
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Memorial Mass for Archbishop Sambi at National Basilica scheduled for September 14

Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States passed away the other day. May he rest in peace.

There was to be a Mass in Washington DC at the National Basilica on August 6, but plans for that were set aside as his body was flown back to Italy this weekend. Rocco Palmo writes:

While a 6 August funeral Mass in Washington was initially eyed as the American sendoff for the late "Super-Nuncio," logistical hurdles amid the summer slowdown were reported to have shelved the plan.

The archbishop's body now slated to return this weekend to his native Italy for burial, a capital liturgy for the US church and the diplomatic corps is now said to be in the works for 14 September, the feast of the Triumph of the Cross, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
You can find out more details about funeral arrangements and memorial Masses here: Archbishop Sambi's funeral moved to Italy, stateside memorial Mass scheduled (CNA)

Here is further reading:

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The visible sonic boom!

Saturday is when I like to post a fun video. 

Tesla Coil Example
I was always one of those nerdy kids who found science and technology to be fun. My brother and sister are pretty much the same. I think we can attribute it to our very nerdy father whose idea of "fun" was to build things like Tesla Coils when he was suppose to be working on his "honey-do" list.  Mom referred to him as the mad scientist.  Half the kids in the neighborhood would pile into the basement so we could watch the thing spark and our hair stand on end.  It was only about a foot high, but wow.  If you click the link at right and scroll down, you can see a guy showing how you can light a bulb in thin air with the it running.  Yep - I remember "pop" doing that one too.

The Sonic Boom in Video

I don't know what made me think of it, but for some reason the sonic boom came to mind and I remembered pictures of it. Have you ever "seen" sound? Check out this video which has footage of different booms.

Now this one explains what is happening.

I always marvel at the magnificence of God with such things. 

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Card. Canizares recommends Catholics receive Communion on the tongue, kneeling

July 2008: Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC
distributes holy Communion at the Grotto altar rail

From CNA:

Lima, Peru, Jul 28, 2011 / 01:56 pm (CNA).- Spanish Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera recently recommended that Catholics receive Communion on the tongue, while kneeling.

“It is to simply know that we are before God himself and that He came to us and that we are undeserving,” the prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments said in an interview with CNA during his visit to Lima, Peru.

The cardinal’s remarks came in response to a question on whether Catholics should receive Communion in the hand or on the tongue.

He recommended that Catholics “receive Communion on the tongue and while kneeling.”

Receiving Communion in this way, the cardinal continued, “is the sign of adoration that needs to be recovered. I think the entire Church needs to receive Communion while kneeling.”

“In fact,” he added, “if one receives while standing, a genuflection or profound bow should be made, and this is not happening.”

Continue reading: Spanish cardinal recommends that Catholics receive Communion on the tongue

Also check out Fr. Z's comments.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

WYD 2011 on Michael Voris...

On the official website of World Youth Day 2011:

WYD Cultural Program Participants Must Be Endorsed by Bishops' Conferences

It has come to our attention that Michael Voris, a US based media producer, is scheduled to offer independent catechesis sessions out of a hotel in Madrid during World Youth Day 2011. There has been some confusion regarding his affiliation with World Youth Day. Michael Voris, the clergy and the laity associated with him, and their media efforts “Real Catholic TV” and “No Bull in Madrid” are not in any way recognized or approved by World Youth Day 2011.

Catechesis at World Youth Day is offered by Bishops of the Catholic Church in union with Pope Benedict XVI, who has invited the young people of the world to join him in Madrid for this celebration of faith and life. The Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Laity selects and invites Bishops, and only Bishops, from around the world to conduct Catechesis sessions at WYD in various languages.

Participants in the World Youth Day 2011 Cultural Program must be recognized and endorsed by the Bishops and Episcopal Conferences of their respective countries. Participants were selected for Cultural program by the World Youth Day organization in close collaboration with the Pontifical Council for the Laity. Those groups participating in the World Youth Day 2011 Cultural Festival have been selected because, through their various activities, they promote the authentic teaching and unity of the Roman Catholic Church and have been endorsed by their local Bishop and Espiscopal conference. Michael Voris, "Real Catholic TV" and "No Bull in Madrid" did not receive such endorsement from their Bishop or Episcopal Conference.

