This sequence of photos was captured during the 9:30am Latin Novus Ordo on August 15, 2007. I had not intended it to work out the way it did. I was originally intending to get one nice shot out of the lot not realizing it was perfect for a slow motion "movie".
I have worked this into the slideshow video that is nearly complete now. I have more work to do on it before I can put it out there and there are some people I need to speak with. Once I have this done, I would like to upload it for viewing. Then after the second half is done - the evening Mass & procession - I'll upload that and make a combination DVD of the two halves for those who want them. I am looking at having a viewing in the parish lounge following the 9:30 and Noon masses one Sunday because of the many who don't have or use computers. It also gives me an opportunity to hear from a broader audience which includes those who are not regular visitors to the blog.
One thing I am wrestling with is the audio. The first 4 minutes of the now 6 minute video slideshow is the same tune looping. I would like to try to work something else in there to break up the cycle.
The work on the video slideshow has been labor intensive, primarily because of the learning curve involved with the Studio Pinnacle software I'm using.
One question I am still struggling with is whether I made a mistake when I chose lower resolution upon importing the pics into Studio. Will this be clear enough for the web. When I enlarge it on screen, it is fuzzy. I had hoped to produce something you could watch on full screen. Does anyone know if I can change this after the fact? You can comment here or email me at
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