
Friday, March 30, 2012

Holy Week Liturgy and Confession Schedule at Grotto; Triduum Printouts

Easter Vigil 2009

I have been somewhat under the weather, so I won't be photographing this year during the Triduum.  I must admit, that while it is disappointing to not have fresh photos, it would be hard for me to surpass what I captured during Holy Week of 2009.

Holy Week Liturgical Events
People have asked me about the Holy Week schedule for 2012.  It's now on the homepage at assumption .  Rather than duplicate it here, I would encourage you to visit the Grotto homepage, and do so on a weekly basis ahead of any weekend to stay posted on what is happening, since I too must reference it.  Often times, Fr. Perrone's column, and a link to the bulletin, is posted by Friday night.

Sidebar: Make sure you are aware of the Confession schedule, with extra times, and time noted when there will not be Confession.  Find a Guide and Examination of Conscience here.  It might help to also read St. Francis de Sales on Confession. And, you can read about the Scriptural basis for Sacramental Confession.

Orchestral Masses:

Choir and Orchestra of Assumption Grotto Church will have
Choral and Orchestral Music for Traditional Tridentine Masses
Easter Sunday, April 8 at 9:30 a.m. and Divine Mercy Sunday, April 15 at the noon Mass
Joseph Haydn's Heiligmesse and J.S. Bach: Choral movements from Cantatas 66 and 134 

Printouts for Triduum
Now, if you go to the main events during the Triduum, please know that they are in the extraordinary form (traditional latin).  There is a spiritual richness in the older missal that I find very deep.  This year, the parish gift shop does not have the Triduum booklets for sale, so pamphlets are being printed out.  However, we can never really guess on the crowd size (and these liturgical events are usually well attended).

If you don't have a missal or Triduum booklet, and don't want to leave it to chance that you'll get a pre-printed pamphlet, you can make good use of the great site, the Tridentine Latin Missal Project. Bookmark this site.  The URL recently changed.  I'm really glad this site is being maintained because I wondered if it would lapse and it is a very useful tool.  Where you see hypertext with a Mass, it means that you will have something to print out.  So, look for major feast days throughout the year, in addition to all Sundays.  You would go to Passiontide for this week, under Proper of Season.  Using the post-1955 version from the list, here are some key pages you will want to print if you do not have a missal or booklet for the Triduum.

On Holy Thursday, there is an opportunity to remain with Our Lord at the Altar of Repose after the 7 PM Mass until midnight.

Parting shot from the Easter Vigil (2009):

Before lowering the Paschal Candle into the water, the celebrant, Fr. Perrone,
blows on the water three times, tracing the path of the Cross and prays:
"Do Thou with Thy mouth bless these clear waters: that besides their natural virtue of cleansing the body, 
they may also prove efficacious for the purifying of the soul."

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fr. Perrone: Disciplined behavior, meekness and love of Christ is what's needed

I had never seen statues and crucifixes covered before Palm Sunday until I got to Assumption Grotto in 2005.  I find these kinds of customs very spiritually enriching and I appreciate that my pastor and fellow parishioners take the time to make them happen.   Fr. Perrone did somewhat of an exposition on this very practice - of covering statues near the end of Lent - in his homily this past Sunday at the 9:30 AM Mass (Passion Sunday in the 1962 Missal). He focused on the last sentence at the end of the Gospel (John 8:46-59) where it says that Jesus hid Himself.  While his words transcend time and place, it seems especially applicable to the present situation we find ourselves in here in the United States.

Bringing this homily to you cost me a nickel and five Hail Mary's.  Consider adding prayers of your own for my pastor, in thanksgiving that he sent it.

It was rather customary in my youth to relate the covering of statues in the church on Passion Sunday to the closing words of the Gospel read for today: “Jesus hid Himself and exited from the temple.” Whether or not this liturgical tradition actually stemmed from those words, the fact is that the view of our beloved Lord (and His saints) has been removed from our eyes. It is the beginning of the gathering of the clouds that on Good Friday will entirely block the light of the Son from reaching the earth. Today then marks a decisive turn for us as we prepare ourselves for the dark days ahead: the time of Christ’s Passion.

Hiding Jesus from view is also symbolic of the ban against the Church and her teaching from public exposure. The jargon word is ‘marginalization’ and it well expresses the squeezing out of faith from public life. In seeing the progression of a stance adamantly antagonistic to Christianity generally and to Catholicism particularly we are discovering ourselves very much weak and ill-prepared to make a united and bold defense of what we believe and of what we have the God-given right and mandate to express and propagate to the world. The old apostolic vigor of the Church that carried the Gospel to all parts of the globe seems to have left us. Conversion and Evangelization have become clichés that apply only to personal spiritual states rather than to the universal mission of the Church to convert people and to evangelize nations. The world will always hate the Church as it has always hated Christ. This is nothing new. But the inability to muster the needed strength to combat the world and to preach Christ’s truth openly is indicative of these times when our Catholicism has lost much of its virility. The bravery of the apostles, the heroism of the martyrs, the convincing apologetics of the teachers, the disciplined witness of laity, the unshakable unity of Catholic family life, the service and educational institutions of a proud Catholic identity are–much like our covered images in church today–in hiding. Many of those who have managed to hold on tenaciously to the true faith have now retreated and insulated themselves, perhaps just in order to be able to survive in a time when they are opposed by oppressive forces from without and when they have looked about to find other Catholics standing together with them in a united witness only to discover that they stand largely alone.

