
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ed Peters on proposals requiring priests to violate seal of Confession in Australia and Ireland

Confessionals at Assumption Grotto

From blogging canonist, Prof. Ed Peters:

Concerning recent Irish and Australian proposals to require priests who, through their ministry in sacramental confession, learn the identity of child sexual abusers (or of any other malefactors, for that matter), to disclose such information to civil authorities, I have little to say because, well, because there is little to say, canonically, at any rate. Such proposals, even if they become law, will have absolutely no effect on a priest’s obligation to preserve the seal of confession. Absolutely none.

Continue reading: A note on proposals to require priests to violate the seal of confession

We know priests will not violate the seal of Confession.  But, I have to ask this question... I can't help it.... Do these foolish politicians honestly think a pedophile is going to step into a confessional if there is a law requiring priests to turn them in? 
I'm just askin'

Further reading:

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