
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monkey Bars?

Parishioners walking into Assumption Grotto were met with what looked like a set of monkey bars (and oh, was it tempting to start climbing). 

Work is being done inside of the parish to clean the old granite walls of the dirt and grime.  Some slimey stuff resembling rubber cement is painted on, then allowed to dry, and then peeled off.  Some of the test areas that were done left some amazing results. Now, the serious work is beginning. 

Hopefully, it is all done by August 15th.

The photo is low quality as I took it with my iPhone, and didn't really clean the lens. I think you get the idea.


It is customary to have a Day of Recollection in July.  I have seen flyers sitting out and up on the boards at Grotto that Fr. Wagner will be back at Grotto to give a talk.  The talks usually start at 2:00 in the lounge.  If I get a flyer in time, I'll post it.

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