Mass Schedule, including Last Chance Orchestra Mass
Wednesday, December 31:
6:30 a.m.; 7:30 a.m. (These do not fulfill the obligation for Holyday)
4:00 p.m. (Mass for the Holyday of Obligation)
11:00 p.m. (Mass for the Holyday of Obligation); this Mass is followed by
Benediction at Midnight with Pot Luck, for those who wish, in the gym)
Thursday, January 1st, New Year’s Day:
6:30 a.m; 9:30 a.m (Latin Tridentine); 12:00 noon (no evening Mass)
Saturday, January 3rd:
7:30 a.m. (This does not fulfill the Sunday obligation)
4:00 p.m. (Mass of Epiphany)
Sunday January 4th:
6:30 a.m (Epiphany)
9:30 a.m (Epiphany; new rite Latin)
12:00 noon (Tridentine, Latin Orchestral Mass; Most Holy Name of Jesus
January 3rd, 2009: Day of Remembrance for Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ
- Father Hardon Day of Remembrance Saturday, January 3, 2009
Assumption Grotto Catholic Church
13770 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit, Michigan
4:00 PM Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with Fr. Matthew Hincks,
ORC. Followed by prayer for Canonization of Servant
of God John Hardon and the Holy Rosary
5:45 PM Potluck Dinner in School Lounge
A video of Fr. Hardon will be shown afterward
Please bring a dish according to the first letter of your
last name:
A-G: Main Dish or Side Dish
H-O: Snacks, Soft drinks, Dips
P-Z: Dessert, Cups, Plates, Plasticware
- PDF File with More Info
- St. John Hardon? (National Catholic Register)
- The Real Presence Association (writings of Fr. Hardon)
- Marian Catechists
- Eternal Life Catechetical Material
Last, but not least is a pro-life summit coming up locally (click the pic to enlarge).
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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!