It just may be (hard to say it and mean it) that opposition and even persecution is exactly what the Church needs in order to get out from under this listless and inert posture. Maybe when we’re challenged to fight we’ll summon latent powers to defend Christ and His truth. Or perhaps the Lord is permitting us to fall flat so He can show the might of His arm, as He did so many times in history when the enemy was bigger and tougher than God’s people. Yet there is one indispensable thing found in every page of the Church’s history, and that is the valor of individuals in the Church, man by man, who have trained themselves to battle the world and the devil by having first battled themselves. The old saw about “the need for personal conversion” is as so much blah-blah; we’re tired of empty platitudes. The reason for our lethargic spirit and our restlessness is the same reason we have discovered ourselves being so easily overpowered by our opponents: we have not mended our ways, individual to individual. We are one-by-one sin-sick because we don’t really want to be changed people. It’s hard to change our ways, to think differently, to curb our desires, to temper ourselves. And in this way we fall back on a benign self-comforting thought that we are, after all, only weak human creatures and that we are at least not as bad as some others. And in this way little can be done because indolence and lassitude are allowed to have their sway.

We are hiding Christ from the world because we are diminished Christians ourselves. There’s not enough of the ‘soap’ of asceticism to cleanse us. We’ve cut ourselves too much slack and forgotten that we are always under the ‘dome’ of God who hears our secret thoughts and views our most private actions. We pray to Him when we’re needy, but complaining when we have to make a holy hour, or say the rosary, or do almost any extra besides what we’re obliged to do. We simply don’t have that apostolic spirit, that winning confidence, the sure-footedness of our convictions: all because we are personally feeble Christians. We cover Jesus’ eyes and ears (or so we think) and we uncover Him only when we’re in pain or threatened or need something from Him. Fine soldiers of Christ we are! And we then wonder why we are made sport of in the world and why government is gaining an upper hand over us, and why non-Christian religion is making imposing advances in our country and in the whole world. We need to be ashamed of ourselves (the Confiteor) and not ashamed of Christ (the Credo).

So perhaps we need a good scourging to bring out the Christ in us again. God often has strange methods. For myself, I’d rather see an army of Christian witnesses rise up spiritually indefatigable than to have a lashing that will chasten us or a purging that will fortify us. But I’m certain of this much: the Church can’t be defeated and truth will always reemerge. Christ won’t stay in hiding, and in the end He will slay His enemies by the sword of His mouth, making His enemies His footstool. If all this sound like military diction, it is so in fact. But it’s first of all a summons to fight the personal battle against our own wickedness before it is a call to take on the enemy at large.

Do not be distracted from the fundamental reform that is needed and become all enthused about the emerging conservatism in politics, or even in the Church. Talk is cheap, as they say. Disciplined behavior, meekness and love of Christ is what’s needed.

Let’s take Christ out of hiding by making Him alive in our own selves and then Christ-in-us will emerge the Victor, having conquered the world.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pope had a reverent, dignified and majestic Mass in León, Mexico

It has not been uncommon in the United States, and some other countries, to see some try to make papal Masses, "relevant", to certain groups - most often to young people. In my past Catholic life (pre-2005), I thought this was a good idea. But that preceded a time when I realized that the Mass was not about me, or anyone else. Worship is something we give to God for His sake, not ours. If we love our Creator, we will give our time to Him, and worship Him unconditionally. Worship should be God-centered and it seems that some large, papal and diocesan Masses have turned into something other than worship. Rather than having the nature of a sacrifice, it takes on the character of a big celebration.

I got to see the Mass in León, Mexico at Bicentennial Field. It was on EWTN today (you can view the raw video feed here).   This is a Mass where 300,000 were expected and about 700,000 showed up, as was reported by Raymond Arroyo during the broadcast. Some wondered why the Holy Father didn't go to Mexico City and it was pointed out that the altitude there would have adversely affected the Pope. 

What I saw of this Mass was very reverent, dignified, and majestic.  First, the simplicity of the make-shift sanctuary was quite beautiful, along with the altar.   The crucifix was a crucifix, not some modern piece of art that looked like wax had melted into something resembling one.  Our Lady of Guadalupe was represented also.  The music was all orchestra, and the atmosphere was very prayerful.  They didn't shake the music up by using orchestra for some things, then do something else.  They didn't put big stars or personalities "on display" during Communion.  Also noteworthy is what was missing at this big Mass in Mexico: Guitars.

Why did I think there would be guitars at Mass in Mexico?  Well, perhaps I've seen one too many big Masses here in the U.S. where well-intentioned people have worked to make Mass "relevant" for Latinos by having these things.   By the looks on people's prayerful faces there in León, I don't think they were missing the guitars during Mass. 

