
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More on the plight of traditional Anglicans looking to Rome

I spoke yesterday about the need to enter prayer for our Anglican brethren who were looking to Rome after it was confirmed that the Church of England would permit the ordination of female bishops.

We are going to see some rapid developments here so please do pray for all involved in this delicate process. There are as many as 1000 clerics or more who may be looking to cross over.

Further reading...

Fr. Z: Church of England bishop will lead Anglicans to Rome
CWNews: Vatican "regret" at Church of England

EDIT 6:40pm: A great post with some additional references by Fr. Tim Finigan in the UK...

There are some posts from Fr. Dwight Longenecker, a former Anglican priest of 25 years who converted to Catholicism. He sums up my reasons for several posts, and probably more to come, on this issue...

I apologize if my posts are all on Anglicanism at the moment, but truly historic things are happening, and it should be of interest to all Catholics.

Fr. Longenecker refers us to the blog of a young Anglo Catholic priest - Jeffrey Steel (ok, so 40 is still relatively young for a priest) for an insiders perspective. There are some very good posts there. Go visit De Cura Animarum

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