
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Paul Ladmirault's glorious Sanctus and Benedictus (from Messe Breve)

The Sanctus from the Messe Breve written by Paul Ladmirault (1877-1944) is one of the most beautiful and remains my favorite after 10 years of singing, and hearing, the repertoire at Assumption Grotto.  Just as incense rises, carrying with it our prayers to God, Ladmirault's Sanctus ascends gracefully before exploding with majestic force just after 1 minute 30 seconds.

This was taken during the context of Mass, for which the Sanctus was written.  You will see the Consecration take place, with bells ringing, and then the choir will sing the Benedictus following the prelude.  It was taken today during the 9:30 a.m. Mass in the Extraordinary Form for Laetare Sunday in Lent.

The video was taken with a Canon EOS 40D camera which has HD video capability (click the gear box in the lower left after it starts playing if on a computer and set to 720 HD; or look for an "HD" on mobile in the lower right when it is playing.)  The focusing issues were not the camera's fault the a problem with the operator.  I'm still learning how to use it. I must mount this to a tripod when shooting video to minimize focusing issues and unwanted sounds related to movement.

The sound is decent considering I used no external microphone. This is the EOS 70D's built in microphone.  I do hope to capture better audio in the future with a mounted stereo microphone.
You will hear babies (a good problem to have in any parish), and kneelers coming down, or other noises.  That's life when recording during a Mass with a wide demographic that includes many young families.  I shoot from the back of the Church to minimize disturbing people and it just so happens to be where all the parents sit with babies for similar reasons.  I'm almost immune to those sounds.

Put on some decent headphones.


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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
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