
Monday, September 29, 2008

Bishop shocks participants with truthful teaching at gay and lesbian Catholic conference

Add Bishop Jamie Soto, Co-Adjutor of Sacramento, California to our Bishops with Backbone list.

Bishop Soto was invited by the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries to speak at it's fall conference. He accepted the invititation to be the keynote speaker and did the unthinkable to the dismay of the audience: He catechized them. Several people walked out during his talk and the host later apologized to the audience explaining, "On behalf of the board, I apologize. We had no idea Bishop Soto was going to say what he said."

From the California Catholic Daily: Bishop Soto stuns national homosexual ministries conference. Emphasis mine. Comments in red and in brackets.

“At least five members of the audience walked out”
Bishop Soto stuns national homosexual ministries conference

(Editor’s Note: For the complete text of the bishop’s speech, see related story in today’s edition, “It is sinful.”)

When two Catholics from Southern California learned that Sacramento Coadjutor Bishop Jaime Soto was to be the keynote speaker at the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries conference in Long Beach on Sept. 18, they decided to attend themselves to see and hear the talk in person. They say what they witnessed was a bishop who “courageously but gently” gave a clear presentation of Church teaching on sexuality.

After California Catholic Daily reported on Bishop Soto’s plans to attend and speak at the conference (“Birds of a feather?” Sept. 15, 2008), many readers expressed disapproval or worry over how to interpret the soon-to-be Bishop of Sacramento’s decision. Bishop Soto will take over the diocese from retiring Bishop William Weigand on Nov. 30. The National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries, based in Berkeley, is a network of local ministries that has the reputation of taking, at best, an ambiguous stance on the moral character of homosexuality and homosexual acts [an interesting note is that among the many "ambiguous and not so ambiguous links on the site of this organization, no where to be found is a link to the sanctioned Catholic apostolate, Courage, which was inspired by Terrence Cardinal Cooke. The apostolate ministers to people with homosexual orientation and helps them to live the same kind of chaste life that other single people must live.]

But there was nothing ambiguous about Bishop Soto’s remarks to the group. “Sexual relations between people of the same sex can be alluring for homosexuals, but it deviates from the true meaning of the act and distracts them from the true nature of love to which God has called us all,” Bishop Soto said. “For this reason, it is sinful. Married love is a beautiful, heroic expression of faithful, life-giving, life-creating love. It should not be accommodated and manipulated for those who would believe that they can and have a right to mimic its unique expression."

At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop’s address. When he finished speaking, there was general silence -- with only a very small number applauding.

The chairman of the conference then announced that the bishop would answer questions at a reception that would be held in another room. [He didn't just throw the teachings of the Church out there then head out a side door - he stayed to talk about what he said]. That led to widespread expressions of disapproval from members of the audience, who said they wanted to be able to express their responses immediately. It was agreed that those who wanted to speak would line up. The bishop was told twice by the chairman that he was free to leave if he wanted -- or to stay and listen. Bishop Soto stayed and sat quietly listening to every response.

A series of about eight speakers came to the microphone to express their unhappiness with what the bishop had said -- and what they felt he had not said. One woman said, in essence, "We know what the Church says. What we wanted you to talk about is the value of our lived experience as lesbian women and gay men."

Two speakers -- one man and one woman -- thanked the bishop for his address and voiced their agreement with what he had to say.

While the audience members were responding to the bishop’s remarks, a board member of the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries came up to one of the tables in the room and said, "On behalf of the board, I apologize. We had no idea Bishop Soto was going to say what he said."

Just like single people who choose to be single, or like those who want to be married but cannot find a spouse, all are called to chastity, regardless of sexual orientation. I don't know who it was, but one of the priests on EWTN once explained that our brothers and sisters with homosexual inclinations carry a much heavier cross in life. For many, marriage is not an option leaving celibacy as the only option. We should have compassion for everyone, but what the bishop teaches is that ministry involves truth, not ambiguity or false charity.

It is refreshing to see that a bishop is willing to stand up and teach the truth and make himself available for discussion.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

McCain and Obama on Catholic Issues

The National Catholic Register is one of the few publications to which I still subscribe. They have a website and about 30% of the content is available online, but the rest requires a subscription.

