
Sunday, November 12, 2006

December 30: Archbishop Burke returns to Grotto for Fr. John A. Hardon Remembrance!

Archbishop Raymond L. Burke elevates the Precious Blood
on January 14, 2006 when he last visited Grotto
to remember Fr. John A. Hardon.
He celebrates using the ad orientem posture,
never abrogated by Vatican II.

January 14, 2006, Archbishop Raymond L. Burke of St. Louis came to Assumption Grotto as head of the Marian Catechists - one of many organizations founded by Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ.

He is returning on December 30th, 2006 for a day of remembrance. All are invited to the Mass and conference as follows:

10:30 AM

- Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with Archbishop Raymond L. Burke

12:00 PM

- Lunch (bring-your-own lunch, school gym will be open)

1:15 PM

- Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament

- Prayer of the Rosary

- Conference by Archbishop Burke, National Director of the Marian Catechist Apostolate

3:00 PM

- Chaplet of Divine Mercy

- Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament

No Cost (lunch is bring-your-own). No RSVP is necessary.

Please see the Assumption Grotto website on how to get more info on the Marian Catechists and to view original flyer. You don't need to be an official Catechist to become a Marian Catechist. It's about learning and being able to pass on what you learn and it has a great home study program. It was originally developed with the Missionaries of Charity in mind, who were among the first to benefit from it. More extensive information can be found on the website of the Marian Catechists.

I've been pondering this plunge for some time now. I may have to actually do something about it!

Click here for more photos from the January 14, 2006 visit.

You might wonder why Archbishop Burke would come to Assumption Grotto to remember Fr. Hardon. Fr. Hardon spent his last years at Assumption Grotto - such a blessing to all those who got to know this great and holy theologian, who was recently profiled in the National Catholic Register in the article, "St. John Hardon?".

Lets give Archbishop Burke a good showing!!! Whether you are interested in becoming a Marian Catechist or not, you will love his homily and his conference talk - always solidly Catholic.

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Deo Gratias!