Anyone with even a little experience with the usus antiquior, can readily tell that this is not a Tridentine. Weather has caused this photographer to play it cautious so, you get a picture from a Novus Ordo last year, showing off one of the Gaudete Sunday chasubles - in this case the roman chasuble, affectionally called a fiddleback (or shall we say, a fiddle-front).
Well, I had planned since Summorum Pontificum to capture the rose-colored, Roman chasuble, on Guadete Sunday during the extraordinary form of the Roman rite. But, weather predictions as of yesterday were for 6-10 inches, and this afternoon that changed to 8-12 inches. At around 8:30pm, the weather channel said, "Buffalo, NY about 20 inches, Chicago about 6 inches AND,.......Detroit - about a foot to a foot-and-a-half!!!!
Normally, the 4:00 Mass is pretty thin crowdwise, except for the first Saturday of the month, at which time we have our St. Monica Sodality Mass.
It was odd to see so many people - typical Sunday people, at the 4:00pm Saturday Mass. In fact, rumor has it that I saw myself. That's right. I chickened out and figured I would assist today rather than deal with the snow on Sunday.
I'll try to capture that Roman chasuble at a Tridentine on Laetare Sunday in Lent when it will be used next. Until then, you may admire the rose-colored vestment used at a Latin Novus Ordo last year.
After seeing several choir members at the 4:00pm Mass, it had me wondering whether our 9:30am Mass will be choral, or schola. In fact, if predictions ring true with a foot or more of snow, perhaps it will be a schola of one! (I'll give you a hint, provided he is not the celebrant at the 9:30am Tridentine).
While we are at it, for those of you who have read all the way to the bottom here, lets have some fun with that photo at the top while educating others.
For those who know, what gives away that the picture is a Novus Ordo and not the Tridentine? Put your answers in the combox.
EDIT 9:12pm Saturday: Oh, joy - Jim Cantori of the Weather Channel is here in metro Detroit and says we will be getting 10-15 inches. Troy, Michigan is just about 8 miles northwest of my home, and about 12-15 miles from Grotto.