Thankfully, they have opened up a list I read in the hard-copy edition about positions McCain and Obama take on issues of importance to many Catholics. The list uses actual records to show the candidates positions. Some of these may surprise you. It covers everything from "life" issues to school vouchers and more.

Go read: McCain and Obama on ‘Catholic’ Issues and pass it along.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Heartwarming and amazing: Dog saves abandoned newborn

This is an uplifting story. It's just over a minute, but incredible.

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First Things Blog - On Bishops, politicians and reporters

There is a very good commentary by Fran Maier on the First Things Magazine blog called, The Real Problem with Bishops.

It starts out with this line which caught my eye: This just in: It turns out that the problem with America’s Catholic bishops is that they’re not Protestants. The article goes on to talk about bishops and politicians. I thought this was an excellent point:

Which brings us back to that seeming ringleader of the doctrine posse, Archbishop Charles Chaput. The archbishop stands accused of the “extreme” view that public leaders who claim to be Catholic should actually behave that way on important issues. It’s a bit like the similarly extreme view that people who claim to be married should act accordingly; otherwise, they’re lying.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Cathedral in Los Angeles and Speculation about Archbishop of Detroit

Rocco Palmo who writes for the UK Tablet from America, has a piece up on his blog about the dedication today of the Oakland's new Cathedral of Christ the Light. This modern architecture has sparked considerable discussion on the web and has drawn plenty of jabs in the blogosphere. Rocco's headline for the blogpost - In Oakland, Liftoff - gave me a chuckle and I knew instinctively before reading a word that it had to do something with that cathedral.

This style of architecture is not my cup of tea, in fact, I would probably find it difficult to lift my thoughts to God in such an environment. However, there are some good and interesting things to note. At the bottom of this post you can see a video which walks you through the architecture and grounds. I highly recommend watching it through to the end.

We are reminded about the 1989 earthquake which destroyed the older, traditional cathedral named after St. Francis de Sales. The video points out that the nearly 600,000 Catholics in the diocese have been without a cathedral....until now.

I said there were some good and interesting things to note, if you can get past the architecture. They preserved original church art salvaged from the destroyed buildings and refurbished. I don't know if any of it is in the main cathedral or elsewhere on the property. There is more than just the church. The site includes a mausoleum which is available to Catholics in the diocese. It also has a kitchen they plan to use to feed the poor, and a place where the uninsured can find healthcare. I don't know if this will be a volunteer effort, or what, but I've not heard of a medical clinic housed within parish grounds before. As i said, "interesting".

I could not see the Tabernacle in the video, but it was mentioned in the context of having space for up to 75 people to pray before Our Lord. I kept waiting as I watched the video to see where the Blessed Sacrament is kept. It appears to be in a central location, not cast off to the side, but I can't be sure and have not seen any other pictures on the web. It's a sign of the times, and perhaps a sign of the work our bishops need to do to assist the faithful in understanding that the Eucharist is the Source and Summit. When we first enter a Catholic church or cathedral, the first thing we should do is to look for the Blessed Sacrament and greet our Lord. And, so it should be when such videos are produced.

Bishop Allen Vigneron of Oakland, formerly an auxiliary bishop of Detroit, inherited the project which got underway in 2000, when he took the helm in 2003. It is interesting to note that Rocco makes a connection between this dedication Mass and Cardinal Maida's approaching 79th birthday early next year at the very bottom of his post:

On an in-house note, with Cardinal Adam Maida approaching his 79th birthday early next year, there are those who maintain that today's rites won't just open the doors to Oakland's new mother-church, but the long-delayed appointment of a new archbishop of Detroit... since today's a day to celebrate what is, though, more on the rest later.

However, I have my doubts about Bishop Vigneron taking the helm in Detroit, but the timing would seem right. There had been rumors that an appointment would be made this fall - September/October time frame. Among others rumored have been Archbishop John J. Myers of Newark back in 2006, Archbishop Chaput (whom I personally believe will end up in New York), and Bishop Wenski of Orlando. This means it will probably be someone that no one ever heard of.

Ok - now the promised video of Oakland's new Cathedral.

Fiat Lux : an introduction to the Cathedral of Christ the Light By Sean Bryan
View in HD Download 720p HD Version Visit Sean Bryan's ExposureRoom Videos Page

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

40 Days for Life,,,

It's on! The 40 Days for Life is officially on. Be mindful of how the election outcome in 40 Days may also impact the unborn. Here is a great video intro to the 40 Days for Life. Some bishops, such as Archbishop Chaput of Denver are strongly advocating involvement.


