient priest residing in Capljina, Br Mile Vlacic is under way. The sacraments of Confession and Matrimony, administered by the three above named persons are invalid.

6.Similar canonical sanctions will be taken against those other Franciscans who do not adhere to the directives of the Holy See and the Minister General with his Definitory. In cases of extreme necessity, ecclesiastical law allows the local Bishop to place under inderdict Churches that have been occupied illegally.

7.The General Government of the Order, together with the Government of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, publicly renews its dissociation from the "Association of the Catholic Faithful of Mir i Dobro". This association, which is not recognised by the Catholic Church, is therefore illegitimate.

8.In this time of trial, the Catholic Faithful of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno, in keeping with their past, desire to strengthen their sense of communion with and fidelity to the Apostolic See and the Holy Father.

9.The local Bishop, with the priests and faithful, are deeply grateful to the Order of Friars Minor and the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina for their untiring work in favour of the growth and unity of the local Church and they reaffirm the necessity of their presence and pastoral collaboration for the future.

Through the intercession of the Most Blessed Mary, Mother of the Church, may this time of Lent, the favourable time of conversion, and the entire Year dedicated to our heavenly Father, be of spiritual assistance to us in the journey through the Cross towards the Resurrection.

Mostar, 20 February 1999

Br Stephan Ottenbreit,
Msgr Ratko Peric
Vicar General of the Order of Friars Minor
Bishop of Mostar-Duvno

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Catholic singer Susan Boyle does it again on Britain's Got Talent..."Memory"

Here is Catholic singer Susan Boyle who, just hours ago, sang "Memory" to the joy of the whistling crowd of Britain's Got Talent which is an American Idol type of talent show.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Twitter spam?

If you have a Twitter account, undoubtedly, you have clicked on the people being followed by others that you trust.

Unfortunately, people with immoral content on third party sites are aware of this and so they follow you hoping to get some clicks. I discovered it when I clicked on the account of someone who chose to follow me. Her picture was rather....seductive. Upon going to her twitter account, I discovered nothing but pitches to visit a certain site where her photos could be seen. I didn't need to go there, I just blocked her.

I have been blocking on average 2-3 people daily. Some of these folks are indeed selling something while others are leading unsuspecting souls to pornographic material and the like.

My suggestion - screen those who are following you and DON'T follow someone arbitrarily because they are following you. Just click on their name and see what kind of tweets they are making. You will easily be able to discern true followers from those participating in a type of "Twitter spam".

It's sad to see how many people took the bait and are now "following" some of these folks.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Photopost: Start Memorial Day with Mass for those who died serving our country

Memorial Day 2008 at Assumption Grotto
Priests and deacons (left to right): Military chaplain and Cistercian - Rev. Aidan Logan, OCso (hooded), transitional deacon Charles White IV (to be ordained next Saturday for the Archdiocese of Detroit; will celebrate first Mass - TLM on Pentecost at Grotto), Assumption Grotto pastor - Rev. Eduard Perrone, permanent deacon Jim Wilder, and associate pastor - Rev. John Bustamante.

Each Memorial Day, many Grotto-goers meet just before 9:00am for a procession to the flag pole, led by war veterans and family. It is a silent procession, and one that is solemn. Priests and altar boys stand and watch as the flag is raised, then lowered, to the sound of veteran who plays "Taps".

We often have a visitor on Memorial Day - Fr. Aidan Logan, OCso - a Cistercian monk and military chaplain (seen in the slideshow below with the hood). I am unsure if he will be with us this year. All process to the Church for Mass. Following Mass, there is a procession to the cemetery where all gather around the War Veterans monument for a brief ceremony.

Come to Assumption Grotto around 8:45 to start your day. Memorial Day is about those who died serving our country. What better give can we give them, than to remember them, and to pray for the repose of their souls? I am not sure at this time if Mass will be in the ordinary form, or extraordinary form. I may edit this post later if I hear back from Fr. Perrone.