Michael Voris, “Real Catholic TV” and the program “No Bull in Madrid” are not accredited to or recognized by World Youth Day 2011.

World Youth Day Madrid 2011 invites and encourages all pilgrims attending this celebration of faith to visit the vast array of events that make up the official World Youth Day 2011 Cultural Festival and are endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the WYD organization and their respective Bishops conferences.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Comboxes: Where some Christians behave like pagans who do not know Christ

Here is a very timely piece by Msgr. Charles Pope of the Archdiocese of Washington well worth reading.  I recommend checking his blog frequently as he writes some pretty thoughtful stuff.

I have been wanting to write this exact post for some time and he just weaved it together perfectly.  I have noted several times in the blogosphere that some comments are so vile, profane, or uncharitable, that it is nothing short of Christians behaving like pagans who do not know Jesus Christ. Of the anonymously written comments I received before turning that option off, I would estimate that 80% were just plain nasty or foul. People have this mistaken impression that it's all about how well someone can be "told off".  Some readers feed off such things like sharks in blood infested waters and snowball off of them (which is why some bloggers reject those comments rather than publish them).  In reality, it's much easier to tell someone off than to practice constraint.  That is, maintaining composure and making points in a matter-of-fact manner, without lowering oneself to the level of those who do not have these skills.  The latter is aligned with the Gospel, and the former is discouraged (1 Cor 13).

 I am taking some major snippets from his longer post, which I would encourage you to read in full: Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean. On The Tone of Recent (mostly deleted) Comments.  He first discusses criticism that came his way after a pic of him celebrating the TLM landed on the cover of newsweek.  I can empathize with him having seen comments in blogposts about the usus antiquior that leave me wondering if these people will nitpick in purgatory. Father Z has warned people on his blog many times that priests will not want to celebrate Mass with the 1962 Missal because of the perfection that is expected even on a priest's first celebration of it, with no room for honest mistakes allowed.   I recall another blog picking up one of my photos and a comboxer there throwing a nutty over how many links up the chain the altar boy was holding the thurible!  Some people aren't happy unless they are unhappy. 

I am reminded here again about Archbisop Vigneron's, 10 Rules for Handling Disagreements Like a Christian.

It's not that some things aren't important, but it is the judgment of motive.  What has disturbed me the most is how people presume that something sinister or wicked is involved when people may be making an honest mistake or have a different view that is well within Catholic teaching.  CCC 2478 admonishes us not to engage in rash judgment, and to interpret the actions of others in the best possible light.  But some seem to think that this can be set aside if they are "defending" the Church.  More often than not, as Msgr. Pope points out, these combox kerfuffles are not over dogma and doctrine.  That is my experience too.  The worst comments I've had to reject are over small "t" issues. 

He's balanced in pointing out problems with comments on the other end of the spectrum too.

Msgr. Charles Pope writes:

As I have I now been blogging for over two years, I have become accustomed to difficulties the Internet can sometimes present to civil discussion. The vast majority of commentators here are kind, and willing to engage in mutually respectful conversation in the comment threads. I am able to post most of the comments that come in without any concern.

I DO appreciate vigorous and honest discourse and am undisturbed that disagreements are frankly aired. But there comes a line that, when crossed, makes me hit delete, or post the comment, but with a blow of the referee’s whistle.

Recently however, I am getting more comments that are just plain rude, mean or unnecessarily personal. I have had to press the delete button more than I’d like. It is not just the use of profanity that is alarming (and that too is becoming more common), but it is the excoriation of one’s opponents with dismissive labels and terms which either question their orthodoxy, or their love of the poor, label them as rigid or as communists, etc.