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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

40 Days 'til Election 2008: A Call to Prayer and Sacrifice

There is much at stake in this election year and something has been on my mind: With 40 days left until the election, Catholics, and other Christians wanting to join us, should consider treating this pre-election period like Lent, with prayer, fasting, abstaining, and sacrifices. It is important to have trust in God.

Whatever you do, don't worry about not being involved for the full 40 days. If you should stumble on this post even 1 day before the election, DO SOMETHING suggested below because it has value.

Encourage your friends to join in this effort. Send them a link to this post (just right-click over the time-stamp at the bottom and choose "copy shortcut", then paste it into an email).

There have been hits to this blog from 155 countries. You don't have to be an American to pray for a good outcome to this election. Please join us.

Prayer is always pleasing to God, especially when we follow through at times when we least feel like it or would rather be doing something else. There are many ways we can pray. has a page dedicated to prayer for the election with links and several suggestions which includes things like the Election Novena which the bishops are asking us to pray, as well as devotions like the Rosary, and more. Even if you can't make a consistent daily commitment, do what you can, when you can. It is most pleasing to God when you pray at times when you least feel motivated, or would rather be doing something else. Here's more...

  • Daily Mass, or if you have not been getting to Sunday Mass, start going (after confession - see below).
  • Adoration (spend time before the Blessed Sacrament)
  • Spend time in silent meditation


Some of the ideas here are applicable to our Protestant brothers and sisters who may be reading and I understand that others may not. If you are not Catholic or struggle with understanding the relevance of some of these things, please join us in the simple things with which you are comfortable. Some of these require much deeper explanations than I can get into here so I will consider them for future post topics. For now, if you want to understand why Catholics "offer it up" when it comes to suffering, I encourage you to explore the subject further in the text of a talk given by Dr. Scott Hahn.

Here is a list of worthy things to do these next 40 days until the election (not necessarily all, but vary them from day to day, or go for broke on as many as you can):

  • Go to confession (K of C has great guide if it has been a while; and here is an excellent examination of conscience). Go frequently and be sure to thank God for the Sacrament.
  • Fasting. Can you go on 3 meals a day with no snacks, or less? Or, eat more modestly the next 40 days.
  • Abstaining. You can abstain from many things from TV and podcasts to certain favorite drinks, deserts, smoking, alcohol, and other things. Even where you can't completely abstain, go with less of something. Offer that suffering up.
  • Visiting. Is there someone that could use your company? How about an elderly neighbor or relative? Offer up the sacrifice of that time for the sake of a good outcome of the election.
  • Almsgiving. Gas prices are high, food is high and in these times families and parishes are struggling to make ends meet. When we struggle with our own households, imagine how parishes are struggling. Donations go down at these times in everything from foodbanks to parishes at times when money, food and other items are needed most. Can't give money? Clean out your cupboard or closet and donate those things. Offer up that time and sacrifice for a good outcome to the election.
  • Work. Whatever you are doing, lift your thoughts to God and offer Him the work you are doing for a good outcome to this election.
  • Apostolate work. Help out at some apostolate or do some kind of service work and offer it up. From soup kitchens to praying in front of clinics, it can all be done and offered to God. The 40 days for life group begins a nationwide effort for the unborn Wednesday (see info at the Archdiocese of Denver website). Offer that time up for the unborn, as well as for the election which will strongly affect the rights of the unborn for good or for bad. Go pray in front of an abortion clinic during hours of operation with groups like the Helpers of God's Precious Infants during these 40 days.

Do you have other ideas? Please add them to the combox.

It is important to note that our sacrifices should be kept to ourselves and despite our sufferings, we should not let others on to them. Children will learn from their parents. Recruit your children to pray and offer sacrifices for the Election. Click on the pic below for meditation and see more references below.

More: Catholic Vote Resources (scroll down for various considerations relevant to the Catholic Vote)

Below is a prayer to Mary, asking for her intercession. John Martignoni explains in this 2 minute apologetics YouTube clip Catholic thought on praying to Mary and the saints.