An entire ensemble of guitar players up in the stands played as the Holy Father drove by in the Pope Mobile
Now, I like guitar - outside of Mass. And, they had guitars in Mexico last night (view raw video), when the children gathered at the Plaza de la Paz in Guanajuato in León.  Do you see the difference?  Inside-of-Mass: No guitars.  Outside-of-Mass: guitars and more.  A gathering of joyful young people in a plaza, outside-of-Mass, greeted the Holy Father with all kinds of music, cheers, chanting, and signs.  A youth orchestra, with more violins than I could count, played some beautiful things.  I was awestruck.  But there was also another, very large group, all playing guitars and singing recognizable, Mexican tunes with great joy.  I was endeared.  Truly, if you want something joyful to watch, hit that raw video feed of the plaza event and watch the young people welcome an elderly cleric for whom much of the popular press has no love.  

Very large youth orchestra played some amazing music

While I'm sure Msgr. Guido Marini had much to do with some of this, we have seen some rather interesting things over the years at other, large papal Masses.  Either the bishop of this diocese in Mexico understands what the Holy Father has been trying to teach by example, or the instructions coming from Msgr. Marini got tightened.  

There is a time and a place to bring cultural identity into something.  But, I lean towards having the big, celebratory, cultural stuff outside of Mass, just as it was done last night when the youth greeted the Holy Father.  This doesn't apply just to ethnicity, but also to youth gatherings.  When we try to dress-up the Mass for them, I think we underestimate what they want, and that they are perfectly capable of worshiping when the environment is more solemn, reverent, and mindful that the Mass is a Sacrifice.

What do you think?

The Holy Father will be doing Vespers in about 15 minutes.  You can tune in to EWTN, or watch it live.  You have two options there:  Watch raw video, without any translations or interruptions, at the page set up for this visit at the Vatican's website.  Or, watch it streaming on EWTN (go to the Television tab at the top, then choose an option based on your location).

Since I missed the homily, I'm going to read it later.  You can  find all of the Holy Father's addresses and homilies at a page set up on the Vatican's website for the Mexico-Cuba visit.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cardinal Burke's address from HTA symposium to air on EWTN this Sunday

Cardinal Raymond L. Burke delivering his address at Ss Cyril & Methodius Parish
in Sterling Heights, MIchigan where Holy Trinity Apostolate's 2012 Lenten Symposium was held.

I was grateful to be able to attend the 15th Annual Lenten Symposium by Holy Trinity Apostolate in nearby Sterling Heights on March 13th.  It was also a privilege to be able to photograph the event speakers.  Over 1000 were in attendance.  The theme was "The Christian Vocation: A Call to Martyrdom."

It started with Mass at 8:00 AM, celebrated by Cardinal Burke.  Ss Cyril & Methodius is an ethnic Slovak parish in the Detroit suburb of Sterling Heights.  What is interesting to note about the parish is that there may be more non-Slovaks there.  People are drawn by the simple, more traditional character of the parish where there are literally well over 100 altar boys (females do not serve at Mass in this parish, but there are no shortage of activities for their involvement in other things).

The parish has one of the highest vocation rates in the Archdiocese of Detroit.  It seems each year there are one or two men from this parish being ordained.  Truly, if anyone is wanting to know how to increase vocations, dioceses should be studying those parishes that have high rates.  You won't find gimmicks and campaigns drawing them.  What you will find is a focus on the spiritual life - daily Mass, Adoration, Marian devotion, and wholesome spiritual reading with an emphasis on Scripture, saints, and church docs.

Below are some pictures I took at the event as an attendee.

What I want to direct your attention to is that EWTN and HTA collaborated so that what was taped of Cardinal Burke will be aired this Sunday on EWTN. Note that it says Part 1.  I believe the talk may be broken up into two segments, each 30 minutes during the "Vaticano" time slot.

EWTN On Location: Holy Trinity Apostolate - Lenten Symposium (Talk 1)
Sun. Mar. 25 at 10 AM ET"Holy Trinity Apostolate presents their 15th Annual Lenten Symposium on The Christian Vocation: The Call to Martyrdom. Guest speakers include: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Mother Margaret Georgina Patton, O.S.B., Mother Olivia-Frances Arnold, O.S.B., Joan Lewis - EWTN Vatican Correspondent, The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron – Archbishop of Detroit, The Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda - Bishop of Gaylord, MI, Msgr. John A. Abruzzese, S.T.D., and Fr. John G. Dumas."

It's now on the EWTN Homepage:

One note is that Bishop Hebda could not make it and, in his place, Fr. Jacques Daley, OSB, took his place.

CD's and DVD's are available for purchase on all talks at the website for Holy Trinity Apostolate.  Keep in mind that when you make a purchase you are helping the apostolate with costs required to make these things, other proceeds go to bringing more great speakers to other events.  So, please consider a purchase. Regrettably, there is no online option to buy - you have to print out the form and mail it in with your payment.  For those who want everything with the click of a button, it's one more thing to offer up during Lent - LOL.

