
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Divine Mercy Sunday.....and the Paray Mass.... and CTH reminder

Just a reminder to anyone within driving distance that the Noon Mass will be an Orchestra Mass, featuring the Mass by Paul Paray. Also , the ushers are hosting their pancake breakfast so don't miss it! Support our ushers and their fundraising event!!!

There will be confessions after the Noon Mass until the last one has been heard. I'm sure there will be confessions between Masses as usual. Grotto confessors are awesome!!!

It is Divine Mercy Sunday! Seek God's forgiveness and his compassion. Good links:

The Divine Mercy Message

Divine Mercy Sunday website

Fr. LW Gonzalez blogs Divine Mercy & St. Faustina


I also want to give you a reminder of the annual Call to Holiness Conference taking place on Saturday, April 28 in two locations!

Reserve your space today. Hundreds of tickets have already been sold and there are many more available in both locations.

Great here for more details