An Election Prayer to Mary

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection. Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of our people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Free us from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion and threaten the sanctity of family life. Grant our country the wisdom to proclaim that God’s law is the foundation on which this nation was founded, and that He alone is the True Source of our cherished rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. O Merciful Mother, give us the courage to reject the culture of death and the strength to build a new Culture of Life.

Trusting in your most powerful intercession, we pray…

Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, we fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, our Mother. To thee do we come, before thee we stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer us. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church
Kansas City, Missouri

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Obama and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act - Caught in a Lie

Presidential candidate called those who brought to light his record on the Born Alive Infant Protection acts, "liars". Yet, it is Mr. Obama who is caught in a lie, his own campaign conceding he was wrong. Watch this commentary by Michael Voris on

This program is from

If you go to this page on Real Catholic TV, you will get other resources and records on this issue.

Related Posts:

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September 23, 2008 - St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Today is the feast of St. Pio of Pietrelcina who was canonized by Pope John Paul II on June 16, 2002. I would like to share one of his writings, found in Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - Letters III. The letter to Francesca of Foggia was dated October 30th, 1915.

Blessed be the Lord who comforts us in all our afflictions, exclaimed the apostle, Saint Paul. Well, my daughter, may Jesus console your spirit also, tossed about in the stormy sea. But do not be afraid because the storm that surrounds your spirit will calm down and you will not be submerged. The little ship of your spirit always has the strong anchor of trust in divine goodness.

Have trust, dear daughter, because the Lord is always with you, as he was in the past. How could you believe it to be otherwise? IF this were the case, as your imagination would have you believe, there would be reason to despair.

Who sustained you up to now in time of spiritual and physical suffering? It was Jesus. Therefore he was with you and he loved you. He will still always be with you and he continues to love you. He will have to perfect the work he began in you.

Be humble and let Jesus work freely within you. And you prepare a pure, contrite, heart, free from all uneasiness since this is a great impediment to the Lord's freely working within you.

You tell me you went astray along the path to perfection during the first years of devout life. I don't want to establish what truth there is in this free assertion of yours. I merely insist on telling you, in the Lord, to cast aside this conviction of yours once and for all; a conviction which, for that matter is a pure temptation. So when you are assailed by fears for the past, think of it as lost in the ocean of heavenly goodness, then turn your mind to the present in which Jesus is with you and loves you; think of the future, when Jesus will reward your faithfulness and resignation, or rather think of all the graces he has poured out on you and which you certainly have not deliberately abused. Hence, I would ask you in the sweet Lord to cast aside all fears as far as possible - for nobody is asked to do what is impossible - and always have faith and love.

My good daughter, trust int he Lord, in his forgiveness and protection. Oh yes! You can even rest tranquilly on the bosom of divine mercy, as a tender little child rets in the arms of it's mother.

Once again, therefore, I assure you that Jesus is with you. Is it possible that Jesus is far from you while you call on him, pray to him, and seek him with ardent desire? How is it possible for the spring of living water flowing from the Heart of God to be far from a soul that runs to it like a thirsty deer?

But will you retort that you are not satistfied because you feel devoured by an unquenchable thirst, and precisely for this reason you wish to doubt that Jesus is close to you.

No, it is not as you would have it. The unquenchable thirst that devouts you arises because it has not yet reached the end of it's journey; it is not yet totally immersed in the eternal fountain, which can not take place while we are in a pilgrim state. Woe to the soul when it considers itself satisfied here on earth, because it would be the beginning of its downfall and it would be deceived.

Be calm, revive your faith, your trust in God. Be humble and submissive to the divine will and thus nothing will be able to harm your spirit.
Padre Pio - Pray for us!

I would like to provide you with information on how to get the three volume set of letters by Padre Pio, but they come from Italy and are difficult to find here. Interestingly, they are available in English, which is what I have. The Assumption Grotto gift shop has the books. Call (313) 332-4432 and leave a message if no one answers.

Here is some useful information you might be able to use:

There is a sticker on the inside of the first book:

English Office Telephone: (0882) 417214

The book is the 2nd Edition (English version)
ISBN's for all three volumes are as follows:
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - Letters I: 88-499-0000-7
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - Letters II: 88-499-0001-5
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - Letters III: 88-499-0002-3

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Recent Posts on Te Deum Laudamus!

