EDIT July 21st 8:30pm: Just got word that His Excellency is at EWTN and will have the televised, 8:00am morning Mass. You can watch it in streaming video at EWTN.com if you don't get it on TV (click the Television tab at the top).
Most parishioners learned by surprise that we would have a visitor with us today: Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Karaganda, Kazakhstan. His Excellency is visiting the US through the 29th of July, if I recall the date of his departure. He spent this Sunday at Assumption Grotto, and will spend next Sunday at the parish as well. He will give two talks next Sunday- July 27th, the first about his book Dominus Est, the second about the Church in Asia. See yesterdays post for more info.
These first photos were taken before the 9:30am TLM. Bp Schneider preached at this Mass and then celebrated the Noon Mass, which was a Novus Ordo in the vernacular, but celebrated ad orientem as it always is at Grotto. I regret that due to the hours already spent editing photos and uploading, I won't have any time to put up notes about the sermon.
At no point was flash ever used. It is all no-flash photography making use of whatever lighting was available in the Church, and outdoors. Click on any pic to enlarge.

This is not the usus antiquior. Rather it is the Novus Ordo celebrated ad orientem, as it always is at Assumption Grotto.

It is customary at Assumption Grotto to have a brief adoration following the noon Mass, with Benediction. Weather permitting, it follows a Eucharistic Procession to the outdoor Grotto. There are far fewer people there in July, but we had a decent crowd today.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!