There is also the unnecessary ridicule of positions. And most of these comments come in the context of a discussion outside dogmatically defined issues, where reasonable people, reasonable Catholics, can differ and terminology may have more than one meaning, where the presumption of good faith and the celebration of the Catholic faith ought to be presumed. Gentle corrections are appreciated, but making a person look foolish is usually unnecessary.

The most nasty remarks often center around liturgy and the social doctrine of the Church.

As for liturgy, while there are norms to which we must submit, there is also legitimate diversity permitted by the Church. It is alright to have and state preferences, and even advocate for them. But too often various “camps” hurl stones back and forth and look down on others who are merely exercising legitimate options. The lovers of the Traditional Latin Mass have spent years in exile and been treated very poorly. Others who prefer more charismatic forms of the Mass are also ridiculed by some. And both these communities can also dish it out. But to be clear, as long as we stay inside the guard rails of the norms, there are various and legitimate lanes, whatever your preference. A little mutual respect please.

As for the social doctrine of the Church, here too there is a wide variety of understanding as to the application of those teachings. Catholics of different political backgrounds will differ on how best to apply some of the norms in caring for the poor. Further there has been the division of the Church along certain lines, the life and moral issues on one side, and the social issues on the other. To be sure, we need a division of labor. Everyone can’t do everything. Those who advocate for the poor ought to be glad that others are working to end abortion. And those in the pro-life community ought to be glad, and see as partners, those in the Church who advocate for, and serve the poor. We should value one another as the basis for any discussion. There may still be differences on details and emphasis, but the over all demeanor should be one of grateful appreciation for the work of the other. That should set the tone for the discussion.

Even in the necessary corrections where a commentator, or the blog author, has strayed from doctrinal accuracy, it is healthy to presume good will on their part, and that they did not wish or intend to stray from Catholic teaching. Further it is helpful to assume that terminology can and does often have technical uses, and more colloquial uses as well. This is not a blog for highly trained theologians, it is for the ordinary faithful who often speak in manners that are more relaxed and less technical. Rushing to accuse others of “error” or “heterodoxy” or humiliating them for the terminology of their comment may win the argument, but discourage a member of the faithful from ever evangelizing again, or being “out there” with their faith. Here too, gentle correction and distinction can be helpful, but with love. We are all brothers and sisters.


I agree with what he says here too. None of us is perfect.  My beef is with those who just like to drop in with a drive by that is just plain nasty.
A final disclaimer. I do not claim I get the balance and the tone perfectly. This post is not written from on high, from one who is perfect, to those who are not. Rather this is for “us” who interact on this relatively new medium of the Internet where the face and person on the other side of the screen are not seen. Yet those with whom we interact ARE human persons. In recent months I have been increasingly bothered at the tone of some incoming comments, most of which I had to delete, and you never saw. Some of them were just plain unkind, others hypercritical, still others rude and riddled with personal attack. Some others were clearly only an attack, and not a request for real discussion. Some were directed personally at me, others at some of the commentators here. Still others were mean-spirited attacks at the bishops, those who prefer other permitted liturgical forms, or those who come from a different theological tradition within the Church than they.

I will say that some of these comments cause me great personal grief, whether for myself or those who are unfairly or excessively attacked. So for us all, whom Christ loves, and for whom he died, let’s consider that the one on the other side of the screen is a human person, worthy of respect. And to be clear, most of us don’t need this post in an absolute sense, but just as a gentle reminder. God bless you.

Yeah! What he said!

h/t to Deacon Greg Kandra via Twitter

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On morale of innocent priests amidst scandal...

Fr. Z has a very good post which discusses the suffering that innocent priests suffer amidst the scandal that is taking place in Ireland.  It also discusses the role of bishops and how the selection of bishops has changed over the decades (fewer from the diplomatic ranks and more with a heavier theological background, or forthright in teaching the faith - a pretty good indicator that the Holy Father sees what is needed in bishops today).

After looking at what some other priests have to say about what is taking place in Ireland, Fr. Z points to the words of the Holy Father.  This is a must read for priests and seminarians, and a worthy read for the rest of us...

