
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Be There! Rallies in over 115 cities on March 23 for Religious Freedom

I'm reposting this from the other day.  It's coming up this Friday.  I cannot make it, but I hear there are over 115  locations in the US now.

In her broadcast the other day, Teresa Tomeo spoke with Dr. Monica Miller about this event.  Listen here. You will find the discussion after the first half.  Though, I recommend listening to the first segment with Dr. Meg Meeker, which focuses on contraception.


Stand up and be counted!  There is a really coming to a town near you on March 23rd at Noon for religious freedom.

Some of these rally locations want you to RSVP or email the rally captain.  Here is a list by state:

Visit the Stand Up for Religious Freedom blog for updates and further details.

Now, just today, Al Kresta interviewed Dr. Monica Miller on this.  You can listen to that audio here.  She comes in about 30 minutes into this second, national  hour.

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