
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Recent Posts on Te Deum....

A cotillion with music from the 1700's (and some dressed for the period) was held as a fund raiser for Grotto's upcoming musical, The Heritance which will show in December. Once again, Father has the symphony being primed, along with the Assumption Grotto Choir. When auditions were held for last year's hit musical, Palla Eius, it was like pulling teeth to get people involved, especially the boys. This year, they couldn't get in the audition line fast enough. It's great fun and I pray everyone will duly support this with their presence and donations as they are solicited. I have more photos from the cotillion forthcoming.
I've been posting like mad and will probably continue for at least through the end of the USCCB General Assembly, which is over tomorrow. Here are some recent posts:
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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!