I will be there honoring my uncle Eddie, whom I never knew, but always remember on Memorial Day. He was killed in action on May 24, 1944. He was a TSgt with the 741st Bomber Squadron, 455th Bomber Group (Heavy). He was awarded an Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, and a Purple Heart. His plane went down just off the shore of Italy and he was not recovered. His name appears on the "Tablet of the Missing" in Florence, Italy. I learned his name was on the Tablets of the Missing through the American Battle Monuments Commission. Being a family member, I received a free photo of his name on the monument and some other information by writing to them.

Weather permitting, I hope to get more photos again this year, but these will be hard to top.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Pope's new webpage: Pope 2 You

Pope Benedict XVI stresses, in the video message below, use of the internet to share the faith, and to evangelize. In particular, he asks young people to use communication tools of today, to grow the faith.

The Holy See has launched a new website: It is a webportal to the many new applications launched in the past year or so, by the Holy See, to make the Pope more accessible. I'm finding even a growing number of middle-aged people who are getting into it. Heh - is he on Twitter yet?

Right now, the site will take you to the Vatican's You Tube channel, Facebook page, Wiki-Cath, and a site for Vatican iPhone apps.

Just think....the monks of yesterday were putting great works into readable format. Now, I can only envision these same religious orders putting the great works into digital format for things like iPhone, Kindle, and more.

Here is a video from the Vatican's You Tube Channel just posted...

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Detroit: Helpers Prayer Vigil with Msgr. Philip J. Reilly - founder of Helpers of God's Precious Infants

The next Prayer Vigil for Life! is already around the corner.

It will be held on Saturday, June 13, at St. Barnabas Church in Eastpointe, and we are honored and privileged to announce that it will be led by the founder of the Helpers of God's Precious Infants, Msgr. Philip J. Reilly of Brooklyn, NY.

Helpers chapters have spread virtually throughout the world, and have proven to be the most effective method of sidewalk witness and counseling.

You won't want to miss this extraordinary opportunity to participate in the June 13th vigil with this most humble and dynamic apostle of Life!

Mary Beckhold
Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan

Follow the HGPI-Michigan blog for info about prayer vigils and see the many photo posts.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mass in the Extraordinary Form tomorrow at Grotto for Ascension

Assumption Grotto will be having Mass in the Extraordinary Form for Ascension tomorrow evening instead of the usual Latin Novus Ordo. In his column this past Sunday, Fr. Perrone wrote:

Next Sunday is Ascension Sunday for the Masses celebrated in the new ‘ordinary’ rite of Mass. For the 9:30 Mass, however, the Propers will be taken from the Mass after the Ascension, and Ascension Day will be celebrated in the old rite this coming Thursday. Here again we have the awkwardness of two liturgical calendars running simultaneously. What is unclear to me in this circumstance is whether those people who regularly attend the 9:30 Mass are thus obligated to attend Mass also on Ascension Thursday. It would seem so. But many of these people would be hard put to find an Ascension Day Mass in the old rite anywhere but here. The safer moral thing to do would be for such people to attend Mass here on Thursday. We have Masses on Thursday at 6:30 a.m, 7:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sorry about the uncertainty and the confusion. It is due to matters far beyond my control.

The rest of the Pastor's Descant was good too:

Stephanie Nofar, one time choir organist here, will perform at Saint Florian Church in Hamtramck today (Sunday) at 3:00 p.m., a recital of Polish organ music. The program is free, though a good will offering will be taken up. This is music that would be rarely heard in the US and it’s good to have this unique chance to hear it and to hear Stephanie’s playing once again.