Immediately after Mass, the Blessed Sacrament was carried by Cardinal Burke to the parish chapel where Adoration took place throughout the day.

Vic Faust, who is a local news anchor with the ABC affiliate, was the event MC and did a great job, as always.

First up was Fr. John G. Dumas, a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit, who spoke on The Mystery of Redemption and Salvific Suffering

Next up were Mother Margaret Georgina Patton, O.S.B. and Mother Olivia-Frances Arnold, O.S.B. who talked about "Cultivating a Sacred Space as a Place of Martyrdom: A Monastic Witness".  If that name Georgina Patton sounds interesting, it's not your imagination.  She is related to General George Patton (granddaughter).

Fr. Jacques Daley, O.S.B. spoke in place of Bishop Hebda of Gaylord on White Martyrdom

After lunch it was Cardinal Raymond Burke on Christian Martyrdom in the Thought of the Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon, S.J. 

Cardinal Burke permitted me to photograph his ring. 

Following Joan Lewis was Msgr. John A. Abruzzesse, S.T. D.  who spoke on "Becoming the Instrument of Your Martyrdom: Reflections on the Life and Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales".  Msgr. Abruzzesse is the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City. 

EWTN's Rome Bureau Chief, Joan Lewis, followed with  her talk on The Benedict Generation: Firm and Joyful in their Faith.  After arriving back in Rome, Joan spoke with Teresa Tomeo on her morning show, Catholic Connection, about her experience at the conference, and her thoughts on the parish experience at Ss Cyril & Methodius.  You can listen to that discussion in the archived audio, about 2/3 of the way through here:

It was time for the panel discussion and Q & A, which is always a crowd favorite.  I have some notes put away for another post on two questions that came up which really brought the panel to life.  I don't know if the Q&A will be on the DVD or not yet, but I hope it is.  Most often, these are omitted from conference audio and video sales.

I could not get all of those sitting on the panel because of how they were seated.  In this photo we see (left to right), Fr. Jacques Daley, O.S.B., Cardinal Burke, Msgr. Abruzzesse,  Mother Olivia-Frances Arnold, O.S.B, and next to her (on screen), Mother Margaret Georgina Patton.

Local ABC News affiliate, WXYZ, did a brief story on Cardinal Burke's appearance at the conference.  Cardinal Burke is the Prefect for the Apostolic Signatura (some liken it to the Church's "supreme court").   His Eminence is also a member of numerous other dicastries, committees and councils.  

The event closed with Benediction, led by Fr. Lee Acervo.  He is the associate at St. Joan of Arc in St. Clair Shores, Michigan, and he has a blog!  Add it to your feed, you won't be disappointed. 

Here are just some of those men who serve at the altar

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Be There! Rallies in over 115 cities on March 23 for Religious Freedom

I'm reposting this from the other day.  It's coming up this Friday.  I cannot make it, but I hear there are over 115  locations in the US now.

In her broadcast the other day, Teresa Tomeo spoke with Dr. Monica Miller about this event.  Listen here. You will find the discussion after the first half.  Though, I recommend listening to the first segment with Dr. Meg Meeker, which focuses on contraception.


Stand up and be counted!  There is a really coming to a town near you on March 23rd at Noon for religious freedom.

Some of these rally locations want you to RSVP or email the rally captain.  Here is a list by state:

Visit the Stand Up for Religious Freedom blog for updates and further details.

Now, just today, Al Kresta interviewed Dr. Monica Miller on this.  You can listen to that audio here.  She comes in about 30 minutes into this second, national  hour.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

US Bishops Dig-in on Threats Against Religious Liberty

I don't have time to go into this and it is self-explanatory.

Yesterday, the USCCB issued a news release concerning the threats against religious liberty. Follow that link, and be sure to read the additional links embedded there.

The U.S. Bishops are digging in.

Please support them with your prayers and by thoughtfully considering what they ask of us.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Leonardo Defilippis coming to Southeast Michigan

I had an opportunity to see the one-man show on St. Maximilian Kolbe by Leonardo Defilippis a few years back when he came to Assumption Grotto. He is truly talented. Now, he's coming to metro Detroit to perform, The Passion According to St. Luke

It's coming up fast.  Click here and look at the upcoming schedule for Michigan and other states.  Also visit the homepage for St. Luke Productions to see what else is playing and being booked.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Canonist discusses "Suspension" vs. "Administrative Leave" using a recent case in the news

Ed Peters offers some clarification on terms when discussing priests who are put on leave versus those who have been suspended. I must admit that I did not know the difference here.  Dr. Peters, who teaches canon law and latin at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, uses a recent case that has taken the blogosphere by storm:

Three recent questions in the wake of the lesbian/Communion controversy

I get paid to explain canon law in the calm context of the graduate classroom, where things like definitions, nuance, history, and values can be reflected upon by well-informed peers (or at least by students who do the readings!) But I never let my students forget that canon law is fundamentally a legal system, and that legal systems deal with real people, and that real people can make a sorry mess of their lives and the lives of others in pretty short order. So, if the recent lesbian/Communion controversy affords us an unlooked-for opportunity, perhaps even a necessity, to explain some of the working of canon law, so be it. I’m game.

