
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

N. C. Register: Trend leaning towards orthodoxy in Christianity

Interesting article/opinion on the site of the National Catholic Register. It confirms something I've strongly believed since I've been discussing Catholicism on the web (two years now): There is a shift towards orthodoxy - as in less progressive/liberal.

I have not had a chance to read the entire article, but one only has to look at where vocations are - not just in the US, but in Europe as well. Religious communities which went loose - on attire, in attitude, and in doctrine - can't seem to find nearly as many candidates or postulants as are traditional communities which wear the habit and are very Eucharistic, Marian, and devout.

Here is the beginning of that editorial on the Register's site....

Will He Rise Again In Europe Too?

Something unexpected is happening in Europe. Signs of a re-awakening of the Christian faith are slowly cropping up.

BY The Editors

April 8-14, 2007 Issue Posted 4/3/07 at 8:00 AM

Something unexpected is happening in Europe. Signs of a re-awakening of the Christian faith are slowly cropping up. We have been reporting on the phenomenon, in bits and pieces, all year.

We covered the increase in female religious vocations in Italy. We summarized an article in the German magazine Der Spiegel headlined “Religion, Born Again.” The article made its case from a worldwide perspective, but added that “there are signs that faith in God” is growing “even” in the West

Continue reading at the National Catholic Register....

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