
Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Stand Up for Religious Freedom" Rallies Today; Archbp Vigneron to speak in Dearborn

This is from the Dearborn Patch...

One of several rallies planned by the Pro-Life Action League and the Citizens for a Pro-Life Society will take place on the afternoon of Saturday, Oct. 20, in front of the Dearborn City Hall
The rally, called “Stand Up For Religious Freedom,” was organized by the two groups to raise awareness about, in their point of view, a threat to religious liberty due to a mandate from the US Health and Human Services Departmentmeant  to expand access to FDA-approved modes of birth control and emergency contraception. The mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act of 2010. 
Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron will be the featured speaker. 
Pro-life and Catholic groups believe the provisions on whole are contrary to Catholic teachings, said Vigneron in a statement. 
“The issue here is not about contraception,” he said. “The issue is about religious freedom; it is an affront to our constitutional guarantees. The church does not desire to impose its values on society. Rather, it’s the government seeking to impose its views upon the church. That is where the conflict lies.”

There was an "exemption" added, but it is so narrow that even the Archdiocese of Detroit would not qualify, nor would many other Catholic organizations, like EWTN.  So, they are suing the federal government.

The rallies will be held in more than 140 cities.  Here is a list of locations where you can go today.  The rallies begin at Noon in all timezones.

The Archdiocese of St. Louis has made it very simple...

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