
Thursday, October 5, 2006

Cardinal Arinze in Detroit: Photo Post 4

Such events always draw a good share of religious and clergy. Below, Fr. Val Rykowski - Spiritual Director of Holy Trinity Apostolate talks to one of the local Dominicans. Fr. Val, many years past what would be considered "mandatory retirement age" was introduced as "our very own version of the Energizer Bunny". That's no joke. What few times I've seen this priest on my visits to Ss. Cyril & Methodius, he could put this 44 year old to shame.

All kidding aside, if you ever have the priviledge of assisting at Holy Mass when Fr. Val is celebrating, I can guarantee you will either cry, or work very hard at not crying when he gets into the Eucharistic prayer. Seminarians should look to his example of witnessing for all of us the Real Presence. Seeing him pour out love from his very being during Mass, as he consecrates the Body and Blood of Our Lord, caused me to focus more intently at what was truly taking place.

These remaining photos were taken by Jeff Williams of some of the religious and clergy present.

A beautiful statue of the woman who gave birth to Our Lord.

Cardinal Arinze in Detroit: Photo Post 1
Cardinal Arinze in Detroit: Photo Post 2
Cardinal Arinze in Detroit: Photo Post 3
Te Deum Laudamus! Home

This concludes the Cardinal Arinze in Detroit photo-post series.