
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Something to know about: "We Humble Ourselves!"

Recently, a fellow parishioner made known to me a special endeavor I hope you will look into and support through your involvement and/or presence.  It's called, "We Humble Ourselves - Turning a Nation Back to God."  She wrote to me in an email, in part (shared with permission).  I have highlighted one part so Grotto-goers will note Fr. Perrone's involvement (may not be visible in mobile view).  Note that this is not a Catholic event, but one that will include a number of Christian groups on something of mutual interest.

For those who may not have heard, a group of Christians are planning a patriotic, historical, musical event that will thank God for the gift of our Nation and ask for His healing grace at this time in history, when [we may all agree] it is most needed. The We Humble Ourselves event is based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, which states: If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

It is an incredible offer from a Father who always keeps His promises.  
The event, then, is a patriotic celebration full of music and song and history. And because our Nation's history is replete with Judeo-Christian references, we will include hymns and Scripture verses as well. Our beloved Pastor at Assumption Grotto, Rev. Eduard Perrone, has graciously accepted our request to conduct our symphony, and we are currently assembling the 100 voice choral group which will delight us with their talent, and lead us in the sing-a-long sections of the program. We will have Pilgrims and Founding Fathers and famous Civil War characters on stage, reading their own words and reminding us about the sacrifices of those who went before us. 

This is our opportunity to reclaim the good heritage that was given to us, once upon a time. Already, we have Catholics and Lutherans, Presbyterians and Methodists working together to make this event the best it can be, for the glory of God and the good of our Nation. This is not a prayer service, because we must acknowledge that each Christian denomination has differences. But we can find common ground, and we have. We will call upon the Most Holy Name of Jesus and we will stand in the breech for our fellow citizens. God-willing, the graces that shower down on us that August day in Dearborn, Michigan, will run like a living stream to the rest of the Nation. 
We have been organizing since last May. We have a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, We Humble Ourselves, Inc., that has been created to see this project through. Here is our mission: The purpose of the organization is to reawaken in the citizens of the United States, the love of God and Country that led our Founding Fathers to pledge “[their] Lives, [their] Fortunes and [their] sacred Honor” in support of the Declaration of Independence.

She goes on to say near the end of the email:

We have a website at which has some additional information and a page to "get involved."  
We also have a Twitter account at We Humble Ourselves @TurningA_Nation
May the Lord bless our efforts! 
Please pass the word:  
We Humble Ourselves - Turning a Nation Back to God
Sunday    August 30, 2015    3-5 pm 
Free admission. Free parking. Food available at minimal cost.
We encourage attendees to dress in pilgrim, colonial or civil war era clothing!
The public is welcome to come and see how the soldiers lived during their respective eras.
Ford Field Park, 22051 Cherry Hill, Dearborn, Michigan 
Colonial and Civil War reenactors will set up camp on Saturday, August 29, 2015

The organization also has a Facebook page, which is a little behind yet, but you might want to use the Like button to keep up on news about the event.  Here is one post about an upcoming meeting.

For more info, you can contact:

Please use the social media share buttons to help spread the word.  While this event is taking place in metro-Detroit, the website encourages people in other cities to follow and can provide guidance.


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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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