Nancy Pelosi (D-California) blatantly butchered Catholic teaching on Meet the Press. It's one thing for a Catholic politician to take a viewpoint which is contrary to truth and Catholic teaching. It's quite another when that politician presents her viewpoint as a Catholic, creating grave scandal.
I don't have time to make any kind of extensive post on this, but I want to lead you to two posts made by Fr. Z on this topc.
First, the inteview of Nancy Pelosi on Meet the Press in which she butchered Catholic teaching on when life begins. Father has embedded video. Hopefully, Archbishop Nierdauer of San Francisco was watching. If not, perhaps someone can send him a link to the video clip.
Second, Rush Limbaugh goes after her words with a heavy dose of catechesis. Whether you like Rush Limbaugh or not, go read that transcript. Even the dialogue with the caller was good.
Archbishop Chaput of Denver speaks out...
Bishops respond to House Speaker Pelosi’s misrepresentation of Church teaching against abortion
Bishops respond to House Speaker Pelosi’s misrepresentation of Church teaching against abortion
Note: Still nothing on the Archdiocese of San Francisco's website by Archbishop Nierdauer (update: there is a link to the USCCB statement, but it would be good to see a personal statement out her home diocesse). She called herself an "ardent, practicing Catholic" before showing her total ignorance of teaching on national television, creating grave scandal.
Fr. Z has a single post up which collects all of his entries, including reaction from more sources, on Pelosi's outrageous "explanation" on Church teaching. Watch for updates there.
Go read: Recent WDTPRS Pelosi gaff entries, and Father's excellent commentary: Opportunity.
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