
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Motu Proprio - Summorum Pontificum - Blog Roundup

Here we go...

With limited time the best thing I can do for those hungry for motu proprio updates is to check out these posts.

First, I want to point out the brand new blog, Summorum Pontificum blog. This is the mother of all blogs for all things Summorum Pontificum. I can't match the links made here and anyone finding something not found on this blog, should send it to that owner.

Fr. Z's analyses of stupid articles on the MP:

Fr. Z analyzes Sr. Joan Chittister's article in the National Catholic Reporter. This would be the same nun whose visit New Zealand Bishop Barry Jones opposed. Here is one excerpt revealing just what kind of disinformation is being fed to the lambs. Remember the passage, "beware of all kinds of strange teachings...." (Hebrews 13:9). Here are the words of Sr. Chittister (Fr. Z's comments in red):

The symbology of a lone celebrant, [cue Clint Eastwood music….] removed from and independent of the congregation, [a clear whistled melody…. the distant howl of a wolf and… what’s that hear? Gunfire?!] is clear: ordinary people have no access to God. They are entirely dependent on a special caste of males to contact God for them. [B as in B. S as in S.] They are "not worthy," to receive the host, or as the liturgy says now, even to have Jesus "come under my roof." [Ehem…. one of those things the lone male priest is saying silently up there at the altar Sister can’t approach is "Domine, non sum dignus… Domine, non sum dignus… Domine, non sum dignus…" before anyone else says it. And, NEWS FLASH: No one is worthy to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Jesus in the Eucharist. We approach Him because He invitingly commands it and we, in hope that He will crown His own merits in us, extends to us now this great pledge of future glory. We come with humility, not a sense of our own "worth". His Holiness even before his election wrote and warned eloquently about an unbridled sense of "self-sufficiency" in the Church.]

Analysis of Boston Globe article.

Analysis of The Independent article (UK)

Analysis of Time Magazine article

Fr. Z on Various Press Releases

American Jewish Committee

Archdiocese of Detroit - Cardinal Maida (my home diocese)

Note: An entire collection of press releases can be found at the Summorum Pontificum blog. If you are aware of one not linked here, please contact that site owner or put it in the combox there. There is a huge list, but only some have links. Those are places where statements are known to be released and available online.

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