Here, I consider the three common questions about this case. Sometimes, yes, the questions are rhetorical and seem designed more to taunt than to inquire, but to the degree they nevertheless help surface issues that others might find instructive, let’s look at them.

Go to Dr. Peter's post at In Light of the Law to continue reading.  He breaks things down in a way that I find easy to understand.  He also addresses some frequently asked questions concerning the case using only what is available in the public domain.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Monday, March 12, 2012

Fr. Z: It would still be wrong even if dead people in Chicago made it 105%

Relativism often rears it's ugly head in the form of opinion polls on morality. In other words, according to those believers who dissent from Scripture and the teachings of the Church, truth floats with popular opinion. Not!

Don't be fooled. One cannot bend the arrow on a compass to point south and still call that direction north. Jesus himself said he was the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). We also know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  Truth is timeless.

With that, I turn you over to Father Z who asks if this is the "stupidest question ever asked a bishop by a newsie?"

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Friday, March 9, 2012

New video by ShePAC reveals Obama's double-standard with women


I am offering this newly created video here, made by a conservative women's PAC called, ShePAC. It may be offensive to some; but, I think the video needs to be seen and shared. Mr. Obama is very selective in supporting women who exercise their right to free speech against vicious verbal attacks. . Where has he been all these years when conservative women were being targeted by liberals, along with their children in some cases. Here you will see a misogynist at play.  Not only has Obama not called for civility on this, he has been completely silent about it.

To the men who view this, tell me you wouldn't be fired for talking like this at work.  

Watch this 2 minute clip and consider sharing it.

Mr. President - Give Bill Maher his money back to set a good example for your own daughters. Along with the way he has insulted women, and Christians, specifically Catholics, the guy is a lousy comedian.

I have a hard time understanding how people can even watch Maher and be entertained by him.  It's sickening when people laugh at a man who would speak in such ways about women and disabled babies.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Interesting Catholic reads for the weekend of March 11

Must Read | Pope Benedict XVI, in his ad limina address to U.S. Bishops of Region VII-IX discusses marriage, the family, and the Church's teaching on sexuality in the public square.   You will not be disappointed with what the Holy Father has said to the bishops, especially on the failure of catechesis in these areas.  He even talks about cohabitation - a subject I have often expressed how perplexed I was that it simply isn't mentioned from the pulpit.  God bless the Holy Father for speaking without ambiguity.  Here is just one snippet:

In our conversations, some of you have pointed with concern to the growing difficulties encountered in communicating the Church’s teaching on marriage and the family in its integrity, and to a decrease in the number of young people who approach the sacrament of matrimony. Certainly we must acknowledge deficiencies in the catechesis of recent decades, which failed at times to communicate the rich heritage of Catholic teaching on marriage as a natural institution elevated by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament, the vocation of Christian spouses in society and in the Church, and the practice of marital chastity. This teaching, stated with increasing clarity by the post-conciliar magisterium and comprehensively presented in both the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, needs to be restored to its proper place in preaching and catechetical instruction.

Hey! Even Catholic News Service (CNS)  put it front-and-center, and gave it an appropriate headline: Church must better explain teaching on sexuality, pope tells US bishops.    Catholic News Service is the reporting arm of the USCCB, but over the years the emphasis has been on social justice, often at the expense of presenting, front-and-center, serious moral issues.  Social justice is not a bad word, and it is important.  However, while there are no grey areas in certain aspects of morality in Catholic teaching, when it comes to social justice there are many ways that good Catholics can disagree on the best approach.  I think CNS will evolve in time as the bishops become more vocal on these moral issues, as well.

Trust me, people, the Angel of Darkness, who has enjoyed the silence from pulpits the most, is going to get a run for his money with this generation of bishops and priests.  Let's keep them in our prayers because many of these men will endure a white martyrdom or a red martyrdom to turn things around.  Like many, I am disappointed about the past, and I am not ignorant of how we got here.  However, I am very hopeful with what I see many bishops and priests doing today.  For that reason, I refuse to dwell in the past, and look forward to the future with genuine Christian hope out of respect for the words of Our Lord who told us the Gates of Hell would not prevail against the Church.  Hold these clerics up with your prayers and sacrifice.

At the very bottom of this post is a video that carries an audio homily.You will hear a priest who has been passionately awakened  - a member of the great sleeping giant that is the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Burke speaking in metro-Detroit this Saturday

It's not too late!  Tomorrow, Saturday, March 10, Holy Trinity Apostolate is having it's annual Lenten Symposium and Cardinal Burke will be speaking on The Christian Vocation: The Call to Martyrdom.  I understand you can still get in at the doors.  Go to HTA's website for more info.  Registration is from 7-8 am and Mass follows to kick it off.