The Missionaries of Charity working in Detroit often visit Assumption Grotto on special occasions, such as Assumption Day when this was taken on August 15, 2008. There are a few parishioners who are Lay Missionaries of Charity.

I did get a couple of pictures today during the annual parish picnic which took place after the Noon Mass on a perfect day. I wasn't planning on pictures, but had the camera and the balloon toss was too tempting to not shoot. I haven't had time to edit them and would like to group some recent posts here for your convenience.

Other recent posts, including fairly recent photo posts:

Other headlines from around the web:

Update: Headlines from Zenit

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Coming Very Soon: Dominus Est in English by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC

I was contacted a few days ago with news that Bishop Schneider's book, Dominus Est, is soon to be available, perhaps within a month's time. Information has been sent to the Grotto giftshop where a decision will be made as to how many to put on pre-order. The book will retail for $8.00.
If you are responsible for bulk orders and want to get in on pre-orders, please contact Fr. Peter Stravinskas directly, ASAP. I believe the order had to be in this week. There may be as much as a 50% discount depending on size of order.

You may recall that back in July this year, we were graced at Assumption Grotto in Detroit and nearby Sts Cyril & Methodius in Sterling Heights, to hear Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC of Karaganda, Kazakhstan speak when he came to the US for about 10 days. During his time in the US, he celebrated Mass on EWTN down in Alabama, and was interviewed there for a program to air later this fall (last I heard), and was interviewed on Ave Maria Radio in Ann Arbor by Al Kresta.

I was grateful to have an opportunity to photographt he bishop while he was in Detroit and in Sterling Heights. Please see the following posts for photos and additional info.

Below is a photo of the bishop's ring: The Miraculous Medal.

Most photos from Bishop Schneider's 2008 visit to the metro Detroit area can be found on my smugmug page. Bloggers and websites may make reasonable use of the photos if used to promote the work, with a link back to my homepage or preferrably the post from which it was taken. For professional use to promote the book, please contact me at for high-resolution versions suitable for print and attribute information.

My smugmug collection:

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Forming your Conscience: The Catholic Vote!

The other day I led you to a video made by Grassroots Films and brought to us by Fidelis entitled, Catholic Vote. It's a powerful video. There had been one comment about the final message, which is to vote your conscience, but that message is preceded by three minutes of footage that clearly demonstrates that the right to life is fundamental. The whole point of the film is that conscience needs to be formed in light of truth and the film uses images to make the point.

You can get a free bumper sticker to put on a car window which will lead people to

Here are just some of the resources for forming conscience according to Catholic teaching found on the site:

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Moral Principles for Catholic Voters by the Kansas Catholic Conference

The Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics by Catholic Answers Action

Where do the Presidential Candidates Stand on Key Issues? by Priests for Life

Those resources come from a page that also contains many articles on specific topics.

I also highly recommend this book by Archbishop Charles Chaput, which is now available in the Grotto giftshop for those of you who are local:

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Persecution of Christians around the world

Yesterday we recalled the martyrdom of Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions who were killed for the faith in Korea during persecutions of the early 1800's. The day before we celebrated the feast day of St. Januarius, a bishop martyred by beheading around 300 A.D. during the Diocletion persecutions. The Catholic Encyclopedia explains:

In the Breviary a longer account is given. There we are told that "Timotheus, President of Campania," was the official who condemned the martyrs, that Januarius was thrown into a fiery furnace, but that the flames would not touch him, and that the saint and his companions were afterwards exposed in the amphitheatre to wild beasts without any effect. Timotheus declaring that this was due to magic, and ordering the martyrs to be beheaded, the persecutor was smitten with blindness, but Januarius cured him, and five thousand persons were converted to Christ before the martyrs were decapitated.

I bring up these martyrs because news from around the world reminds us that persecution is not something that belonged alone to yesteryear. It is alive and well today in many forms. But, nothing should draw our attention more than when people are being killed for the faith and suffering physical torment. Here are just a few headlines:

Please keep our brothers and sisters in distant lands in your prayers.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

A different kind of pro-life video

A comment dropped into the box in this post encouraging people to look at a video originating out of Germany. I would classify it as a different kind of pro-life video. Moms and dads will especially like this video, but hopefully, it will get young people to consider the beauty of children. (Contains English subtitles)

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Unbelievable: Despicable Attack by Obama on Abortion Survivor

I have to stop thinking that I have heard and seen everything. Every day something else comes out that tops something else. Last night, I made a post about a columnist who suggested that it was "immoral" for Sarah Palin to bring her disabled son into the world.

