While my mother is improving, my days continue to be chaotic, with many unexpected twists & turns, so getting back to Grotto to take more photos has been impossible. I'm still behind on everything from paying bills to laundry and it's these basic things I have to focus on right now, in addition to time spent with doctors, paperwork, etc.
I do have an arsenal of photos to share from midnight Mass on Christmas that I can keep posting for a short time, and am going to attempt to take more pictures this weekend. However, planning for anything seems to be a bad thing. Therefore, I'm not "planning" to do photos this weekend, but am merely going to do an "impromptu" - God willing.
You will notice in these photos some rather interesting lighting on the priests. That has nothing to do with my camera settings. Rather, it is how it actually appeared. There are some spotlights used in the sanctuary, and this is how they were hitting. I think it makes it look....interesting.
The top photo shows a pretty heavy shadow at head-level for the deacon. I don't see this same shadow in the posts below, so it could have been someone or something in the beamlight at that moment.
More pictures from Christmas - Midnight Mass 2007
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