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    Ed Peters on proposals requiring priests to violate seal of Confession in Australia and Ireland

    Confessionals at Assumption Grotto

    From blogging canonist, Prof. Ed Peters:

    Concerning recent Irish and Australian proposals to require priests who, through their ministry in sacramental confession, learn the identity of child sexual abusers (or of any other malefactors, for that matter), to disclose such information to civil authorities, I have little to say because, well, because there is little to say, canonically, at any rate. Such proposals, even if they become law, will have absolutely no effect on a priest’s obligation to preserve the seal of confession. Absolutely none.

    Continue reading: A note on proposals to require priests to violate the seal of confession

    We know priests will not violate the seal of Confession.  But, I have to ask this question... I can't help it.... Do these foolish politicians honestly think a pedophile is going to step into a confessional if there is a law requiring priests to turn them in? 
    I'm just askin'

    Further reading:

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    Saturday, July 23, 2011

    Prayers and Sacrifices for US Apostolic Nuncio, Archbp Pietro Sambi; on temporary, "assisted ventilation"

    Post has been updated.  Scroll to bottom

    From the USCCB via the CNS Blog:
    The Most Reverend Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio, underwent a delicate lung surgery two weeks ago. Unfortunately, there have been post-surgery complications. Currently he has been placed on assisted ventilation to attempt recovery of his lung function. The Apostolic Nunciature and the Nuncio’s family kindly ask that Bishops, priests, religious, and lay faithful offer sacrifices and prayers for the health of the Apostolic Nuncio.

    Please stop and say a prayer and offer up some of the inconveniences and sufferings of daily life for His Excellency in his hour of need.   Here he is addressing youth earlier this year.

    Rocco Palmo has much more background in, Reports: Amid Transfer Talk, "Super-Nuncio" Gravely Ill

    He writes
    Just last week, these pages relayed word of Archbishop Pietro Sambi's tipped return to Rome and -- in the footsteps of all but two of his predecessors -- a "cardinalatial post" at the end of his five-year stint as the Holy See's representative to the US.

    In recent days, however, indications are that the situation has changed considerably, with the archbishop said to be gravely ill following surgery last week.

    Late last week, the Vatican's Nuncio to Washington since 2006 was reported to be in guarded care at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore after a "radical" procedure on his lung, the complications of which were initially said to have left him unresponsive. More recently, with the colorful, candid diplomat remaining in intensive care, these last hours have brought word that Sambi's family has been called to his bedside from Italy, where the 73 year-old prelate celebrated his grand-niece's wedding in mid-June.

    Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

    Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


    Read more:

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    Friday, July 22, 2011

    Air Conditioning at Grotto? {UPDATED}

    See my update at the bottom if you have previously read this post.

    It was about 90 F today, but you wouldn't have known that if you were inside Assumption Grotto parish church with those condensers running today. 

    Fr. Perrone has been on vacation.  When the pastor is gone, the associate pastor will....[wait for it]
    ... install air conditioner condensers!!!

    OK - so we really need more than two  of these to get it as cool as it is in other parishes, but the idea is to get the parish church cooler and drier inside than it is outside on the really hot days.  It is not unusual on a string of 90F days for the temps to rise even higher inside, and it can take several days for the temp to come down after the heat leaves because there isn't any way for it to escape.  Fr. John wrote in the Grotto News this past weekend:

    You may also notice the two condenser units that have been installed in the old coal chute well on the north side of the church. These units are part of a system designed to make the church a little more comfortable in the summer months. While it is not a “full blown” air conditioning system, it should reduce the humidity in the church and hopefully make the church a few degrees cooler than outside.

    These things were fired up yesterday when temps hit 100F in several metro Detroit areas.  Even though it was 90 today, this is what we had just as the 7:00pm Mass was about to get underway:

    I did not even break a sweat and was reasonably comfortable throughout Mass and evening Rosary.  For it to be 10 degrees cooler inside the parish church, than the peak high of the day, is truly amazing.  You can feel the cool air coming out of the grates. 

