I know if at least one Catholic Mom in Hawaii who must be overjoyed.
The miracle that tipped the scale? A woman cured of cancer.
Along with Blessed Damien, will be Bl. Rafael Arnáiz Barón who died at 27 from a diabetic coma. He is known as one of the greatest mystics of the 20th century:
Bl Rafael Arnaiz Baron 1911-1938See also, A Short Life of Blessed Rafael, OCSo
Born in Burgos, Spain. As a young man he was active in the Apostleship of Prayer, Nocturnal Adoration and Our Lady's Sodality. He studied architecture in Madrid, but left a promising career to enter the monastery of San Isidro in 1934. Due to diabetes, he was obliged to leave the monastery three times but each time he returned despite the heroic immolation that such re-entries exacted of him. He made a total and absolute offering of himself to God in hiddenness and silence. After his death, his virtues and writings became known and the cause for his beatification was introduced. The diocesan process was successfully completed in 1967, and he was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1992.
Collectanea 1987, p. 279, and 1988, p. 57 and Nunraw pages
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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!