Now, Obama attacks an ad made by 31 year old Gianna Jessen who survived an attempt to snuff out her life through a saline abortion. First, please watch this discussion on Fox News about the Born Alive Infants Protection act which Obama voted AGAINST. This is a good dialogue to comprehend what it is all about.

EDIT 9:51am: Do watch this all the way to the end - it is nearly 10 minutes and gets contentious but stick with it. At one point, Alan Colmes - Sean Hannity's co-host, asks why nurse Jill Stanek did not seek medical care for the baby with Down Syndrome that she rocked until it died following a botched abortion. The answer is very simple: It was not law at the time to treat such babies. The abortionist - a doctor capable of giving life-saving care - would not help the baby and other doctors would intervene. This was practice at certain hospitals and clinics until President George Bush signed a law requiring medical care for these babies who survive abortion (thanks to Stanek). Alan Colmes did not do his homework.

Now, here again is the short ad by Note also, that this is not a McCain sponsored ad, but done by a private organization.

Here is the disgusting response by Barack Obama who calls the ad above one of "McCain's sleaziest ever". What is truly sleezy is Obama not accepting responsibility (lying) for what is on public record and trying to make McCain and Jessen look like liars (when McCain was not even involved in the making of the video). Even if McCain were involved with the video, Obama's record stands on it's own.

Gianna Jessen had something to say about the above ridiculous ad:

Statement from Gianna Jessen: “Mr. Obama is clearly blinded by political ambition given his attack on me this week. All I asked of him was to do the right thing: support medical care and protection for babies who survive abortion – as I did 31 years ago. He voted against such protection and care four times even though the U.S. Senate voted 98-0 in favor of a bill identical to the one Obama opposed. In the words of his own false and misleading ad, his position is downright vile. Mr. Obama said at the recent Saddleback Forum that the question of when babies should get human rights was above his pay grade. Such vacillation and cowardice in public policy almost left me to die and no one should have to go through what I went through.”

Jill Stanek is a nurse who was fired after exposing to the public this barbaric practice. It was heartbreaking to read how she and other nurses, before she blew the whistle, would take turns holding these babies as they died so they wouldn't be left on a cold shelf alone. Here is her response:

"It is despicable, repulsive and beneath contempt that Barack Obama would attack Gianna Jessen. She is a courageous abortion survivor and living miracle who would not be with us today if Obama's policies had been in place when she was born. Mr. Obama continues to mislead the American people on this issue, he voted four times against medical care and protection for babies who survive abortions in the Illinois State Senate, while the U.S. Senate was voting 98-0 to pass an identical bill. Mr. Obama needs to come forward and tell the American people that he understands people like Gianna Jessen, and that he will support and enforce Born Alive Infant protections -- that these are living, breathing human beings who have come into our world and deserve protection in the law and should receive medical care at health care facilities. These babies have the same rights as the rest of us."

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Disgusting: Columnist suggests Sarah Palin was wrong to bring disabled son into the world

Just when you thought you heard it all....

Nicholas Provenzo of the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism calls Sarah Palin's choice to bring Trig into the world, "immoral".

There is an excellent commentary by someone who goes by the name, "Disabled Politico" at Disaboom - a website for the disabled - on this subject. Go read: Columnist Attacks Trig Palin, Accusing Mothers of Babies with Downs of Burdening Society. In part it reads:

Provenzo goes on to to accuse Sarah Palin of participating in "the worship of retardation." He also posits that describing the selective abortion of fetuses diagnoses with disabilities as a form of Eugenics is a "dirty little slur" used by "anti-abortion zealots."

Perhaps Nicholas Provenzo should discuss the "marginal productivity" of adults with Down's Syndrome with Blair Williamson, a working actor with Down's Syndrome. He ought also to note that, for each Down's Syndrome baby detected and aborted, some estimates say that two non-disabled babies are miscarried due to invasive testing. He could also stand to note that young people with learning disabilities are applying to college at record rates. Maybe he should try to talk with Katherine Crouch, a woman with Down's Syndrome who's spending her time volunteering for the McCain campaign and recently met Sarah Palin. Then again, it's election season: Katherine's probably too busy to talk to Nicholas.
Michael Voris of St. Michael's Media and the newly launched, Real Catholic TV, has a commentary well worth watching on this, as well.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Born Alive Ad to Watch

The Ad below features abortion survivor Gianna Jessen. Yes, some babies survive the horrors of the abortion process and are born alive. Nurse, Jill Stanek knows - she was fired after exposing the practice in the hospital where she worked whereby such babies are left on a shelf to die - alone.

