One of the more strange alleged private revelations currently popular with some people is Maria Divine Mercy (MDM). Numerous other bishops had issued statements warning people to steer clear of this alleged private revelation, but when it came to the attention of the Archdiocese of Dublin, the statement below was issued.
Here is the statement from the Archdiocese of Dublin, where this woman presumably resides.
Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself “Maria Divine Mercy” and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wishes to state that these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology.
These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations.
Maria Divine Mercy had gotten some Catholics more than a little uptight and suspicious of Pope Francis, if not outright rejecting him. When a so-called mystic gets you to reject the Supreme Pontiff, or causes you to have very negative feelings about him, it's time to hit a confessional for a sense check.
There is a blog called, Maria Divine Mercy - True or False? If you are looking for perspective on why bishops are reacting, find it all there. Here is a list of heresies.
The photo at top was taken from another site that has some extensive details about the kind of financial activities "Maria Divine Mercy" has been engaging in. This is not the stuff of virtue.
I've also gotten questions in recent weeks about Three Days of Darkness prophesies, as well. Some cite text from Padre Pio that is questionable and suspect; others reference Maria Divine Mercy. Stay away from this stuff.
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it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
- Diane M. Korzeniewski
it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
- Diane M. Korzeniewski
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