Fr. Perrone elevates Our Lord for the people to adore Him in the Eucharist. (DK)
What follows are pictures of the Solemn High Mass on Assumption Day, August 15th, 2008 at Assumption Grotto. The Mass took place at 7:00pm as dusk fell at the outdoor grotto built in the 1800's.
The pictures were taken by two photographers, myself and fellow parishioner, Jeff Williams, from different locations. Some may be out of sequence as I tried to weave our two sets together basedon where in the Mass they were taken.
The pictures were taken by two photographers, myself and fellow parishioner, Jeff Williams, from different locations. Some may be out of sequence as I tried to weave our two sets together basedon where in the Mass they were taken.
Each picture will be noted for reference with a DK or a JW underneath the pic.
Jeff is a very talented photographer with some really great lenses. I am grateful for the many tips he has given me and look forward to learning more from him.
Bloggers/web-owners: You may use some of the pics on your blog, provided you link back to this post. Hint: Use copy-shortcut on the timestamp at the bottom of this post.
NOTES (may be updated, so check back)
- Mass was in the extraordinary form (aka Traditional Latin Mass using the Missal of 1962).
- It was a Solemn High Mass (Rev. Eduard Perrone, Celebrant; Rev. Paul Ward, Deacon; Rev. John Bustamante, Subdeacon).
- Communion stations were modified this year with kneelers placed on patio blocks installed for this purpose.
- 4 additional priests and 1 transitional deacon were assisting (had to be placed directly in front of the sanctuary due to the tight, outdoor space, rather than off to the side which may explain why they appear in the foreground of some photos).
- There were 4 Masses at Assumption Grotto: 6:30am ordinary form in the vernacular in church; 9:30am ordinary form in the church in Latin (aka, Latin Novus Ordo), 12:00pm ordinary form at the outdoor grotto in the vernacular; 7:00pm extraordinary form at the outdoor Grotto (Solemn High Mass as noted).
For more pictures of the post-Mass candlelight procession and serenade to the Blessed Virgin Mary, see:
More photos forthcoming, starting in a day or two (I need to catch up on some things at home). These will cover other Masses and events, as well as some pre-Mass photos from the 7:00pm Mass.
In the meanwhile, you might want to browse some other recent photoposts, especially these:
- Traditional Latin Mass in the Grotto - The Pastor's 7:30am Mass (from August 14th - mystically beautiful early morning photos at the grotto)
The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!