Gianna suffers from Cerebral Palsy as a result of the attempt to snuff out her life in the womb. Her life story is incredibly inspiring because her attitude is so positive and she doesn't let anything get in her way. This is an incredible woman who puts a face on abortion. I have seen her interviewed and you can't be anything but grateful for life and moved by her resolve in the most simplest things in life.

From her bio :

Gianna is a Christian. Her life was given to her by the grace of God. She shouldn't be walking, but more miraculous still; she should not even be alive. Gianna's biological mother was 17 when she had a saline abortion in her third trimester. Many Americans don’t realize it is legal to have an abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. After being burned alive for approximately 18 hours in the womb from the saline solution, Gianna was delivered alive in a Los Angeles County abortion clinic. Her medical records state, "born during saline abortion"...this is what caused her Cerebral Palsy.

Senator Obama opposed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act - a measure which would give babies like Gianna the right to life saving treatment should they be born alive in the process of an abortion. The Senator also supports abortions at any stage of the pregnancy, right through the third trimester - a time when babies nowadays easily survive with help.

Related articles:

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Catholic Vote - a must watch video

Grassroots Films, has done it again. WATCH THIS!!! While it is entitled Catholic Vote, you don't have to be Catholic to appreciate the message.

Go to the page for more info. Embed this video, email it, get it out there.

Other stellar Grassroots films have included (these are, I believe, just preview clips)

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Seven Sorrows of Mary

Today marks the Seven Sorrows of Mary. A good friend, Mary B., sent me a link to this YouTube tribute.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time for a break.....and, recent posts!

This belongs to the Legion of Mary, one of many apostolates at Assumption Grotto. It was at a table they had set up on Assumption Day. At the bottom of this post is a closer look at the entire figure.

Things have been hectic of late and, as a result, I can't find my kitchen or washing machine, and can barely find my way to the car from the grass length. With rain finally stopping tomorrow, hopefully I can cut grass when I get home. I have a about a 12 x 15 patch at my condo that is cut with a push-mower (we actually have private year, I'm cementing in the yard).

With all of the activity of late, I need to take a break from blogging for a few days. Unless there is some hot breaking news, like the naming of an Archbishop for Detroit, I'm going to try to get caught up on other things.
I have a backlog of many pictures yet to be edited and given to people, and other things that need to be done. The problem is that I have such an endless list of such things that even having dropped out of choir, I still can't seem to catch up. Right now, my house needs attention.....bad.
I'll share a funny story. As bad as my house is, my poor mother lost her power Saturday night. And, just minutes after I dropped her and her groceries off after Mass, I got the call. I didn't get home yet when I had to turn around and go back after her, and the refigerated/frozen groceries. It rapdily got humid and with her condition I was not leaving her there. So....... I brought her back messy house.


Here are some of my recent posts and other posts of interest:

And, while we are at it, lets keep in our prayers those who are suffering from natural disasters and accidents around the country, and the world.

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Water, water everywhere in metro Detroit (part 2)

I was faced with emptying the dishwasher so....... I decided to go take pictures of local flooding before it got too dark (no wonder I don't get anything done at home!!!). I made a post on this earlier, showing evidence that the car above was submerged overnight before the water level went down as rain stopped. But, it started raining again as the remnants of Hurrican Ike reached the area. And it rained, and rained, and rained some more. Viola! The car is now submerged. I am told that the owner could not start the car and was going to donate it. Now, it looks like it might be good for some scrap parts. More pictures of the flooding in Macomb County around 15 Mile Rd. and Schoenherr.

As you can see by the sign above, the veternarian clinic I parked in has a place to run dogs out back and to put their waste. It was interesting to get a pic of that sign and waste receptacle with a partially submerged car in the background. Talk about waste!

The Clinton River at it's best....