[snip-out paragraph already above]

This issue brings to mind something for your consideration, namely, how good it is to have things defined. A regular life is one that is regulated by rules. Having rules to live by is not a bad thing, but a good one. We have been so conditioned to react to the observance of law and rule as a restriction of personal freedom, that we forget how freeing it is to have discipline in life. If you consider the propaganda of license foisted upon our youth and the immense harm it has done to them mentally, socially, spiritually to act without restriction, we can appreciate how beneficial it is to have rules to live by. Even though one may resent restriction, one can recognize the advantages of such things as an alarm clock going off at a prescribed hour, traffic regulations to secure driving safety, and laws that safeguard our possessions. The benefit of regulation is also true in the sacred liturgy. The priest, and all others involved, are given a prescribed way to conduct themselves in the rites of the Church. I know there are places where these rules are ignored and much unwarranted improvisation takes place. Too bad for the people subjected to this freewheeling style of worship, even though they may say they like it, for they are being denied what is due to them as members of the Church in a prescribed form of worship that is their historical and liturgical inheritance as Catholics.

There are so many ways in which I am bound by laws that regulate my day, even though I may at times wish I were free of them. Consider, for example, the saying of the Divine Office, the priests’ daily prayers. Sometimes I am deeply immersed in the recitation of the many psalms that form the heart of the Divine Office. On other days, this duty (‘office’ means duty) is a real chore, driven only by my will. Yet I am grateful to the Church for having placed this burden upon me, since I’m not so sure that without this the obligation I would be spending so much of my time praying. Moreover, it just might be that on those days when my prayers are the driest and most tedious to say they are the more pleasing to God and of good advantage to the Church. How often the Scriptures remind us that obedience is what God expects of us. The worth of any work of our day is not measured by the amount of satisfaction or pleasure it may give, but by the willingness to do what is right, what is expected of us. This is good news to all of you in whatever your state in life. You have jobs and tasks of various kinds everyday. They may seem of little value, but they can be of high merit in heavenly reward if they are offered in a right spirit. So then, live a well-regulated life. Do your daily duty. It may not seem like much. There may be many more interesting and more worthy things you can think of to do with your time, but if you do what you must do in obedience to the duties of your state in life, you are acting justly, nobly. “O that my ways may be steadfast in keeping Your statutes! Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes on all Your commandments.” (Psalm 118:5-6)

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Raymond Arroyo interviews Bp D'Arcy on Notre Dame this Friday

Just in from EWTN:

Don’t miss Bishop John D'Arcy of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, talking
about the Notre Dame-President Obama controversy at 8 p.m. ET May 22 on “The
World Over Live
” with Raymond Arroyo.

You can watch most EWTN programs on the internet. Check the World Over Live homepage for rebroadcast times.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Twitter feed updated...

I just updated my Twitter feed with some newsworthy items I could not blog on. Please scroll through and click on the links to read more. Use the "more" button at the bottom.

I will try to update the Twitter feed in the morning before work and at night so do check it, especially if you do not see much action on the blog itself.

I do work Monday thru Friday and often have other obligations, so there is no activity during those times in either place.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Grotto-goer to be ordained for Archdiocese of Detroit; will celebrate Solemn High on Pentecost for his First Mass!

Charles White IV is seen on the left side in this 2008 Corpus Christi procession at Assumption Grotto in Detroit.

This past Saturday, some men were ordained as transitional deacons, including John Dumas of Assumption Grotto. The Saturday before Pentecost, on May 30th, several transitional deacons will be ordained as priests for the Archdiocese of Detroit. The Michigan Catholic and AoD website often make announcements and profiles accordingly. As soon as they are available, I will bring them to you here. Please keep all of the new transitional deacons, and soon-to-be ordained priests for our Archdiocese in your prayers.
One of those men being ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Detroit is Grotto-goer Charles White IV. It will take place at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron on Saturday, May 30th. (See updated post with links to AoD, including profiles of all men being ordained, broadcast and live webcast info, etc.)

His first Mass as celebrant, will be in the Extraordinary Form - a Solemn High Mass on Pentecost Sunday, May 31st, 2009 at 9:30am, at Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit, Michigan.

