You'll have to catch these full length articles at his blog, but here are the introductions.
Before the Last Conclave: "What I Told the Future Pope"
Cardinal Giacomo Biffi commits his memoirs to a book. And here's a preview: the speech he gave in the closed-door meeting with the cardinals. And also, his critical views on John XXIII, on the Council, and on the "mea culpas" of John Paul II
by Sandro Magister
The article goes on to excerpt certain chapters:
John XXIII: a good pope, a bad teacher
The deceptions of Vatican II: "aggiornamento" and "pastoral focus"
Pope Wojtyla was right about communism: the Council should not have been silent
The "mea culpas" of John Paul II have been corrected, but not enough
Conclave 2005: what I said to the future pope
Go read, Before the Last Conclave: What I told the Pope
Mr. Magister has another article which recently appeared on his blog
The Encyclical Against the "Modernists" Turns 100 – But Without Fanfare
No official celebrations for the centenary of the "Pascendi" encyclical. The "unworthy methods" used to fight this battle have been discarded. But the questions at the center of that controversy are still open. And the book "Jesus of Nazareth" is proof of this
by Sandro Magister
Go read, The Encyclical Against the "Modernists" Turns 100 – But Without Fanfare
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