    On Monday at the same time, before the really hot weather set in on Wednesday and Thursday, I got the reading below.  I could not go back for Mass those days and ended up at St. Anne's in Warren at the 6:15am early bird daily.   I knew when I took this reading we were no where near any kind of peak high for inside the Church.

    I was sitting still and just dripping wet because it was so humid, as well.  For the priest, fully vested, and servers with cassock and surplice, all moving about, it was even worse.

    Tonight, everyone looked pretty comfortable with that 79.5 temp.

    For all those Grotto-goers who have scattered to take refuge in cooler parishes for Mass, y'all come back now.


    This week's Grotto News just came online and we have these words from Fr. John.  Considering that this was written before the condensers got working, I think we should continue with our prayerful efforts.  I like Fr. John's sense of humor:

    There is still work to be done in finalizing the system to help reduce the humidity inside the church and provide some cooler air to make the inside temperatures a few degrees cooler than outside. These weeks are proving to be a wonderful “worst-case” scenario in regard to the 100+ degree temperatures and high humidity. It should be noted that we are trying to accomplish this for a fraction of the cost of what a full air conditioning system would cost the church. I’ve started a novena to St. Nicholas that we can have a working system by the end of the novena. Others have started novenas to St. Jude. I’m not sure who is more on target for the patron: the Patron of the North Pole or the Patron of Impossible Causes...

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    Photopost from the June 25, 2011 prayer vigil in front of abortion clinics in Detroit

    Fr. Eduard Perrone leads the summer 2011 Helper's of God's Precious Infants Prayer Vigil

    Assumption Grotto's pastor, Fr. Eduard Perrone led the summer prayer vigil for the Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan

    What follows is a photo slideshow, and a link to the online gallery if you cannot view the slideshow or want to look through them at your own pace. 

    Here is an audio clip of Fr. Perrone's homily which packed an awful lot in less than 7 minutes. 

    Here is the slideshow.  I recommend setting it to "fast" and it will cycle through at a nice pace. There are some seemingly redundant photos, but some of these were taken for stock photos and the slideshow function only lets me create what is in the folder.

    Here is a direct link to the gallery if you prefer to click through them one at a time. You might want to click through other vigils and pro-life events I have photographed in recent years, in my Culture of Life tab.

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    Tuesday, July 19, 2011

    Updated: Archbishop Chaput leaves the Rocky Mountains for Philly (lots of links)

    Freshly "snipped" from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at 6:00am this morning
    Update July 24, 2011  Happening now ....Archived video from Archbishop Chaput's address in Philly added.

    Update: July 20, 2011 - See the embedded video just added from the presser with Archbishop Chaput's statement.  Also, if you read anything, read the two interviews, one by John Allen, the other in the list at the bottom by Sandro Magister.

    Savannah, Georgia wakes up to the news that Franciscan, Rev. Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM will become it's next bishop, and the people of Philadelphia got confirmation that Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver will succeed the outgoing Cardinal Justin Rigali.

    Archbishop Chaput had been rumored more than once to be headed to a cardinalatial see from his Denver post which he has held since 1997, and it finally happened this morning with his appointment today to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by Pope Benedict XVI.  He will be installed on September 8, 2011 - the day on which we celebrate the Birth of Mary. At the same time, the Holy Father accepted the resignation of Cardinal Justin Rigali who held that post since October of 2003.  The two will be at a 10:00 press conference which can probably be watched live at the diocesan website.

    I, like other Catholic bloggers, was watching the rumor mill swell until it finally could not contain itself any more yesterday and the near certainty was winding it's way through Philly papers and the  blogosphere before the embargo which would have been Noon time today in Rome.

