
Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Holy Spirit is coming to rest on some bishops, and others...

If you are reproached for the name of Christ, you are blessed, 
because the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you (1 Peter 4:14)

Some bishops are under attack, even physically.  From Catholic News Agency:
.- Four semi-nude feminist protestors attacked Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Malinas-Brussels during a recent conference on freedom of expression. 
The April 18 conference took place at the Free University of Brussels and was entitled, “Blasphemy – crime or freedom of expression.” 
The four women, who belong to the radical group Femen, removed their shirts and used plastic bottles similar those used by pilgrims at Lourdes to throw water at the archbishop while shouting insults and making violent gestures. 
The women painted their bodies with the phrases, “My body, my rules” and “God loves lesbians.” They also carried a sign which read, “Stop homophobia.”

The archbishop did what any good cleric should do, closed his eyes and prayed silently.  After they were done and gone, the archbishop kissed one of the bottles which bore the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Catholic Vote has a petition to sign that is not really a petition, but a show of support.  This is all well and good, but don't forget to pray for Archbishop Leonard and all of the bishops.  May God grant them spiritual, emotional, and physical courage to continue proclaiming the truth, in season, and out of season.

The other day I mentioned that Episcopal, Bishop Gene Robinson attacked Archbishop Vigneron for teaching Catholics, Catholic teaching.


Over at Catholic Vote, we read about a case in Columbus, Ohio

The Columbus Dispatch reports that a Catholic High School fired a physical education teacher last month after it became public knowledge that she is a lesbian who lives with her partner, in direct violation of Church teachings. Sadly, the teacher, Carla Hale, reacted by suing the Diocese of Columbus under the city’s anti-discrimination law, which does not provide an exemption for religious organizations and carries a penalty of up to 180 days in jail. 
There is a very real possibility then that Bishop Campbell could be sent to jail for upholding the Catholic faith. There is also the possibility that this case could end up in the Supreme Court, as the unanimous decision in the Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC case specifically leaves open the possibility of subsequent litigation for breach of contract. However, one has to wonder whether a contract based on a 19-year lie could still be valid. The Dispatch article does not state whether the school knew Hale was a lesbian and perhaps had some informal agreement with her provided she kept it quiet, but if so, the concealment on Hale’s part would only be more damning. Neither the school nor the diocese should be punished for trying to right the situation.

Before you know it, it is going to be illegal to be Catholic.  History repeats itself.


Here we have a story of "tolerance" for home-schooling in the United States.  A German family was granted asylum here in 2010.  They left Germany because they could not home school their children there.  The parents did not approve of the anti-Christian values being forced on them in the public system .  Apparently, the Obama Administration feels these kids must be in a public school and since they refuse, they want them deported.   Their case is before a U.S. Court of Appeals.   You can read more here, as well.

I think it's a matter of time before there is a major, broad assault on home-schooling.  You can teach your kids Christian and Catholic values all day long, but someone else who has them for much of the day is un-teaching those values.  That is why more and more people are going to home-schooling.  And, the "tolerant" leftists don't like the fact that they cannot indoctrinate your kids into values incompatible with Scripture, especially from a Catholic point of view.

We shouldn't be surprised.  Jesus told us it would be like this.

Pope Francis spoke about the two Syrian Orthodox bishops who are still missing after being kidnapped. Please pray for them.

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