
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Musings and links on this All Souls Day…

First, if you are looking for Assumption Grotto's All Souls schedule for Sunday and Monday (in the 1962 Missal, it is transferred to Monday), see my post from yesterday with some important notes about this complex arrangement. It also includes discussion of next week's 40 Hours Devotion and closing Mass, which will be at Noon.

The Archdiocese of Washington website has been down and Monsignor Charles Pope's great blogposts are not accessible there at this time.  He has posted a couple to his parish blog.  Here is a link to his homily for All Souls Day, "99 and-a-half won't do…"   Monsignor Pope, I believe, is one of the best blogging clerics out there.  His posts are filled with scriptural references and catechesis. Noteworthy is that he works hard to stay on the high road, delivering lessons for the day in a way that does not cut others down.  It's obvious that he is fully aware of hot discussions on the web, by his choice of topics at time.   He celebrates both forms of the Mass and his thoughts on liturgy are wholesome.  I recommend checking his blog daily, which is normally at  Eventually, that site will come back, hopefully, with all of his historical content.  One day, I'll have to raid his "Pastor's Corner" page where he has more goodies.


The Dignitatis Humanae Institute has released full text of what Cardinal Burke really said about Pope Francis after a misleading headline and some unfortunate splicing of sentences by Buzzfeed that made it appear he was slamming the Holy Father.


I am no longer a fan of the Rorate Caeli blog as I once was because of how polemical it has turned since Pope Francis was elected (some traditionalist friends have likewise defected from regularly following the site with one referring to it as, "Rorate Rudos".  Some bitter traditionalists have referred to me as a "neo-con" or "neo-trad."  Whatever.  I have no objections to respectful critique of the Holy Father's words, actions, or prudential judgments, but conclusions are sometimes drawn there when there is one piece of information and an absence of a lot of other information required for more authentic conclusion.

It's not the only online source that does that, but since I am going to link to something there, I want to state that caveat.  Consuming commentaries daily at a site like Rorate Caeli can lead to outrage addiction.   This does not mean there are not some excellent pieces there, but people need to have good tools for discernment over how things are interpreted there and err on the side of caution with regards to any judgments about members of the hierarchy. Our salvation is not dependent on being angry over what any member of the hierarchy is saying or doing; rather it is dependent on what we do daily in showing love for God and neighbor.  If you go to Assumption Grotto, ask a priest about a particular situation that might cause you concern.  They are often very aware of what is going on and will give you good counsel to follow.

So, the piece I am linking to at Rorate Caeli is the full text of Cardinal Pell's homily at a Traditional Latin Mass in Rome for Juventutem following the recent Synod.  His Eminence was ill with mild bronchitis at the time so he had someone read the prepared homily.  In it, he discusses the Petrine Ministry.  I think Cardinal Pell's words stand on their own without commentary.


Catholic World Report is one of many sources that has had some very good coverage of the Synod.  The Relatio Synodi is finally available in official English translation.  See their report here, with link to original. 


There are two posts out there, among others, that take on the media for their spin on what Pope Francis said about evolution.  One is by Elizabeth Diaz appearing in a Time Magazine blog referring to media coverage of the subject as "Papal Bull."  



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