
Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Tridentine" Holy Week 2008 Photo Collection: Extraordinary!

The maniple worn by Fr. Perrone at the Easter Vigil. The Catholic Encyclopedia says about the symbolism of the maniple, seen at "Tridentine" Masses:
In the Middle Ages the maniple received various symbolical interpretations. At a later period it was common to connect this vestment with the bonds which held the hands of the Saviour. In the prayer offered by the priest when putting on the maniple are symbolized the cares and sorrows of this earthly life which should be borne with patience in view of the heavenly reward."

I keep talking about the "depth of spirituality" in the extraordindary form of the Roman rite. That explanation of the maniple is yet another example. There is not a gesture, not a hand position, not a motion, tool or vestment that does not have some history and spiritual meaning. We will continue to explore these things in time.

What follows below is a collection of all photographs related to the "Tridentine" Holy Week at Assumption Grotto in 2008 (in reverse order). All of these events were celebrated according to the 1962 missal, properly called the extraordinary form of the Roman rite. Others refer to it as the traditional Latin Mass (TLM), but of course there is only one rite and two forms: Ordinary and Extraordinary. It was indeed an extraordinary Holy Week!