On Saturday we celebrated the Easter vigil where those who have been studying the faith were brought into the Church through the Sacraments. The Triduum at Assumption Grotto is celebrated using the 1962 Missal.
First I just want to show a close-up of the Dalmatics that were in use by the deacon and subdeacon. As was pointed out to me, on this first one we have both St. Francis and St. Benedict - rather interesting given the election of Pope Francis, followed by Pope Benedict XVI.
This one, I am told, has St. Dominic and St. Bernard.
It was very difficult to photograph in near total darkness, but some came out quite well. In the past I have used a tripod, but by the time I got the shot framed, the action was over.
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (aka "Father Z" of the blog, What Does the Prayer Really Say?) joined us this Easter and he chanted, very beautifully, the Exsultet (see the Easter Vigil propers here).
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Exsultet iam Angelica turba caelorum: exsultent divina mysteria: et pro tanti Regis victoria, tuba insonet salutaris... |
The chanting of the readings in Latin, starting with Genesis: "In the beginning, God created heaven and earth..."
I don't have pictures of what happened all along the way because I was video taping some with my iPhone. Once again, I won't have time before next weekend to get it uploaded.
The youngest member Baptized
Here we see the first man receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation with chrism oil. He is sealed with the Holy Spirit.
In the TLM, a tap on the cheek is given after the chrism oil
A woman being sealed.
Mother and son after coming into the Church through the Sacraments.
Father Z looks on.
Father Z gave a wonderful homily, speaking at one point to the converts as a convert himself. He told them not to let up when the initial zeal wears off, and it will for many with time. This is a point that Fr. Perrone has drilled home to the secular Carmelites. Spiritual dryness comes. God graces us with wonderful feelings when he is after our hearts, then he tests us to see if we will remain with him when he withdraws those gifts. Just like in marriage, a spouse will persevere after the honeymoon is long over, to give to the other what is owed. It's the same with the spiritual life. We must continue to give of ourselves - to pray, to give God his due in worship, and to let our love for God flow into our interactions with others. This we must do even when we are not graced with zeal and good feelings, lest we fall into the trap of merely using God for what he can give.
Altar boys incensing the people at the beginning of the Offertory.
The Elevation of the Chalice
Ecce Angus Dei...
Altar boy receives Communion at a movable kneeler in the sanctuary...
I believe this is the incensing during the Solemn Lauds of Easter Day (seen in same link provided earlier), which comes after the ablutions.
The sanctuary after Mass
Want to see more pictures from the Easter Vigil? Visit my Smugmug page for this event.
Those received into the Church at the vigil, and parents of altar boys in specific pictures - contact me at TeDeumBlog (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll provide instructions on how to get print quality pics for free.
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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
- Diane M. Korzeniewski
it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
- Diane M. Korzeniewski
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