Interesting Reads from the Catholic Net

NEW VATICAN DOC RELEASED: Catholic Scripture scholar, Michael Barber, discusses the newly released, International Theological Commission's document: Theology Today, Perspectives, Principles and Criteria.  Barber focuses on some key points at his blog, the Sacred Page.

At Catholic World Report's site (yes, they are now online), Carl E. Olson talks about how the bishops are taking on "cave-in" Catholics in, The bishops are taking it to the "in house"

Are the bishops diluting the their authority over major, non-negotiables by putting out statements on matters where there is room for good Catholics to disagree? Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture comments on the "noise-to-signal" ratio at the USCCB.

After getting publicly called out by Bishop Lori and Cardinal Dolan, America Magazine is now featuring an article by Mary Ann Glendon on the First of Freedoms.

Catholic News Agency has the latest on the hack-attack against the Vatican's website which had it down for several hours the other day, but prevented a complete takeover.

Crisis Magazine, recently taken over by the Sophia Institute, is featuring an article by the every-respectable Fr. George Rutler called, The Dark Gulf Before Us.

What does the Church mean when she says, "sing the chant"?  Jeffrey Tucker answers at the Chant Cafe

The ever-insightful Msgr. Charles Pope reflects on the Remarkable and Lesser Known Insights of C.S. Lewis on the Loss of Faith in the West

In the Catholic Herald - the UK's leading source for Catholic news - William Oddie talks about a bishop who discussed the reality of Hell!  Contrary to what you may have been told, Vatican II did not do away with Hell and you can go there even if you aren't out there committing murder!

Jeff Miller, the Curt Jester - a voracious reader - extracts something interesting from the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church that is applicable to the HHS mandate matter: The right to conscientious objection.

Dom Mark at Vultus Christi shares the words of a Benedictine bishop who discusses silence in church.

At the National Catholic Register, Mark Shea helps a reader who is struggling with some things in St. Louis de Montfort's, True Devotion to Mary.

Over at Why I am Catholic, Frank Weathers looks at how women feel about the HHS mandate. He has some interesting videos.  Go see how women are challenging the HHS mandate!!!

Deacon Greg Kandra has a short, 2-minute clip of an excellent video produced by Americans United for Life.  This is a must-see.

Recently, at First ThingsElizabeth Scalia wrote an excellent piece entitled, A Mass Less Ordinary.  She has a tendency to go to the early-bird Mass.  Why? Read it and you might find yourself relating.

Over at Catholic Vote, Stephen White writes that the White House and Bishops agree that there is not much they agree on when it comes to the HHS mandate.  In the meanwhile, Tom Peters examines some media shenanigans on the mandate.

Shawn Carney at LifeNews reports that 40 Days for Life has helped 61 abortion mill employees quit.

At the New Theological Movement, Fr. Ryan Erlenbush talks about St. Thomas Aquinas - always a great topic!

There is some hearty discussion going on at Father Z's blog about the Holy Father's praise for Bishop Aquila's re-ordering of the sacraments in his diocese.  Go read what this is all about and follow the discussion in his combox in his post: American bishop receives kudos from the Pope for reordering sacraments.  Father Z also has two audio versions of Stations of the Cross.

Seminarian, Philip Gerard Johnson, encourages frequent sacramental confession, even weekly.

I leave you with this video clip, of an audio-recorded homily of Fr. Sammie L. Maletta, Jr., boldly talking about religious liberty from the pulpit.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Video: Urban Poet Priest on Religious Liberty

The Blaze features a story about "Fr. Pontifex":  Priest's new spoken word vid targets Obama''s contraceptive  mandate: 'A threat to our country's foundation'.

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Cardinal Dolan and Bishop Lori take on the 'pseudo-magisterium'

Before I lead you to some excellent responses by Bishop Lori who heads the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty, and USCCB President, Cardinal Dolan, I want to explain the 'pseudo-magisterium'.

Loyal Catholics have waited decades to see their bishops defend Holy Mother Church from attacks from within by a 'pseudo-magisterium' of dissenting voices that have competed with them for authority. The authority of the bishops is apostolic and can be traced back to the first apostles. The Holy Spirit is with them when in union with the Holy Father, and in harmony with the teaching Magisterium.  I'm not quite sure what spirit guides the 'pseudo-magisterium', but it can't be the Holy Spirit, because these people set out to oppose the real Magisterium, competing for souls in the pews by popular opinion and telling them they can have things that contradict the 10 Commandments.

The pseudo-Magisterium is made up of publicly dissenting priests, religious (often referred to as the 'magisterium-of-nuns'), and lay people. They are peppered in the ranks of educational institutions, government, media, the workplace, and even the diocese, parish and various Church organizations.