This is an opportunity to not only attend a Solemn High Mass and a "First Mass" in metro Detroit for Pentecost, but it will be an orchestra Mass conducted by Rev. Eduard Perrone (Mozart's Missa in C Major, KV 256 - aka, the "Credo Mass"). This orchestra Mass music will be repeated again for Corpus Christi at Noon on Sunday, June 14, 2009. Click the pic to see more.
The music program will also be used for Corpus Christi, on Sunday June 14th, 2009 at Noon. It will be a Mass in the Extraordinary Form. At this time, I am uncertain as to whether it will be a Solemn High Mass.

For more on Corpus Christi at Assumption Grotto, see these posts, and watch the short promotional video I made for 2008 with pics from previous years (prior to Extraordinary Form).

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Private Family Matter? No. Mr. President....Wow!

Watch this thru to the end....this minister makes the point...

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Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Caffarra - Decree on Holy Communion (on the Tongue)

Catholic News Agency reported on May 11th that an Italian Archbishop, Carlo Caffarra had suspended Communion in the hand to avoid abuses of the Eucharist.

This unofficial, third-party translation of a decree by Carlo Cardinal Caffarra of Bologna, Italy was just emailed to me. It is dated April 29th, 2009 and it comes less than one year after the release of Dominus Est - a liturgical-historical look at reception of Holy Communion in the Church by Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan.
This translation is rough, but you get the gist of what His Emminence is communicating. The decree, in it's original Italian, can be found on Zenit.

Emphases mine in bold... my notes bracketed in red

Directions about the distribution of the Eucharist

Decree of 27 April 2009

Since the times of its very origins, the apostolic Church has expressed its own faith persuasion that the disciples meet with the risen Christ, experience him in the first day after Saturday listening to the Word of God and its explanation and breaking the Eucharistic bread (see also Le 24, 13-35; Al 20, 7-12). Saint Justin, in his I Apologia, in #67, testifies the further development of this usual procedure.

The preaching of the Apostles, then, illustrated to the faithful the greatness of the Sacrament of the altar and the necessary mood that is necessary to take profitably part in it, without risking to eat and drink one’s own eternal condemnation (see 1 Cor 11, 29), but on the contrary so that eating that bread, Body of Christ given for the life of the world, the ones who believe can have eternal life (see John 6, 51).

Therefore, it is precise duty of the apostle [probably referring to apostolic successors - the bishops] to often exhort the Christians so that they can worthily receive the Body of Christ, shaping their own lives on the image of the One who is received in the Sacrament.

The devotion and the interior veneration with which the faithful approach the Eucharist reveals [perhaps, "is revealed"] also externally in the way they receive the consecrated Bread.

The shepherds’ catechesis must never miss to linger over the way the Eucharist can be approached in order to avoid as much as possible that the Most Holy Sacrament of Eucharist be treated with superficiality or even in a disrespectful way, or even worse, sacrilegious.

We must in fact realize that unfortunately many cases of profanation of the Eucharist have occurred, profiting by the possibility to receive the consecrated Bread on one’s palm of the hand, mostly, but not only, during big celebrations or in big churches attended by a great number of occasional faithful.

For such reason, it is necessary to watch on at the moment of the Holy Communion, sticking to the observance of the common rules that are well known to everybody.

The distribution of the Eucharist be done in a quiet and orderly way, be done first of all by the ordered ministers (priest and deacon); only in their absence, by ministers established with this very goal (acolyte). Only in really exceptional cases make use of other established ministers (lector), of nuns or of well prepared laymen.

During the Holy Communion the altar servers support the minister checking as closely as possible that each faithful, after receiving the consecrated Bread, eats it immediately in front of the minister himself and that for no reason the consecrated Bread be taken to one’s seat or put into one’s pockets, bags or anywhere else, nor fall to the ground and be trampled on. [If you could only see the patens used at Mass and the many crumbs, you would realize that Our Lord is being trampled on every day. A dry Communion Host can easily be put into a pocket. Intinction requires that Communion be received on the tongue].

The Eucharist, in fact, is the most precious gift that the Church preserves, alive presence of Our Risen Lord; all the faithful must feel called to do any possible effort so that This Presence [not the caps] be honoured first of all with one’s life and, then, with the external signs of our worship.

