- He is a Catholic who belongs to the dissident group campaigned for Obama, giving $1000 to his victory fund.
- Was one of 26 Catholic professors who supported the nomination of Kathleen Sebelius for head of HHS. Sebelius went out of her way to protect partial birth abortion and was close to Tiller the Killer who performs late term abortion. Sebelius was rebuked by her bishop.
- Dissident Catholic groups are thrilled with this choice, like Catholics United, and he belongs to Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, another dissident group whose idea of "common good" does not mesh with truth or Cahtolic teaching in many areas.
Then there is this piece from Catholic News Agency: Obama picks Cuban Liberation theologian as US Ambassador to the Holy See (my emphases in bold and comments in red)
He is also a theological consultant to the Catholic Association of Teachers of Homiletics and was appointed to the task force overseeing the review and revisions of the accrediting standards for the Association of Theological Schools [what kind of standards?!?!?].
Diaz is author of the book "On Being Human: U.S. Hispanic and Rahnerian Perspectives" (Orbis Books, 2001); Co-Editor of "From the Heart of Our People: Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology" (Orbis Books, 1999;) and author of numerous articles and book chapters inspired in the Latino and Black liberation theology [that explains it], such as the forthcoming “The Life-Giving Reality of God from Black, Latin-American, and U.S. Hispanic Theological Perspectives,” “Otherness in Black Catholic and Latino/a Catholic Theologies and the Otherness of God,” and “Outside the Survival of Community there is no Salvation,” in Building Bridges, Doing Justice: Constructing a Latino/a Ecumenical Theology (Orbis Press, 2009.)
Diaz is currently working on two future books: "Cuban-American Catholics" (Paulist Press) and “Migrating Across Theological Borders: The Essentials of Theology from U.S. Hispanic Theological Perspectives" (Orbis Books.)
His body of work, which includes some controvesial positions related to how to understand “inclusiveness,” has gained him significant apprisal from the Catholic left, and his nomination was immediately hailed by pro-Obama Catholics such as “Catholics United” and “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good,” as well as from Prof. Douglas Kmiec [who is now proposing an end to legally recognized marriage].
- Fr. Z offers his take on the news....Pres. Obama chooses Vatican Ambassador
- Obama Nominates Holy See Ambassador (NC Register)
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