    The Philly-bound bishop was the second Native American (Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribe) to be ordained a bishop in the United States, the first Native American to be archbishop, and God-willing, the first Native American to become a Cardinal.  It is unusual for a bishop to be named Cardinal while his predecessor is still alive, and under 80.   Upon reaching the age of 80, they are no longer considered among the Cardinal Electors who chose the next Pope.  Cardinal Rigali just turned 76 a few months ago.  Archbishop Chaput would be likely be elevated to Cardinal in a consistory at some point after April of 2015 if Philadelphia keeps it's red hat, and depending on other limitations there may be on overall numbers and distribution.

    You can read Archbishop Charles J. Chaput's full bio and curriculum vitae at the Archdiocese of Denver website.

    "A Conservative Bishop"?

    That is a label for Archbishop Chaput you will see in many sources.  But, how would people describe "conservative"?  Is he politically conservative, socially conservative, liturgically conservative? 

    In looking around the web this morning, I found an exclusive interview that reporter, John Allen had with Archbishop Chaput about his appointment to PhiladelphiaIn that interview they talk about everything from politics, to baseball, and the Latin Mass.

    Why, oh why is this respectable reporter still writing for the dissident rag, the National Catholic Reporter. Now, considering that the NC Reporter has writers advocating everything from liberation theology to abortion I recommend looking at the reaction of their readers in the combox to the news of Chaput's appointment.  The dissident wing of the Church is throwing an absolute nutty.  Thomas J. Reese, SJ, of the Woodstock Theological Center [I'm not making that up], had this reaction in

    "I think that with Chaput you will see a much more politically active archbishop than we saw with Cardinal Rigali," said the Rev. Thomas Reese, former editor of the Jesuit magazine America and author of numerous books on the Catholic hierarchy.

    Reese described Chaput as an "in-your-face" leader who is "going to be a real pain in the neck for the Democratic Party."

    It's not the Democratic Party that Archbishop Chaput is confronting; rather it is Catholic Democratic Party politicians and other democrats who exploit their "catholicity" for agendas that are contrary to Catholic teaching which he confronts.

    In an article written yesterday by Allen, he had this to say:

    Despite the fact that Chaput has been rumored to be in line for virtually every major opening in the American church in recent years, his appointment to Philadelphia nonetheless comes as something of a surprise.

    Speaking on background, sources told NCR that Chaput was a highly personal choice by Pope Benedict. Most insiders considered Chaput a long-shot for Philadelphia, regarding Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., a Pennsylvania native and a prelate with a reputation for brokering compromise, as the favorite.

    Benedict, however, tapped Chaput, solidifying his profile as a papal favorite.

    In recent years, Benedict turned to Chaput to handle two other sensitive assignments: Chaput was part of a team of bishops tasked with conducting a review of the Legionaries of Christ, and he was also entrusted with a visitation of the Toowoomba diocese in Australia under Bishop William Morris.

    That latter investigation led to Benedict's decision to sack Morris, in part because Morris suggested openness to women priests in a pastoral letter.

    One way to learn about someone is through their writings.  You can find a boatload of them linked at the bottom of this page since Archbishop Chaput is a prolific writer on a number of topics.
    More articles and blogposts are below. Some of these were written yesterday or early this morning, before the official announcement, but contain interesting notes and background. 

    I am providing a variety of resources here - some seemingly favorable, others not, and others just reporting facts.  Here again, I recommend sampling some of the comments that can be found in the blogs.  I would not recommend paying much attention to comboxes of secular news sources since there are many non-Catholics, mostly secularists, who tend to dominate those discussions. 


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    Sunday, July 17, 2011

    India: Mother of 6 priests, 4 nuns passes away at 94

    H/T to New Advent and to Padre Steve

    Special Correspondent, Jul. 15. KOLKATA, (C.M.Paul) - Mother of 15 children died at the age of 94 on 14 July in her home in Kerala after an illness due to old age complications which lasted two years.

    The deceased, Mrs. Elizabeth Anikuzhikattil, affectionately called Aleykutty, a devout Syro-Malabar catholic woman, gifted ten of her children to the Church. Of her eight boys, five are priests and one a bishop. Among her seven girls, four are religious, two Sacred Heart Sisters (Kerala) and one each Salesian Sister and Franciscan Missionary of Mary.