Anyway, taken into account the frequency with which we have been told of disrespectful behaviours in the act of receiving the Eucharist, we order that starting from today in the Metropolitan Church of S. Peter, in the Basilica of S. Petronius and in the Shrine of the Holy Virgin of S. Luke in Bologna the faithful receive the consecrated Bread only from the hand of the minister directly on their tongue.

In addition, we recommend all the priests to admonish the people they are in charge of, of the necessity to be in the grace of God in order to be allowed to receive the Eucharist and of the great respect that is due to the Sacrament of the Altar: through their catechesis, preaching, keen and loving celebration of the Holy Mysteries, educating the faithful to worship the God who made himself a man with their own lives and with the participation, that requires the highest care, even in gestures, of the Lord’s table.

We finally exhort the faithful to do any effort in order that the Eucharist, spring and top of all Christian life, be always more loved and worshipped, recognizing in It the presence itself of the Son of God among us.

Bologna, from the Archbishop Residence, 27 April 2009

Where to get Dominus Est :

Note: I have found some selling this on for as much as $43. This can be purchased for about $7-8 in a few places:

In the US: At Newman House Press, and Opus Angelorum bookstore

In the UK: At Eden

Past posts on Dominus Est and Bishop Scneider, and Communion on the tongue:

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What cable news won't cover on Notre Dame Scandal (Post 1)

I have to break this up into parts. As I look at what is available online, it is apparent what cable news networks have not shared. That's what is so great about blogging. From the blog of Jill Stanek, is this video clip of the route into Notre Dame. I'll provide more posts as I find them (most likely in the evenings).

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Catholic Author Amy Welborn blogs Obama at Notre Dame

I'm off to bed, but go check out Amy's initial thoughts on President Obama's address at Notre Dame.

There will be much more tomorrow as I'm sure keyboards are working hard all over the place. I'll bring to you what I can,when I can.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Video of Norma McCorvey - aka, "Jane Roe" being arrested at Notre Dame

This is Norma McCorvey, formerly known as "Jane Roe" in the infamous "Roe v Wade" abortion case, being arrested at Notre Dame. McCorvey turned pro-life and Catholic back in the late 90's.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Detroit Free Press article on Catholics protesting Notre Dame's invitation of Barack Obama

Niraj Warikoo of the Detroit Free Press has an online article up in which he quotes Ned McGrath - the Communications Director for the Archdiocese of Detroit, following President Obama's address at Notre Dame:

He writes:

The Archdiocese of Detroit released a statement earlier that said Archbishop Allen Vigneron disapproved of the university’s decision to honor Obama, writing a letter in March to Notre Dame’s president.

On Sunday, Ned McGrath, communications director for the Archdiocese, said in a statement after Obama’s speech.

“The sad reality is those who are killed by abortion or human embryonic stem cell research do not— and never will— have a voice in a ’fair-minded’ debate on this issue. They are denied the inviolable right to life proper to every individual. As the pope has said, abortion is a serious wound inflicted on society and its culture by the very people who ought to be society’s promoters and defenders."

Thank you, Ned!

That was precisely my thought when he used the expression "fair-minded", as well as when he said we need to discuss things with which we are not comfortable. Has he even studied pictures of aborted babies - in particular those who have been aborted in the third trimester when they are viable outside of the womb? Or, is this too uncomfortable?

Many who defend a "woman's right to choose" are so focused on the woman's feelings that what is lost is the physical pain the baby feels as it is dismembered or burned by chemical abortion. This says nothing of the agony a baby feels who is delivered feet first until it's head is still in the canal, where it is punctured with a blunt instrument causing death (partial birth abortion which can take place up throughout the final months of pregnancy). Some even survive the hideous process of chemical abortion and are left on shelves to die alone - a practice first brought into the open by Nurse Jill Stanek who lost her job after exposing it. Powerless to do anything more, she would hold these babies until they died so they wouldn't die alone in the hospital where abortions where performed.

