It's the middle of Lent. Laetare Sunday falls around the middle of Lent and it is known as a day of rejoicing. From New Advent - the online Catholic Encyclopedia:
Strictly speaking, the Thursday before Laetare Sunday is the middle day of Lent, and it was at one time observed as such, but afterwards the special signs of joy permitted on this day, intended to encourage the faithful in their course through the season of penance, were transferred to the Sunday following. They consist of (like those of Gaudete Sunday in Advent) in the use of flowers on the altar, and of the organ at Mass and Vespers; rose-coloured vestments also allowed instead of purple, and the deacon and subdeacon wear dalmatics, instead of folded chasubles as on the other Sundays of Lent. The contrast between Laetare and the other Sundays is thus emphasized, and is emblematical of the joys of this life, restrained rejoicing mingled with a certain amount of sadness.
Note it says the vestments are Rose - not pink!!!
I'm cheating in the photos above, but they are hard to beat when it comes to showing Rose vestments. I did not have my camera with me this morning, so I am using photos from Gaudete Sunday, this past Advent. In these photos, Fr. Eduard Perrone is shown during elevation wearing what is known as a Roman chasuble. It is sometimes referred to as a "fiddleback" chasuble, but the fiddle shape is actually on the front.
Today, Fr. Perrone wore the Rose-colored Gothic chasuble, seen here on a priest we all respected during his time at the Grotto, who is now serving in the Philippines. While you are at it, say a prayer for him and all those in his new mission.