The spirit guiding the 'pseudo-magisterium' has strategically positioned voices in those places. This placement makes it easy to sway the unsuspecting flock, presenting to it 'forbidden fruits' that look healthful and appetizing in often subtle ways. They speak, often rightfully about many social justice issues; but will turn a blind eye to any problem involving the 6th and 9th Commandments, from contraception to abortion. Sometimes, they outright promote or advocate these things, such as what we see with Kathleen Sebelius and Nancy Pelosi.  It is not uncommon to find testimonies online by those who have gone through a parish RCIA program only to get fed information that is contrary to what is in black-and-white in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The same spirit that guides the pseudo-magisterium has led otherwise good priests and bishops to be silent from the pulpit and in other forums on topics that directly or indirectly involve the 6th and 9th Commandments. Prior to the current threat against religious liberty, very few people had ever heard Catholic clerics speak on these topics. This led to a de-emphasis on Sacramental Confession and dwindling lines, so much so, that in some quarters it was reduced to, "by appointment".

As difficult as it is to see our religious liberty so casually assaulted, and even backed by a flock which had been tactfully prepped for this day by the pseudo-magisterium, there is a benefit. As Scripture tells us, "Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more" (Romans 5:20). Our bishops have been galvanized in a way that I have never witnessed and they are coming out strong. Priests are beginning to teach about those previously, 'undiscussible' things related to the 6th and 9th Commandments from the pulpit, and they do so with far less fear of getting shipped off by the bishop or priest-assignment-board to some far corner of the diocese, or a chaplaincy for doing so. They stand boldly at their pulpit, calmly teaching the truth, standing silently as some get up shout out in anger, waiting for them to leave. They rightly preach to the humble willing to listen, than to the prideful who act like those in the town who did not want Jesus to enter.

Some weeks ago, Fr. Perrone told parishioners from the pulpit that now is not the time to dwell in what was or wasn't done these past decades.  When the Church is being attacked from the outside, so viciously, and the bishops are standing up to the attacks, it's time to set that aside and get behind the bishops, supporting them with prayer and with actions that they ask of us.  I myself am so glad to see them standing up - finally - to the pseudo-magisterium, that I am focused on today, and the future.  I don't see less teaching about the fullness of the faith going forward; I see more - much more.  This makes me hopeful for the future which is where we need to be looking. 

With that, I leave you with two things to read.

Bp Lori and Card. Dolan take on the 'pseudo-magisterium'

Bishop Lori responded to an editorial that appeared in the Jesuit-run, America Magazine, which spoke critically of the bishops over the HHS mandate, siding with Obama. He responded in that very magazine with some very harsh words.

Cardinal Dolan chased that with an update to his brother bishops, also drawing attention to Bishop Lori's editorial. This is the boldest I've heard Dolan speak, yet. I don't know if you get from it what I did, but it sounds to me like the USCCB may be about the sue the federal government.

What really puts a burr under my saddle is how the Obama administration, and it's puppet media is trying to project blame on the bishops for choosing this point in time to speak, as we head in to the election. That's a lot of gumption, as my dad used to say. Cardinal Dolan rightly points out, that we didn't choose this particular fight, and we certainly didn't choose the timing. The bishops are merely responding to a vicious attack on the religious liberty, and a chunk of the ecumenical community is standing with the Church because they know that they may be next on some other issue.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Meet a member of the new generation of priests, and he has a say...

Here's the Catholic spring!

Fast forward 10 years, and this crop of new priests will come the next generation of bishops.  WYSIWYG!

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Saturday, March 3, 2012


Today, just shy of a full, seven calendar years, by the grace of Almighty God, I made my final promise in the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites. Below is that promise:

I, Diane Marie of the Eucharist, inspired by the Holy Spirit, in response to God’s call, sincerely promise to the Superiors of the Order of the Teresian Carmel and to you my brothers and sisters, to tend toward evangelical perfection in the spirit of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, obedience, and of the Beatitudes, according to the Constitutions of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites, for the rest of my life. I confidently entrust this, my Promise, to the Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel.

From time to time I get people making inquiries from different parts of North America, and abroad, about the secular Carmelites.

First, there are many secular orders, as well as lay associations.  Each one of these has it's own charism and role in the Church.  My suggestion is to explore various orders and lay associations to understand where you gravitate - often a sign the Holy Spirit leads you in that direction.  If you are very much into service, then you be sure to explore the secular Franciscans.  Even if you are a great Marian devotee, it does not necessarily mean you are called to Carmel.  It could be the Legion of Mary to which you are called or any number of other Marian-based options.  Marian devotion in any community is a healthy sign, and it is not exclusive to Carmel.  If I didn't see some basic devotion to Mary, and to the Eucharist, I would not explore other options.  If you explore a community and encounter new age practices, radical feminism, or dissident attitudes, look elsewhere.  If you visit a website and can't find links to the Holy See or the local diocese, that may also be a problem.  I was devoted to the Blessed Mother, but was very attracted to the Carmelite works of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, as well.  So, it was a perfect fit for me.  You have to explore.   Here is a list at the Vatican's website. Obviously, most people need something in their community.  Your diocese may or may not be able to help.

All of these will require some lifestyle changes.  There are requirements and in your state of life, you should be able to meet all of those requirements, most of the time.  This takes adjustments and formation programs consider that by giving you time to incorporate them.  In time, if you are called to a particular way of life, God will give you the graces to work through the challenges and get comfortable with it.  If God calls you to something, those requirements become as natural as the hair on your head after several years of practice in formation.

