
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 29: All-Night Adoration at Grotto for Fortnight for Freedom

Adoration for the Fortnight for Freedom begins after the 7:00 PM Mass. For visitors, this is usually in the extraordinary form (1962 Missal) and you can find booklets on either side of the Church, near those side entrances.   It is the Feast of Ss Peter and Paul and you can find the readings in this handy printout. 

Note that it says we will have lighted and secured parking And, there will be light refreshments in the school. 

Also, for those who may come near the end, which will conclude at 7:00 AM the next morning (likely with Benediction), there will be the weekly, Saturday Mass at  7:30 AM (also using 1962 Missal) for those who want to stay.  Often times, there is Confession offered right before.

When we did this for the last Presidential Election, there was, on average, about 40 people throughout the night.  I think it dropped to about 25 around 3 AM.  A number of people were there all night long, then they went to vote.  We are exploring something similar for this presidential election, pending the pastor's approval.

Please support religious liberty for Catholics with prayer.

The Archdiocese of Detroit has a listing of just some of the events taking place around metro Detroit (many parishes likely were unaware of this feature at the new AOD website).  Grotto's event is listed there).

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

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