EDIT: WDIV-TV Headline update: Stolen Statue Found in Alley. Fr. Perrone said it right when he mentioned that the worth of the statue went well beyond the material costs. There was such an emptiness with the loss of that statue and I'm sure many others felt something sacred had been violated. The statues were blesed by Auxiliary John M. Quinn on August 15, 2005 (photo below).

I was saddened to learn late Saturday that our beautiful Angel Statue, installed not long after I came to Assumption Grotto a couple years ago, had been stolen. The statue was the work of a local artist, and served as a fountain, and as a bath for every bird in the neighborhood.
You can read about the theft, and see a video clip of Fr. Perrone being interviewed on WDIV News (local channel 4) on this page. It plays a brief commercial before going to a short clip. I can't embed it here.
You can also read about it in the Detroit Free Press.
I was elated to hear on WDIV News this morning, that someone called saying the statue was in a neighborhood alley and would be returned today. Watch the news tonight.
I'll feel better when we get it back - hopefully undamaged. The Grotto area looked so empty without that angel, which provided perfect balance along with that of Bernadette.
I don't know how many news channels featured it, but did see it on WXYZ, Channel 7 yesterday and on WDIV this morning.
I'm sure I was one of many who offered prayers yesterday for the thieves, and humbly prayed for the angel's safe return. I hope those who originally took it will respond to the graces of God and turn to Him in conversion.

More photos can be seen here and here.
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