    Mrs Elizabeth`s eldest child Annie is a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians serving in Mysore while her eldest boy Mathew is bishop of Idukki.

    Read the full story here:

    Requiescat in pace!

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    Saturday, July 16, 2011

    Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    Today is a special day for all who wear the scapular, especially for Carmelites. It is the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    Assumption Grotto is the home base for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary secular Carmelites (discalced) which meet at the parish on First Saturday's starting with an added Mass time of  8:30am and ending around Noon following refreshments, business meeting, and formation.  Scrolling here will offer some info and good Carmelite articles.

    From the Catholic Encyclopedia:

    This feast was instituted by the Carmelites between 1376 and 1386 under the title "Commemoratio B. Marif Virg. duplex" to celebrate the victory of their order over its enemies EWTN's page on the Brown Scapular
    on obtaining the approbation of its name and constitution from Honorius III on 30 Jan., 1226 (see Colvenerius, "Kal. Mar.", 30 Jan. "Summa Aurea", III, 737). The feast was assigned to 16 July, because on that date in 1251, according to Carmelite traditions, the scapular was given by the Blessed Virgin to St. Simon Stock; it was first approved by Sixtus V in 1587. After Cardinal Bellarmine had examined the Carmelite traditions in 1609, it was declared the patronal feast of the order.........
    it was extended to the entire Latin Church by Benedict XIII. The lessons contain the legend of the scapular; the promise of the Sabbatine privilege was inserted into the lessons by Paul V about 1614. The Greeks of southern Italy and the Catholic Chaldeans have adopted this feast of the "Vestment of the Blessed Virgin Mary". The object of the feast is the special predilection of Mary for those who profess themselves her servants by wearing her scapular

    Propers for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (1962 Missal)

    At Assumption Grotto, the 7:30am Mass that takes place Monday thru Saturday always uses the 1962 missal and it is typically a sung high Mass.  If you are going to Assumption Grotto and do not have a Missal, you can find the propers for today in this page for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at the Tridentine Latin Missal Project site.  You can use this for most Sundays and major feasts, as well, so book mark it.

    Other good reads found or sent to me today:


    Carmelite Items (move through the items with the two arrows; when you click on the one in the center, it will take you to that page at Amazon).

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    Thursday, July 14, 2011

    At Grotto: Holy Hour Tonight; Day of Recollection Sunday

    Tonight, like all other Thursday nights at Grotto, is a Holy Hour for the sanctification of the priesthood. Exposition follows the 7:00 PM, Latin Novus Ordo.

    This Sunday, Fr. William Wagner is preaching on the "Role of the Holy Angels in Our Spritual Life".

    First conference, in the school lounge, is at 2:00; the second at 3:00. At 4:15 there is Exposition until 5:00

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    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Monkey Bars?

    Parishioners walking into Assumption Grotto were met with what looked like a set of monkey bars (and oh, was it tempting to start climbing). 

    Work is being done inside of the parish to clean the old granite walls of the dirt and grime.  Some slimey stuff resembling rubber cement is painted on, then allowed to dry, and then peeled off.  Some of the test areas that were done left some amazing results. Now, the serious work is beginning. 

    Hopefully, it is all done by August 15th.

    The photo is low quality as I took it with my iPhone, and didn't really clean the lens. I think you get the idea.


    It is customary to have a Day of Recollection in July.  I have seen flyers sitting out and up on the boards at Grotto that Fr. Wagner will be back at Grotto to give a talk.  The talks usually start at 2:00 in the lounge.  If I get a flyer in time, I'll post it.

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    Tuesday, July 12, 2011

    Sorry for the delay.... posting again soon; photos coming

    I regret the posting delay. I've been working on photos the last couple of days in preparation for the next Grotto calendar which we are hoping will be done in time for August 15th. Since I was not planning on using photos in a calendar, which requires "landscape" it was difficult to find things in my archives for each month. I had to dig back over the years to find the right kind of content for each month. Winter scenes were the hardest.

