I was at Assumption Grotto recently just taking a few random shots before the decorations are taken down. Glory to God was given through the hard work of many people, and directed by a woman of much talent (always under the careful eye of our beloved pastor).
Click on the photos to see greater detail.
You gotta love the Bambino! Of all the Infant's I've seen, it is the Spanish Infant I love the most . My family has owned a "rubber" version of this baby Jesus that was part of a kit from the 1950's or 60's. The kit and other parts of the Nativity scene were destroyed in a basement flood, but the Bambino was salvaged. In recent years, the rubber or material he is made from began to degrade and leave an oily residue everywhere. He will now be sealed in plastic using a Food Saver. I have replaced him this year, with the same one shown in that link, but much smaller (about 6-8 inches long). I never knew until I seen it, that it was known as the Spanish Infant.
More photos from Christmas 2007 - Midnight Mass