Fr. Z writes:
Now it seems that the official English version has been revised and corrected, at least in respect to par. 62.
The Latin: exceptis lectionibus, homilia et oratione fidelium, aequum est ut huiusmodi celebrationes fiant lingua Latina.
The OLD official English: with the exception of the readings, the homily and the prayer of the faithful, such liturgies could be celebrated in Latin.It seems that the English translation and that of other languages is being carefully scrutinzed right now and hopefully, we can expect to see what is owed us: Genuine translations.The NEW official English: with the exception of the readings, the homily and the prayer of the faithful, it is fitting that such liturgies be celebrated in Latin.
Here is an excellent example of how good the internet can be. It was less than 10 hours following the release of the Exhortation that this particular watered-down translation was spotted. Fr. Zuhlsdorf's blog was crashing the server with so much sudden traffic. Other bloggers picked up what he was providing, and what other Latinists were finding was being shared publicly. It comes as a welcome surprise that by making these things highly visible, as they should be.
Just think, before the internet age, even if a Latinist found an error, how could he get the word out to create such an outcry? There are many forms of "gatekeepers" and the old guard, with it's banalization of the faith and the liturgy is simply not going to get away with it any longer.
Go read Fr. Z's post
EDIT: You may want to read the followup post Fr. Z has made: Who's guarding the guards?