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Tickets may be purchased at the door for an added $5 fee.
The 12th Call to Holiness Conference is taking place in metro Detroit on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at the Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak, Michigan. The conference theme for this year is: Treasures of the Mass.
Speakers: Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Karaganda, Kazakhstan (author of Dominus Est), Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (aka "Fr. Z" – What Does the Prayer Really Say?), Michael P. Foley (professor/author), Rev. Eduard Perrone (Pastor, Assumption Grotto in Detroit), and Dr. Ronald Prowse (Director of Music at Sacred Heart Major Seminary). John Vleko (Morally Responsible Investing) will MC the event.
For schedule, speaker topics, and registration, and other information, please go the Call to Holiness – Treasures of the Mass page.
Mail and online registration is now obviously closed. But, you can still get tickets at the door for an extra $5 (adults regular price was $25). Click the link above for other prices.
From Fr. Perrone's column this Sunday:
The thing most pressing on my mind these days, among the others which vex it, is the near-approach of the Call to Holiness Conference. As I already pre-announced, this will take place October 10th at Shrine (now National Shrine) of the Little Flower in Royal Oak. Grotto friends, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, of the Holy Cross Order will speak, as will Fr. John T. Zuhlsdorf. Michael Foley will demonstrate how much of Western culture derives from the Catholic Mass. Ron Prowse of Sacred Heart Seminary will lead the participants in a mini-course on Gregorian Chant. I am now hard at work on my own talk which is to be a blow-by-blow explanation of the Mass, its ceremonies, words and gestures, with a look at both the new (Ordinary) form and the Tridentine (Extraordinary). What makes me particularly enthused about the presentation I am working on is not so much the talk itself (the attendees will judge its worth) but the audio visuals that I hope will make it a most interesting presentation. Thanks to the technological knowhow of Father Bustamante and his patience, there should be a large-screen video component to the talk that will show closeups of the priest, his vestments, gestures, etc. while I narrate pertinent facts about the meaning or history of these things. Shrine of the Little Flower Church has this visual capability and we will utilize it in an appropriate way: to illustrate a talk. In the process of making my preparations, I am learning many things about the Mass that I did not know, or that I knew but dimly. It has been an enlightening discovery which I hope to share with you. To do that you must come to the Conference and take in some of the rich offerings that have been provided for your soul. There’s a cut off date for pre-registration. I encourage you to register now for it. You can get a better idea of what the Conference is about by taking a look at the website, www.calltoholiness.com
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