The local wildlife was thrilled. I couldn't tell if this was a beaver or a woodchuck. Whatever it was, when my flash went off, it took of fast in the water across the river. It's a grainy photo because I was attempting to protect my camera in the pouring rain by hiding it partially under my hood, only to have the flash obstructed (hence, the grainy, dark pic).

The full set of pics from 11:00am and again at 7:30pm can be found at my smugmug page for the floods of 9-14-2008.
Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Piper Palin fixing little brothers hair....awwwww!!!

OK - watch this video. It will brighten your day. In case you missed it the little Piper Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin was caught on tape while the VP candidate was talking, working li'l brother Trig's hair. It's a short way into this video someone made...

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Water, water everywhere in metro Detroit....

Above, a car parked overnight in a veternarian's parking lot along side the Clinton River at 15 Mile Rd. near Schoenherr had been partially submerged overnight. Looking closer (click the pic), you can see a "grassy-line" where the water had topped out. The windows were steamed, the headlights had water in them, and water was dripping from every seam. I was in this same parking lot last night and the water looked as it did when I stopped by this morning around 11:00am when I took my mother back to her home which had lost power the night before.

Below, you see the river in the background. The water backed off after it flooded this parking lot and that of a funeral home next door. The mud line was visible. But, more rain has been falling for hours, sometimes very heavy. I am hoping to see a break in the action so I can go up the road and get a few more pics of the swollen river.

You can plainly see a line that the Clinton River crossed, but that isn't the river's edge. It's much further to the right (and deeper). The spot from which I took this picture was about waist deep during the night.

I took my mother a few more miles away from her apartment before taking her home to see the flooding at the Fernhill Country Club. The Clinton River winds right through the golf course and floods it periodically. The river is actually quite narrow normally in this area. In the photos below, you can see a few of the "greens" peaking above the water line.

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International Pilgrim Statue Schedule

The International Pilgrim Statue (Our Lady of Fatima) is in the metro Detroit area. I apologize for not posting the schedule sooner. There has been much going on and I have not been home much.

Monday, Sept 15
St. Albert The Great
4855 Parker St.
Dearborn Heights
7pm Mass and Procession and Talk

Tuesday Sept. 16 OPEN

Wednesday Sept. 17
St. Joseph's Church
1828 Jay Street at Orleans just off Gratiot
Across from Eastern Farmer's Market
Detroit 313-831-6659
7pm Tridentine Mass and Talk

Thursday Sept 18
St. Josephat Church
691 East Canfield Ave.
Detroit (Across from Wayne State Medical School)
7pm Tridentine Mass and Talk

Friday Sept 19
Sweetest Heart of Mary
4440 Russell Street (Corner of Canfield)
7pm Tridentine Mass, Candlelight Procession Talk

Saturday Sept.20
Polish Seminary on Orchard Lake OPEN TO PUBLIC
St. Mary's of Orchard Lake
3535 Indian Trail
Orchard Lake 248-683-0514
6pm Mass followed by a Procession with Statue
All night adoration open to public

Sunday Sept 21
9AM Mass followed by Concert
llAM Mass followed by Talk of Statue then
Procession with statue, All day Adoration
Closing Procession from Outdoor Lourdes Shrine
To Main Church with Statue.
Bishop Reiss likely will attend.

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Photopost: Helpers of God's Precious Infants Fall 2008 Prayer Vigil

Msgr. William Easton, pastor of Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak lifts the monstrance holding the Blessed Sacrament during Benediction of the faithful immediately after people returned to Church after standing out in the rain, praying Holy Rosary outside of an abortion clinic in Lathrup Village.

The Helpers of God's Precious Infants held their fall prayer vigil outside of an abortion clinic on Southfield Road in Lathrup Village this time. Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Flores celebrated the Mass and led the 4 block procession with Rosary. Mass began at 7:30am at Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak and all are grateful to Msgr. Easton for hosting this time. We begin with the Mass. I am told that Msgr. Easton approximated 500 people at the Liturgy. Then, you will see procession pictures (in the pouring rain), followed by a few shots outside the clinic. Not everyone was able to make it to the outdoor vigil and it is good when they come to the Mass. Most who were at the vigil came back for Benediction, followed by refreshements in a parish conference room.

Click on any pic to enlarge it in your viewer. These are low-quality pics suitable for the web. If anyone needs high-resolution photos for printing, please contact me at

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!