Fr. Aloyisius Deeney, OCD, the OCDS Delegate in Rome, has a blog with addresses he has made in recent years with some information that should be useful in discernment.  The blog has not been updated in recent years, but the information is timeless.  These addresses have been included in a recent book worth getting if you are seriously considering life as a secular Carmelite. Welcome to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites is in book form, and now, in Kindle.

Now, if you are looking to see if there is a community in your area, here are two links I can give you for North America, and one link that may help people in other countries.

Update:  I was just alerted to an article at OSV by Elizabeth Scalia on the subject of lay vocations.  Check it out: The Continuum of Oneness.  Scalia is a Benedictine Oblate.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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Fatima Conspiracy Theories?

First Saturday Devotions were once well known, but not so today.  I got introduced to them at Assumption Grotto, where the secular Carmelite community I joined met on the First Saturday of each month.  Incidentally, I made my final promise today and am now a Carmelite for life!  While I have a great devotion to spiritual mother and father of the Carmelite order, St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, I also have a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  I did the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary on August 15th, 2005 after doing the 33-day prep by St. Louis de Montfort.

On this First Saturday, I would like to share with you an email I got from Andrew Rabel, Australian correspondent for Inside the Vatican magazine.  Andrew, who visited Assumption Grotto in 2009, is a great Fatima devotee.  With his permission, I share his email, with some additional thoughts of my own, below.

Debunking Fatima Conspiracy Theories
Dear friends,

English Catholic journalist and commentator, Joanna Bogle, has written a very good review of Fr Andrew Apostoli CFR's book, Fatima for Today.

Fr Apostoli, belongs to the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, and is a regular on EWTN, as is Joanna.

The book has the endorsement of Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, so I think we can safely say this represents the view of the Holy See, on these matters.

The true message of Fatima has been distorted by groups and individuals who want to link it with various conspiracy theories, whereas as Ven Pius XII said, "Fatima is a reaffirmation of the Gospels" which are the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ, not the bad news! The latter was said to me by my mentor Fr Robert Fox, the Fatima priest. God rest his soul.

Our Lady's message at Fatima is about prayer, penance, reparation and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which sadly do not get much of a guernsey in church circles, these days. (I am looking forward to 2017 for this, which I believe will be a whole year dedicated to Fatima, its centenary!) Tomorrow is the First Saturday of the month, and integral here is the devotion to the Five First Saturdays. The Alliance of the Two Hearts always have a vigil in our parish church for this occasion.

Joanna has really distilled the essence of what the problem is here, and I am very grateful to her.

in the hearts of Jesus & Mary,

Some years ago, when Antonio Socci's, 'The Fourth Secret of Fatima' was released, I picked up a copy and began to read it.  I set it aside without finishing it.  People will often play a little, "fill in the blank" in the absence of some piece of information and it is filled in with a suggested line of thought (which often come across as fact).  Just because several pieces of information lead in a particular direction, doesn't make it so.

I emailed a mariologist I know overseas, back then, and asked him if he was familiar with Socci's work.  He referred me to a professor in Italy who encouraged me to read Antonio Borelli's, "Some Friendly Reflections for the Clarification of a Debate".   It was exactly what I was looking for - a thorough "fisking" of some key points in Socci's work.  I highly recommend this, in addition to what Andrew Rabel has offered, especially if you have bought Socci's book, or are thinking about it.

A major promoter of the Fatima conspiracy theories, whose website I will not link to, nor permit links to in my combox, had a response to Antonio Borelli's piece, but he didn't bother to share the entire document with his readers, nor direct them to it.  Rather, he quoted select statements, then addressed them.  This leaves the discerning reader at a disadvantage.  Well, I read Borelli's document and his response to it, and I'm sticking with Borelli.  I am sticking with it because he offers alternative possibilities to those "blanks" that were filled in by Socci.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church encourages us to interpret the words of others in the most favorable light (CCC 2478).

I know that if I do what Our Lady asked at Fatima and hold steadfastly to the basics: Prayer, fasting, penance, consecration, and do First Saturdays, it is 100% fault-free and 100% beneficial to the Church while bringing me graces at the same time.  However, if I do all of those things, but then spend hours and hours on things that seem to require me to think the worst of certain prelates, I put my immortal soul at risk.  I cannot claim that 100% is fault-free (especially if I must accept theories that exclude considerations that offer alternate explanations, or if it is dependent on rash judgments (even those of other people).   I am reminded of what Fr. Hardon wrote about imprudence in his

IMPRUDENCE  Sins against prudence that are either by defect or by excess. Sins by defect against prudence are: rashness, which acts before due consideration has been given; thoughtlessness, which neglects to take the necessary circumstances into account; and negligence, which does not give the mind sufficient time for mature deliberation.
Here again is the link to the review of Fr. Apostoli's book (below) at Catholic World Report by Joanna Bogle.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!
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