    I'm nearing completion on editing some recent events which need to get posted. Thank you for your patience. I hope to start uploading soon.

    In the meanwhile, be sure to have some fun. It's summer.

    For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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    Friday, July 8, 2011

    Final Space Shuttle Journey - Atlantis about to Launch - Watch it Live on NASA TV

    Go to NASA's website to watch it stream live.   It's much better than watching it on TV.

    Try Ustream's free video streaming desktop app

    Want to watch it iPhone or Droid?  Go read this - quick.  It's 10:04 now and there is less than 30 minutes left.

    Follow NASA Tweets:

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    Please pray for the safety of all on board space shuttle Atlantis on this launch.  May this final journey, marking the end of this space shuttle program, be blessed with a safe return.

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    Thursday, July 7, 2011

    Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Novena (Begins July 7)

    I once had a priest tell me that if you miss a day on a Novena to just do two days together and leave it in God's hands. 

    This is coming late in the day, so I am putting up both the first day (July 7) and second day.

    For the remaining days, I recommend going to EWTN and bookmarking the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Novena. They have it layed out conveniently for each day, leading up to the feast day, July 16.

    First Day

    O Beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, holy and singular, who brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining a pure virgin, assist us in our necessity! O Star of the Sea, help and protect us! Show us that you are our Mother!
    (pause and mention petitions)

    Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be

    Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.

    Second Day

    Most Holy Mary, Our Mother, in your great love for us you gave us the Holy Scapular of Mount Carmel, having heard the prayers of your chosen son Saint Simon Stock. Help us now to wear it faithfully and with devotion. May it be a sign to us of our desire to grow in holiness.
    (pause and mention petitions)

    Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be

    Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.

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    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Altar rails are making a comeback....

    The altar rail, long in use at Assumption Grotto, saw the comeback of the altar rail cloth
    on Holy Thursday, 2011

    The other day, the National Catholic Register had an article up about the return of altar rails.  It seems they are gaining in popularity as people desire to kneel to receive Holy Communion.

    The altar rail is so called, because it is an extension of the altar.  Assumption Grotto has gone one step further during most Masses using the 1962 Missal (when there are enough servers).  That is, the use of an altar rail cloth was re-introduced on Holy Thursday this year.  People fold their hands in prayer and put them under the cloth, leaning against the rail, not on top of it. 

    Go read this interesting, and detailed article about the altar rail, and it's new surge in popularity.  It includes some interesting history. 

    For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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    Monday, July 4, 2011

    Archbp Vigneron on 4th of July: Freedom of Religion a Great Pearl to be Protected

    Te Deum file photo: Archbishop Vigneron leading  the Helpers of God's Precious Infants Mass & Prayer Vigil in 2009

    In the Detroit Free Press article, "For 4th of July, ring out freedom to celebrate values", several leaders were asked for a brief statement.  Detroit's Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron was among those offering a brief statement.  In it, he said:

    “Freedom of religion is the most fundamental form of human freedom, as it concerns our most fundamental relationship: our relationship with God, our creator. Freedom of religion allows every person both to worship God and to live according to God’s law, without fear of interference or persecution. We know that a deep desire for this particular freedom drew many of our forbearers to this country, and the responsibility to protect this great pearl of our democracy is one each generation is called to take up anew.”

    — Archbishop of Detroit Allen Vigneron

    For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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    Saturday, July 2, 2011

    Saturday Morning Fun Flicks ... The bulldog and baby orangutan; and a cold piglet

    It's time for a little comedy-relief. I like browsing some of the videos at YouTube. A couple of videos by the same maker caught my attention.

    There may be a brief commercial of a few seconds.

    The first, is about a bulldog and baby orangutan

    This next one really made me chuckle. So many piglets that the body temp of some can drop too low if they cannot get close to mom.

    For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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    The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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