After the altar is incensed, the priest, and other members in the sanctuary are incensed, followed by the faithful. In the photo above, the humeral veil is now draped over the shoulders of the subdeacon who uses it to hold the paten from the close of Offertory until after the Pater Noster.
The priest prays the words of Consecration....
More Pictures:
- Christmas 2008 - Midnight Mass in Extraordinary Form at Grotto: Photopost 1
- Christmas 2008 - Midnight Mass in Extraordinary Form at Grotto: Photopost 2
- Photopost of the Extraordinary Form on 4th Sunday in Advent
- A Snow-Capped Assumption Grotto in December
- Gaudete Sunday 2008 at Assumption Grotto - TLM
- Christmas 2008 Midnight Mass Slideshow (interesting effects between some pics where tripod was fixed, but priests were in motion - i.e., bowing to standing, etc.)
- Christmas 2008 Midnight Mass Lightbox (view pics individually at your own pace)
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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!