The article goes on to quote Michael Voris of Real Catholic TV who is a Notre Dame alumnus:

Michael Voris, a graduate of Notre Dame and senior producer of the Ferndale-based Real Catholic TV Internet site, said that about 100 metro Detroiters joined the anti-abortion protests. Voris and other traditional Catholics said they were concerned the university allowed Obama, who is pro-choice and for stem-cell research, to speak and receive an honorary degree from the Catholic university.

Voris said he's concerned that "a man who advocates openly death for children would honored by a university that calls itself Catholic."

“It’s a betrayal and a renunciation of the most basic…teachings of the church,” Voris said Sunday by phone from Notre Dame. “So the leadership at Notre Dame must be removed.”

Perhaps it is not just the leadership that should be removed. Perhaps the religious order which has responsibility for Notre Dame should be relieved of this obligation and let another order in there that will run it with the mind of the Church, rather than with the polls. They can start by cleaning house of the so-called theologians who have been given a free-ride to promote clear dissent. The only "magisterium" these professors follow is the pseudo-magisterium of other dissident professors and journalists who are giving people the idea that it's ok to make Catholicisim into some kind of a designer religion.

I would be remiss to not mention that Niraj mentioned this blog in his article at the end, so welcome to all who are following.

I'm sure there will be a flood of articles and blogposts pouring out over the next week. I'll try to bring some of these to you, but will not be able to blog on all of them. Therefore....

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Mainstream media bias....

This really had me irritated today too as the words, "a woman's right to choose" were used over and again, as opposed to "pro-abortion". Ryan Sayre Patrico hits the nail on the head at the First Things blog...

If the mainstream media continues to insist—for the sake of objectivity and balance, I’m sure—on calling opponents of abortion “anti-abortionists,” you’d expect to see those in favor of abortion to be labeled “pro-abortionists.”

I won’t hold my breath. You shouldn’t either.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Twittering Notre Dame...

Ok folks, there is so much out there already. I had the foresight to go to Mass at 6:30am and am glad I did. Fox News is the only one of the three networks with nearly non-stop coverage from the campus. Only a few select updates will be offered here. You have to go to my twitter feed to see many more.

UPDATE 4: Fox news has had nearly continuing coverage. Not sure if they will show the actual commencement. If not, catch it on C-SPAN beginning at 2:45pm

UPDATE 3 Norma McCorvey (aka, "Jane Roe") has been arrested, as has Dr. Monica Miller of Citizens for a Pro-life society.

UPDATE 2 I give up - Got my coffee and I'm twittering like crazy along with many others. The least I can do is re-tweet what's out there so follow me on Twitter by clicking the icon below. You'll get updates throughout the next few hours.

UPDATE 1: I am not in South Bend, but at my kitchen table watching news coverage and scanning the internet. If you really want to know what is going on from those on the ground in South Bend, then follow the tweets below....

If I find more, I'll add them.

Other Resources:

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Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

"Jane Roe" - Norma McCorvey is Arrested at Notre Dame

Norma McCorvey, the woman who went by the name "Jane Roe" in the case Roe v. Wade, has been arrested on the campus of Notre Dame for trespassing.

Norma converted to Catholicism back in the late 90's.

Yesterday I questioned whether it was helpful for people to get arrested for the pro-life cause. I did not think so. However, I am seeing a difference here from what I expected. I must confess that seeing the elderly priest arrested without a fight or resistance, and seeing Norma McCorvey is indeed significant.

I am not in favor of tactics that use intimidation. These arrests do not involve intimidation and if it brings big names like Alan Keyes, Norma McCorvey, and a priest in collar, then I would say it does have an impact.

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Twittering Notre Dame....

Ok folks, there is so much out there already. I had the foresight to go to Mass at 6:30am and am glad I did.

EDIT: I am not in South Bend, but at my kitchen table watching news coverage and scanning the internet. If you really want to know what is going on from those on the ground in South Bend, then follow the tweets below....

If I find more, I'll add them.

Other Resources:

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!